Thursday, July 19, 2012

Internet Marketing Product | Flame Blog

The elevation group has been hitting the newbies hard with their wealth system. The elevation group scam was not aware that many would fight this new plaque that has hit the internet to scam newbies out of their money by promising yet another wealth system.

One of the most basic principles in spending your money is to perform due diligence. Due diligence is the foundation for investments such as buying a house, a car or even an internet marketing product.?

Investing your money wisely with an expectation of a return is a requirement to succeed.

Therefore, if you see an opportunity, whether it is a house, a stock, or an internet marketing product that claims to make you money, you must do your proper due diligence.

Due diligence will include a full investigation of all aspects associated with the product, and then using your own intuition combined with the facts of finding, you will be making an informed choice on whether to proceed with your investment.

The Elevation, Inc was formed in September 2009, and incorporated in Nevada by Michael N Dillard in November 2010, Michael N Dillard filed an article of corporation with the State of Texas as a Foreign corporation. The name of the corporation in Texas is The Elevation Group, Inc with the assumed name of The Elevation, Inc. The registered agent of the corporation is Michael N Dillard, and the sole director listed is Michael N Dillard.

Additional contact for The Elevation Group is listed as a PO Box owned by Vested Wisely, LLC which is a corporation owned by Kip Herriage. CEO and co-founder of Wealth Masters International, LTD. Wealth Masters International was founded in 2005 by Kip Herriage and Karl Bessey.

Kipp Herriage is founder and Editor of a newsletter, Vertical Research Advisory, LLC, a newsletter started in 2006 and appears to now be defunct as last publication is listed in March 2009. Kip Herriage is also author of a book "Crash Proof, Becoming Wealthy in the Age of Risk". Herriage received a BBA , Business, Marketing, Finance from Sam Houston State University, 1981 c 1985.

Herriage claims to have worked for TWO of the largest U.S. investment firms for over 15 years As Vice President, Financial Planner, and Money Manager, In two separate interviews Herriage has claimed to work for ONE of the largest U.S investment firms for over 15 years, while in his blog he states "For over 15 years I was a Financial Advisor and Vice President of Investments for two of the most respected firms on Wall Street. He never actually reveals what 1 or 2 firms he worked for.

His 15 years place him from 1984 to 1999 when he said he left the corporate world. Meaning he worked for Wall Street while he was still in College in Texas (long commute, I know)

Karl Bessey, President of Wealth Masters International is from Utah and a former coal miner for 22 years. Wealth Masters International sells 'wealth creation' products intended to help people invest in stocks, commodities and securities. Membership in the company ranges from 5 up to ,995. The premise behind Wealth Masters International is a MLM scheme in which customers can derive up to 00 commission for signing on a downline customer for the ,995 package.

The actual product of WMI appears to be MLM based where the wealth creation is actually from signing on new customers and not actually promoting any physical products other than a couple DVDs, newsletter and conference calls (webinars) with financial experts.

According to The Wealth Masters International website, WMI claims to be one of the worldcs fastest growing financial education and consulting firms, with 35,000 members and operations in over 140 countries. Kip is also the Publisher of Vertical Research Advisory Investment Newsletter (VRA), a top-ranked financial publication (this fact is unverified). His uncanny predictions, including the remarkable recent rise of gold and the failure of the U.S. economy have earned Herriage the nickname "The Nostradamus of Finance." (apparently only by Wealth Master International as sources in the Financial sector never heard of him).

Wealth Masters International was also the primary product and source behind another company formed with the help of Mike Dillard, Carbon Copy Pro. Jay Kubassek and Aaron Parkinson formed Carbon Copy Pro in 2004. According to the Wealth Masters International review, Carbon Copy Pro was created by founders Jay Kubassek and Aaron Parkinson with the help of Mike Dillard as a solution for struggling network marketers who needed an automated and high converting system to build a profitable business online.

Carbon Copy pro business premise was to build thousands of websites with the primary business of selling memberships as in a direct selling or MLM business model. Mike Dillard Quotes on his website: The Carbon Copy Pro master plan is hinged on the distribution of as many sites as feasible to sell the products of WealthMasters world so that instead of only 1 site promoting a single product, there will be thousands of sites promoting the product.

It has recently been announced by Wealth Masters International, that they are totally and completely severing all ties with Carbon Copy Pro, as of Friday 12/10/2010. (just prior to the launching of The Elevation Group).

