Thursday, October 13, 2011

Issues and concern towards ... - Option One Nutrition & Fitness Info

ssues and concern towards Management of doping issues in women games and Sports



My victory has proved that athletes with yellow skin can run as fast as those with black and white skin. This is a miracle but I believe a lot more miracles will take place? Liu Xiang, the Gold Medalist 110m hurdler at the Athens Games in 2004

It could be seen on the medal tally that China has proved the point to the world beyond doubts by excelling in almost all events and achieved a premier position on the list .India too had improved on its medal tally and the share of accolades went for women athletes too .Every Indian felt proud and celebrated the historical event .

The victory celebration were short lived ?as the news emerged out in media about a major doping scandal has engulfed the Indian National Team as eight athletes have tested positive for the use of performance-enhancing drugs What is even more surprising is that seven of the eight athletes testing positive for anabolic steroids were women.

The paper tries to jot out the reasons behind the doping cases and their pros and cons .It shall also highlight the grim Indian scenario and shall try to recommend a way out .

Keywords:Doping,WADA,NADA,Women athletes



Doping in Indian sports is like politics in India. It is out there in the open. Everyone knows about it, everybody speaks against it but nobody does anything about it. And so it exists and continues to grow. There have been various incidents where Indian sportspersons have been embroiled in various dope-related scandals but they were brushed aside or silenced. But now that international anti-doping bodies are involved, nothing can be kept secret anymore.Anti doping isimportant step in strengthening athlete and public confidence in doping-free sport. Accurate whereabouts information is crucial to ensure efficiency of the anti-doping programs, which are designed to protect the integrity of sport and to protect clean athletes.


The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) promotes, coordinates and monitors the global fight against doping in sport. This review is the result of WADA?s identification of education and social science research as strategic priorities for developing evidence-based anti-doping education programs and interventions.WADA was established in 1999 as an international independent agency composed and funded equally by the sport movement and governments of the world. Its key activities include scientific research, education, development of anti-doping capacities, and monitoring of the?World Anti Doping Code (Code)?? the?document harmonizing anti-doping policies in all sports and all countries.

As many as 8 Indian athletes have been caught in the scandal. Sini Jose, Ashwini Akkunji and Mandeep Kaur were part of the 4?100 women?s relay team that won the Commonwealth Gold last year and followed that up with Gold at the Asian Games. Quarter mile runner Jaune Murmu and 400m specialist Tiana Mary Thomas are also involved as is shot putter Sonia. PriyankaPanwar all set to participate in the Asians Championships. Long jumper Hari Krishnan is the only male athlete to be under scrutiny.


Athletes? Obligations:

? Be knowledgeable of and comply with all anti-doping policies and rules applicable to them,namely the Code, these rules, and the policies and rules of NADA and their National or International Federations;

? Take responsibility, in the context of anti-doping, for what they ingest and use; and

? Inform medical personnel of their obligation not to Use Prohibited Substances and Prohibited Methods and to take responsibility to make sure that any medical treatment received does not violate the anti-doping policies and rules applicable to them.

? All Athletes who are not regular members of a National Federation must be available for Sample collection conducted according to the Code and provide accurate and up-to-date whereabouts information on a regular basis, if required, during the year before the Games.

Athletes banned under Wada rules has three provisions for fighting the automatic two-year ban for a first offence. They can plead no intent, and prove how the prohibited substance entered their body without their knowledge; establish ?no fault, no negligence? (that is, prove sabotage); or prove that their supplement was contaminated or mislabelled, or that their trainer or physician gave them the substance without disclosure.

Indian Perspective

The National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) is the national organization responsible for promoting, coordinating, and monitoring the doping control programme in sports in all its forms in the country. NADA works towards a vision of ?dope free? sport in India.Since its inception in January 2009, the National Anti Doping Agency (Nada) has tested 6,607 athletes, of which, 242 have tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs. Ahead of the 2010 Commonwealth Games, 12 athletes tested positive for methylhexaneamine, commonly found in nasal decongestants.

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Pawan Sharma -
About the Author:

Pawan Shanker Sharma Operation Head

MBA(HR),BE(Computer Sc),MCSA


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