Tuesday, May 31, 2011

SMS Text Marketing ? As Seen On Cell Phone

SMS Text Marketing

SMS text marketing is one of the most potentially powerful emergent marketing practices available today. Before getting into this arena however, you should make sure that your mobile marketing plan is perfectly polished and integrated with your other advertising and promotional strategies. Below is a short guide to help you compose a creative and efficient campaign.

The world is becoming more fast-paced, and consumers don?t want to waste their time reading long brochures for the sake of knowing the greatness of a company, a product, or a service. In order to get their attention, your text marketing campaign should know how to entertain, inform, or educate target consumers in a fun, engaging manner. To address this, find a way to describe your products and service in a very short message that can spark the audience?s curiosity.

You should begin, of course, by creating a comprehensive profile of the brand, and the product or service being offered. Write a creative description of each product or service, its pricing, and its target market. In describing your target mobile consumers you should be as detailed as possible. Imagine your ideal consumers and identify their age, sex, income level, and other important information about them. By doing this comprehensive profile, you will have a general overview on how to structure your SMS text marketing and how to integrate it with other techniques like radio and print advertising, billboard ads and flyers, web ads and blogs, among many others.

Since you?re a stranger in SMS text marketing, you should have an overview on the current state of mobile marketing industry today. Spend time reading books, journals, and online resources on how big and small businesses practice marketing through mobile technologies. You should of course focus particularly on companies belonging to the same industry where your business is working on. Examine at least three companies and check out the details of their mobile marketing campaigns. Inquire on how they launched their campaigns, what specific promotional tools they used to shore up such campaigns, and what particular concepts and innovations they utilized in order to pull of a successful marketing program.

By being aware on how other businesses are taking advantage of mobile marketing opportunities, you can definitely come up with your own way on how to target your customers. You will be able to define the branding of your business and determine the key characteristics that you will use to promote your products and services.

Once you?re fully knowledgeable about the strengths of your brand, you can then begin crafting a system to carry out the SMS text marketing campaign. Start by determining the total marketing budget and allocating the amounts into different channels. There should be specific procedures on the types of paid advertising to be done to promote the mobile number or short code of the company and the kinds of events and publicity tactics to boost awareness of the short code. Mobile phone features are becoming more and more sophisticated these days, and business owners like you should come up with a brilliant way to take advantage of these interesting features and link them with the strategies involved in the SMS campaign.

Are you looking for more information regarding SMS text marketing? Visitwww.ad4text.com today!

Source: http://www.asseenoncellphone.com/?p=109

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