These two organizations have been together for years, with WMI being the main product offering by Carbon Copy Pro for the people there making all the big bucks. WMI made the announcement to sever ties with Carbon Copy Pro several days ago, The Carbon Copy Pro has not made any mention of this on their site.

It appears from this research that Mike Dillard is merely repackaging rehashed information that he has sold for the last several years. Carbon Copy Pro sells a product called Black Box, the same product Mike Dillard claims will teach you to make money. Ironically, both products have the same 'sales pitch' information.

Wealth Masters International was the backend and primary product to Carbon Copy Pro for years and is now associated and partnered with Mike Dillard on The Elevation Group. The rehashed premise behind WMI is that they will show you how to make money in the recessive economy, and protect you from eminent failure of world economies.

It should also be noted that Neither Mike Dillard, Kip Herriage or their respective companies are listed with The Secretary of State in Texas under Title 7, which requires any person giving financial advice for compensation to register with the State.

Although both company sites claim they do not provide investment advice or financial planning, they use terms such as investment, financial success, and their newsletter offers to show you how to invest, yet they claim to be financial educators.

The bottom line is simply, Mike Dillard's The Elevation Group is a rehash of Mike Dillard's Carbon Copy Pro promoting selling memberships to Wealth Masters International and rehashing the WMI financial theories on the economic markets.

It is my opinion they are avoiding openness to avoid scrutiny of what is really behind their product and premise. Mike Dillard is not showing you how to make money or secure your financial future, he is selling you a rehashed and reworked plan from Wealth Masters International that is old hat advice from the early 2000's

