Monday, July 30, 2012

Healthy Food Menu ? All About Italian Food

How to plan your meals with our Italian ideas.

healthy food menu

It is pretty easy to find healthy food menus, often the harder part is to be able to prepare them. Or to find some uncommon ingredients.

If you turn to Italian food, it is pretty simple to prepare quick and easy healthy dishes as the ingredients are available on most countries. This cuisine contribution is one of the most important (together with Greek one) to Mediterranean diet, synonym of healthy diet.

For breakfast, prepare a whole grain bread recipe and eat it with fruit marmalade, coffee and low fat milk. Prefer fructose to white sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Eat a low fat yogurt or a fruit in the middle of the morning. The same for middle afternoon.

For lunch, prepare a pasta recipe using extra virgin olive oil, such as:

? Pasta with homemade tomato sauce recipe, where you have tomatoes and olive oil, both present in the 10 healthiest foods list!

? Garlic pasta recipe, using another prized food as garlic and olive oil;

Try this match of broccoli and pasta. Broccoli is known worldwide for its health benefits, but often people do not eat it because do not know how to cook it in a tasty way. Well, this recipe will please even the kids!

Most of these recipes contain cheese that adding proteins makes them a complete meal.

As a starter prepare a Parma raw ham and melon, a fresh and light choice.

For dinner, you can always eat a first course such as the suggested ones above, or, if you are dieting and prefer to eat only proteins, prepare a grilled tuna steak or eat some Parma raw ham together with a vegetable or tomato salad.

If you use the oven instead of frying, a chicken parmesan is a good choice too, as it has lean meat, bread crumbs, egg, tomato sauce and cheese.

For a vegetarian dinner, the baked eggplant recipe is a good choice.

For dessert, try the zabaglione recipe. A fulfilling cream that contains less than 200 calories and is prepared with just fresh eggs, sugar and wine.

Buon appetito!

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