Sunday, May 22, 2011

If You Purchase a Kindle Will You Like It - My Very Non Geeky Kindle Review

When I was ready to purchase a Kindle, I tried to find useful reviews but they all tended to be too technical and didn't really help me, so here is my totally non tech Kindle review after having used my Kindle for a while.

These are what I think are the good points:

1. Is a Kindle nice to hold? The Kindle is lightweight and balances easily in the hand. You can choose to read with it upright or horizontal. I tried both ways and like it upright.

2. Is it hard on your eyes? It has a special screen which means it is not like looking at a computer screen and so is not tiring on my eyes. There is no glare even in full sun.

3. Turning pages: Pages are really easy to turn and it is just as quick as turning a real book's pages.

4. Reading in bed! Perfect while reading in bed, the Kindle can be balanced on your duvet and you don't have to use two hands to hold the pages open, this is a terrific plus for me, I can really snuggle in.

5. Getting Kindle Books If I don't have a book to read, I feel edgy. Now I don't have that feeling because there are hundreds of books always available to me NOW.

6. Cost of Kindle Books Kindle books are inexpensive, certainly a lot less than a normal book and are downloaded in minutes. Kindle is ready connected to Amazon and your chosen payment method (only when you switch on the wireless or tell it to connect that is) so you don't have to have credit cards etc. to hand in order to purchase a book, just click and connect. Make sure you put on a password just in case.

7. Free Books on Kindle? Yes there are hundreds, whether you will want to read them is another matter. Many are termed Classics and they don't interest me, maybe you will like some of them.

8. Do I have to pay for Broadband? No, it doesn't cost you anything for the wireless broadband, just find a wireless hotspot and switch on.

9. Can I see a book before I buy it? Instead of flipping through a book at a bookshop when trying to decide if you might like it, you can download the first chapter of any Kindle book, this is totally free and I use it a lot. It saves on mistakes.

10. Carrying it about: I never go anywhere without a book and usually have two or three in my bag, they weigh a ton so having a Kindle saves me all that, especially when travelling. I would highly recommend a carrying case for it though, it is quite tough but why take chances?

11. Battery life? The battery life is amazing, it gives about 3 weeks reading if you turn the wireless connection off, which I recommend that you do. Mine is always turned off except for actually choosing or buying a book, it doesn't have to be connected for you to read your books. Battery lasts about 10 days if you leave wireless switched on but why would you do that?

12. Is recharging the battery easy? Yes very easy. My 3G Wi Fi version just plugs into an electric point, no computer needed. Not sure about the cheaper one, might have to charge it via your computer.

13. What is Text to Voice? You can turn on the Text to Voice option and someone will read the book to you. I like the man's voice, the woman sounds a bit stilted. Useful when you are doing something else at the same time, cooking for instance.

14. Keep your books organized: This is much easier than keeping your bookshelves organized for sure. You add whatever file categories you want and move books about with a few clicks.

What I like to do is keep new books on the main menu until I have read them, then move them into a category.

I have: Travel, Historical, Thrillers, Favourites, Biography at the moment, you can have as many as you like.

15. Finding your place: This is easy, as Kindle remembers where you were when you stopped reading, even if you read several books at once as I do. Just switch on and select your book then you will be on the correct page to continue.

16. What does the text look like? What do you want it to look like! It is so easy to change the text size and look, I dislike wearing glasses when reading in bed so I just increase the size of text until I can see it well. You can also change word spacing, line spacing and the font if you don't like the default one.

17. What happens to my books if Kindle goes wrong? Amazon keeps a copy of every book you buy, so if anything did happen to your Kindle, you can just download them once more, no cost involved.

18. Can I send emails etc.with it? Not really, you can send documents and PDFs to your Kindle email but I haven't used it for that myself.

These are the things I do not much like about my Kindle:

1. It is rather too easy to turn pages over This is good but I keep accidentally doing it. I have to be careful not to press the button, soon got used to it though and it is not a problem now.

2. Using a password This is a good idea, but unlike other passwords, as I type it in, anyone standing by me could see what it is, I wonder if Kindle realize this? Perhaps I should tell them.

3. I buy too many books now!

Being rather aware that the bad points are a bit brief, I did a spot of customer research while walking along a beach in Cyprus today. A lady was reading her Kindle whilst taking in the sunshine so I asked her what she didn't like about the Kindle. After a bit of thought, she said: 'I can't think of anything I don't like about it - I just love it' Oh well I did try.

Basically I adore my Kindle and I can't think of anything else against it. If you travel a lot then I suggest you get the version 3G with Wi Fi as you can download a book where ever you are, assuming there is wireless in range.

If you don't travel a lot, then you could buy the cheaper non wireless Kindle as it needs to charge the battery or download books while connected to your computer.

It took me a while to stop missing the feel of a book in my hands but I was soon beguiled by the Kindle and now prefer it. See below for where to find out more and read more reviews, you'll love having one!


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