Frequently Asked Questions

    Where Can I Find A Decent Internet Marketing Product?
    I am looking for a product about Affiliate Marketing, where can I find that?
    • ANSWER:
      Making money from home can be hard, you have to be motivated to do everything yourself. You have to setup a system. I found a Company that has a system and everything in place for you to market yourself and make a full time income. Working
      Part time, from home. They have a great movie that explains how to make money.
      Go to
    Where can i find internet marketing affiliates?
    Im going to be releasing an internet marketing product that teaches real estate investing.
    Im trying to find more affiliates, and websites for joint ventures.
    Anyone know a good place to find these?
    • ANSWER:
      Join the warrior forum at and post a joint venture request.
    What Internet Marketing Products Have You Bought Recently?
    Were any of them helpful?
    Were any unique?
    What is your opinion of Internet Marketing Products?
    • ANSWER:
      I have bought a number of IM products. I've found most of them to be useless. I don't have a high opinion of most IM products, however there are a few that I've found to be useful. I've written an article about my IM product experience.
    How does Internet marketing affect product pricing? does it coarse product overpricing?
    • ANSWER:
      If done properly.... then no it shouldn't have any effect what so ever.
      When you price a product it is based on the Cost of Goods Sold and the Gross Profits that you wish to get for that product.
      You will price your products based upon what you think that the market will bear. It is always easier to lower your price then to raise it later so start higher.
      A good jeweler will always show you the 2 carrot diamond first and then go down from there with great success.
      Internet marketing falls under advertising expenses which effect your bottom line but other expenses such as overhead, advertising, etc. have to also be included in your overall pricing strategies.
      Best of Luck
    I want to post a job opening I have for people interested in marketing our product on the Internet?
    I know yahoo does not allow posting of url's for commercial listings. Can anyone recomend some free "job seeker" web sites to post on? Our company is seeking individuals who have their own computer and basic computer skills to use our free website to get started immediatly with our product. No start up fees.
    • ANSWER:
      You can place in community for free. I found many talented people there.
    Has anyone used Jeff Walkers Internet Product Launch marketing system with good results?
    Just wanted to know!
    • ANSWER:
      i've learned the hard way to not use things like that.
    Where can I find the Best Internet Marketing Products?
    • ANSWER:
      i wouldnt know my friend but ive got some idea now lol tc
    What is the best internet medium for marketing a health care product on line?
    I work for a company that markets a popular, health related, nutritional suppliment. I would like to find a site where I can safely list a brief add, web link, e-mail address and phone number where people will find it and can respond. Recommendations, please?
    Thanks in advance!
    • ANSWER:
      You can use ppc, blogs, forums and SB for your strategies but be careful that your services or sites don?t get in spam otherwise you have to pay a penalty. This thing gives fast results, you can check out the difference within a week. But running an effective ppc campaign is very essential to make your services on sale.
    Where can I find good internet marketing products?
    I'm really interest in internet marketing, how to bring to the world the product that i sell ?
    Product : House decorations wallpaper / border / carpet.
    • ANSWER:
      You can advertise and sell through internet auction.
      You can advertise in free classifieds.
      Free Classifieds
      northbay classified
      oakvilleclassfied has shut down
    Is any Internet marketing is avaliable to sale my product?
    • ANSWER:
      If you asking - can anyone sell my product? then can you tell us what your product is or at least what market sector/niche your product is in. i am sure you then get a multitude of interested people. for now your question is too vague.
    I want to start doing Internet Marketing but where do I start?
    I've got the idea alright of how you need a niche market, a product within that market and traffic to get to your website to sell that product. I know about eBooks, affiliate marketing and the like. I even have a plan that I want to earn from the Internet full time in two years. It's just that I just seem to have difficulty "putting pen to paper" Should I pay for mentoring because I seem too overwhelmed by it all?
    • ANSWER:
      Mentoring is a good way to help you because it demands accountability on your part, however it can be costly.
      You already have a two year plan, but it has to be specific, like how much will you be earning in two years. The most important question is Why do you want to earn that much, what is the reason. The more compelling the reason, the more likely it is that you are going to make it happen because from a "Want" it becomes a "Must".
      Once it becomes a must, you have to focus your mind on achieving it.
      Mark Twain said:
      ?The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
      The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.?
      A Chinese saying; A journey of a thousand miles, starts with the first step.
      You already have a two year plan, that is very good, many people want to get rich but don't have plan or target. You are already several steps ahead.
      Break down the 2 year plan into quarterly plans or milestones, the first quarter into monthly milestones, turn the first month into weekly actions, and then the coming week into daily actions.
      Every day just do whatever your daily action plan is don't worry about tomorrow, just get today's action plan done. Make this a routine task. Somedays (not to many please) you might not do it, don't worry just do it the next day (take two days off every week, rest your mind do something else)
      Review every month (if possible weekly), and compare your plan to your results. This will keep you on track. Once this becomes a routine you will be well on your way.
      To get a free mentoring program on how to build a successful online business, please check out
      You will receive ebooks, videos and periodic emails that helps you step by step. By following the training, you will see progress and once you see progress you will be more motivated to stick with it and do more. Without realizing it you will be well on your way to make it happen.
      Hope this helps
    Is email marketing dead for internet marketing?
    I just wanted to know if email marketing is dead or not? Like is still the best way to market products and services? Especially within the Internet marketing niche?
    • ANSWER:
      Google "email marketing" and see how many results you get. Email Marketing is definitely not dead, actually, it is still said to be one of the marketing tools with the highest ROI. Though it seems that Social Media is taking all people's attention over, you still cannot deny that email marketing is still more powerful for business!
      Social networks are like the old square where people used to get together and listen to a lecture. It's good for making you a "celebrity" over one night if you know how to speak there. However, how many salesman have you seen that succeeded in selling things in the square? Not so many... Email Marketing is more targeted and cost-effective, and as long as emails don't die out, email marketing will still be alive.
    i have sell herbal product through internet i have no ideal for marketing iam an accountant?
    iam working as a accountant, i have joined part time job for herbal care product. i have to sell the prodcut through online with in India and foreigh also. what is the procedure please help me i have to improve my financial position.
    • ANSWER:
      Make a short video, say 30-1:00 explaing the qualities of herbal products and put it on youtube and other video sites.
    is the internet in the product market or in the resource market?
    I was wondering in an economic situation how is the internet in the product market as well as the resource market?
    • ANSWER:
      According to the Circular Flow Model I would say its part of the product market. Because the internet takes entrepreneurial ability to turn it into a product for consumers.
    who is possible buyer for an affiliate marketing product?
    I'm doing affiliate marketing and i want to know who will be a possible buyer for an Internet Marketing ebook. what will his or her education and employment status?
    • ANSWER:
      Including tough economic era in the lead us it seems be fond of a fantastic time to look into a section-time online affair. Many people dread responsibility affair over the internet, but those fears can be overcome as people learn how simple starting your own affair really is. Building your own website has by no means been simpler and web hosting runs for less than at many venues. Companies such as Yahoo and FatCow place forward deals that slash even the meager a month web hosting fees. As you hold yearly subscriptions your web hosting cost can occur down to as low as or a month. Compare that cost to opening up a brick and mortar store including tremendous overhead. Including your low-cost website you can mount a passionate attack to boost your chances of earning an superfluous paycheck.
    Need some ideas for Local internet Marketing ?
    Hi everybody, i am Alex and i want some ideas for local internet marketing of my products .
    • ANSWER:
      Get socialize, interact with people and make friends, last will be to offer them your service.
    Is Internet Marketing legal in india? And can i put ad in the local newspaper to promote my product?
    • ANSWER:
      You might want to visit this blog. It contain some valuable information regarding your problem that you might be able to take away from
    How to use facebook for internet marketing?
    What is the best way to use facebook and fan pages for internet marketing without spamming your friends and appearing as if the only reason you are there is to market your products?
    • ANSWER:
      I think the best way is to interact with your friends/fans and get involved with their conversations. Add more content than just about your products. Comment on their pictures and posts and develop a 'relationship' (more geared towards your fans).
      Another option you can take is to take a social media training course where you'll not only learn about Facebook but you'll also learn about other social media sites. Here's the link to the social media course and here's the link to the syllabus so you have a better idea what the course is about
      Good luck!
    Who Wants The Link To The Best Internet Marketing Pre Launch Ever?
    Would sharing the link to
    the single largest affiliate marketing product launch in history,
    with the top earners winning a private island getaway and earning
    bonuses like 2010 BMW's and even space cruses!
    interest you?
    Leave Comment If Interested!
    • ANSWER:
      Space Cruises...
      Sure, why not. But I checked out the products page and it still says coming soon! ;)
    How can the average guy use the Internet to market his product effectively?
    I am in process of studying for my Insurance license in Fl. and want to be sucessful at prospecting and selling.
    • ANSWER:
      in this day i think its important that you at least have a website
      people will expect to see this on your business card
      this will be your online 'brochure' and give you a professional email address ie name@yourdomain - you'll have no credibility if you're using a free email address
      if you're only taking on 'local' clients for FI, then a Google adwords campaign would work quite well - just make sure you target your campaign and set a daily budget!
      you could also collect some revenue from your site with adsense and affiliate products that are related to your area - but not in competition.
      i would also put a 'lead capture' box on the page to collect names/email adresses - and follow up with a brief autoresponder series offering advise on FI - people will get to 'know' you this way - you'll need a professional autoresponder company to do this (like aweber) - don't try to do it from your own email account
      that should be enough to get you started!
      this was meant to be a short answer - i've got a bit carried away!
    how can you get your money back form marketing agency advertising on internet that they can provide you with?
    when you trust internet marketing agency promising you that they will market your product over the internet and once you pay them money they insist that the only thing they ere going to do for you is to register your domain for ,500! what will you do ? who can help and who in the right mind would pay ,500 for domain registration !under false promise 'we will provide you with the full marketing compain,but you must pay before we start our compain"How can you stop marketing agency such as the one just described from any futher advertising on Yahoo.Can you ever recover your money and how do you go about doing it?
    • ANSWER:
      make sure you printed out the web page showing you paid and sue heck outof them
    How can I market a product using internet.?
    To be precise i have to market sport shoes, how can i use youtube, igoogle, digg or any other things to market my product.
    • ANSWER:
      Ebay and Amazon are good ideas. You should also try maybe writing a blog about sports wear. You can have links leading back to your site and even speak in detail about the shoes you are trying to market. Then submit those articles of the blog to Social Bookmarking sites and/or Article Directories.
    How does selling internet marketing information products work?
    I have internet marketing information products which allows me full resale license. I have a few question in regards to how exactly does this work? Why would someone allow me to resell their product and not get a commission and i keep all the profit. I understand that this how affiliate marketing works where you get a commission. If a lot of people buy the same product wouldn't that dilute the product everywhere on the internet. Why would someone buy from my website if they can get that somewhere else? I wanted to create websites to sell these products now I'm not too sure after talking to my sister she doesn't think it is a good idea as she says why don't you create your own product? Why do people let you a resale license and master resale license rights to their product, how does it benefit them?
    • ANSWER:
      The simple answer is they made money off you when you bought. They don't care if you resell it. 99% of people have more dreams than follow-through. Most people will talk about building a website and selling a product but very few will ever get around to doing it.
      Some people are good at creating and others are good at marketing. Play to your strengths.
    What is the first step in marketing a product for sale in mail order and Internet sales.?
    • ANSWER:
      The first step is to find a group of persons that buy a category of products
      I like to look for magazines that focus on a particular niche. For example, you can find magazines focusing on golf, RV's, horror movies, bodybuilding, model trains, etc.
      Magazines are expensive to publish. If you can find a magazine that caters to a particular group, you know there are advertisers willing to place ads in those magazines because the readers of the magazine are buyers of products related to that niche (i.e. model train lovers buy model trains, and related products)
      Now you can pick products in the category you choose and start marketing those products to the niche you have chosen. For example, you can sell golf balls to a customer and then later sell them golf clubs, golf vacations, golf shirts, etc.
      It is more important to find a group of persons that buy goods and services in a particular category first. Then find products that appeal to that market and sell to them over and over.
    what internet marketing company will get me traffic. am tired of all these comapnies saying there good !?
    please dont rely if youre promoting another silly product . i want to know which internet marketing co. can offer relaible services at a good price and get me traffic.
    • ANSWER:
      why are you not getting your own traffic. It is only hard at the beginning but you can build a traffic for years to come with few little tricks.
      Write quality article!
      Write ads!
      Promote in Forums!
      Promote on Blogs
      Research the market and get more out of it!
      Not sure how to do it, there is a really cool ebook out (it is free) and you can get it at the link below.
    Strategies for competing in the internet product market at based upon:?
    a.specialization & generalization
    b.ecology and competitiveness
    c.communication and interactivity segmentation and competition
    • ANSWER:
      communication and interactivity
    How to identify a problem to create a product on the internet?
    Ive been threading forums to identify various problems for internet marketing opportunity.Anyways of speeding up the process instead of wandering for hours in search of a viable problem that I can provide a solution to?
    • ANSWER:
      It is a very important question: The Market Research.
      Most people start a product before knowing their targeted market problems.
      I'll be looking for questions, problems, wants, needs and topics that
      show a lot of activity.
      To find people's problems, here are the main resources you should use:
      - Search Engines
      - Forums
      - Newsgroups
      Identify the problems that people have in your niche, then create a product.
      you must search for questions like:
      * How do I ____
      * Where can I ____
      * Why the heck cant I ____?
      Once you find an answer, you can start brainstorming a product creation idea.
      I would suggest you to create an info product (Audi, video or Ebook).
    What articles would people like to read in internet marketing?
    What areas of internet marketing would people be most interested to
    read about?
    SEO, traffic, content, product creation?
    • ANSWER:
      All of the above !!
      Their are millions of people online with various skill levels, so all of the topics
      you mentioned are interesting. The most important thing is that you provide
      information/tips that work, not just generic fluff.
      If you visit my business blog you will find that we cater to all of these topics
      and we develop a lot of traffic because we provide how to advice.
      What else would you like to learn about?
      John Komatsoulis - Business Coach
    What fear or uncertainty do you have about buying money making ebooks or internet marketing ebooks?
    If you're wanting to make some extra money and have considered using the internet, I'm sure you've seen a hundred different products.
    Or you already have a product or service and you're looking for ebooks or products to increase your sales.
    What are your top 5 reasons or questions you have before you buy anything internet marketing related.
    Please be honest and upfront.
    • ANSWER:
      there are many internet systems that can be purchased . however the important issue is to thoroughly research the products that you are interested in before investing.
      ideally the preferred system should show full details of the products supplied to increase sales and assist you in maximizing your business.
      i recently found maverick money maker maximiser a useful area for research and i am sure others will have checked this out.
      best of luck .
    What are some of the top ebooks related to internet marketing?
    I heard about internet marketing from a friend. I wanted to expedite the learning process and purchase a system that will help me. I don't necessarily care about the price, so long as the product works. Thanks!
    • ANSWER:
      That really depends on the reader. Your better off checking out a directory which rates eproducts based on user feedback. There are a bunch of those online. I recently purchased a recent Ewen Chia product and its been doing wonders for me the past few weeks! I found it on the site ill mention in my sources. Just click on internet marketing>payperclick to find the Ewen Chia product I bought. But keep in mind there are plenty of products on that site. Just buy one and work it. I've used a few of the products listed there with great success! Good luck!
    Internet marketing information products?
    I have a web site with information products that i need to send to my customers once they have bought what software do i need to send them the products automatically. So that once they have paid they can click on download what is the best software and where do i get it
    • ANSWER:
      A better way will be to have your web person upload the files to the web server, secure it, and then when a purchase is made, have your web person write a program to automatically send the email with the link.
    How do you handle multiple, multiple, multiple ideas for internet marketing that you are interested in?
    i am interested in internet marketing, and I have plenty of products and plenty of websites that i want to make to advertise those products for income. How do I handly multiple niche ideas?? It seems like I have too many, but if I try to stay with just one idea, that is so boring and limited to my multi-faceted, multi-idea, entreprenuerial brain. Please help - advice!!
    • ANSWER:
      If you need help with a website and marketing the product/service/website check out this agency:
      The BL? Group -Advertising & Marketing is made up of people that are crazy about building strong brands and they will satisfy all of your advertising and marketing needs. BL? is committed to each and every client, the strengthening of their brand, and the growth of their business. From print ads, brochures, and web design to brand development, market research, and online advertising, The BL? Group will deliver the results you are looking for. Visit to learn more about this fast-growing agency and see some of the work BL? has done for its local and national clients. Top-notch work and incredible service every time, by every team member will give your business the edge it needs to succeed in today?s competitive marketplace.
      P.S. Also, if you need web hosting for your site check out:
    What is the best product to market on Internet and earn income?
    I am willing to advertise on Yahoo Search Marketing or Google Adwords
    • ANSWER:
      Someone would say niches like make money online, weight loss, online pharmacy, dating, etc, ect.
      You can always goto sites like clickbank, commissionjunction, amazon, ebay, etc and find most selling products BUT - here's a tip;
      The best product to market on internet is the one which you know the most about.
      To succeed online your domain and marketing expertise needs to be far superior than casual browsers / target consumers and reasonably more superior than those competing against you.
      Hope this helps.
      P.S: If you find the answer useful, please don't forget to vote!
    Is website essential for internet marketing of health care products ?
    Hi all buddies & experts we are having some speciality hair loss products that we display on OLX website ads , there are 300 -400 views but very less reply.
    Problem is that we have publised very useful content but then also why response is less ..just because we dont have website ??
    • ANSWER:
      If you can make a website for your product, it will be helping your product to do much better than now. In the internet without website for a product is like without having address of its own in the real world.
      You can target particularly for hair loss product if you owe and people also can have a mindset to buy from you through internet.
    How do I market my product to internet retailers?
    • ANSWER:
      If you are serious find your market's trade association and plan on exhibiting at their annual and local shows. This is where the buyers come in and find out about new products. It costs a little but you can't find a better place to get your product in front of the buyers at one place.
    Internet ?marketing?
    i am planning to build home based business , so recently i got some idea of doing internet e-commerce business does anyone have any idea whta products would be the best for me start and makemoney?
    • ANSWER:
      If you are starting out then have a look at clickbank - there are lots of products you can sell as an affiliate. It will give you an idea of what sells and provide you with products to sell as well.
      Choose something that you are interested in.
      Then get an internet marketing strategy written out.
    Have you bought interent marketing products from the internet? What made you buy them?
    • ANSWER:
      I've bought lots and lots of stuff online. What made me buy what I bought was basically the copy (for the info products) helped me to believe what I wanted to believe - and wanted - and the products (that weren't info products) showed me well how I could accomplish what I wanted to accomplish with the products. Hope that helps.
    What is the best way to market a product on the internet for free?
    • ANSWER:
      A few free resources ? check out the sources box for links:
      1) Create a blog pertaining to your field
      2) Use Yahoo! Local & Yahoo! Groups ? Be sure to read the TOS for each one!
      3) Write articles pertaining to your field and/or expertise.
      4) Advertise on Craiglist
      Also, consider signing up for an affiliate program. These programs enable you to advertise on other's sites (your affiliates) and once a sale is made to you, your affiliates & the program are paid a commission.
      I listed a few handy sites & articles relating to marketing, promotion & advertising. Here are some book titles that are relevant:
      * 301 Do-It-Yourself Marketing Ideas: From America's Most Innovative Small Companies by Sam Decker
      * Off The Wall Marketing Ideas: Jumpstart Your Sales without Busting Your Budget by Nancy Michaels, Debbi J. Karpowicz
      * Guerrilla Marketing for Free: Dozens of No-Cost Tactics to Promote Your Business and Energize Your Profits by Jay Conrad Levinson
      * Entrepreneur Magazine's Ultimate Small Business Marketing Guide: Over 1500 Great Marketing Tricks That Will Drive Your Business Through the Roof by James Stephenson
      Hope that helps! I wish you much success & happiness in all your ventures!


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