Friday, September 30, 2011

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction : Self Improvement

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

The Causes of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction


A different school of thought argues that the problem of addiction is a dual one, which comprises a mental and physical dependency on chemicals. The issue is further compounded by a pre-existing mental disorder that has to be treated in the first instance due to the fact that it is the primary cause.


Some people hold a different position, believing that dependency on a drug causes a ?chemical imbalance? in the neurological system. Accordingly, it must be treated psychotropic medication once the individual has gone through withdrawal.


The number of theories that exist about addiction and the cause of it shows that none of the scientific research can be deemed definitive. Based of average national figures, treatment for addiction leads to a 16% ? 20% recovery rate, which shows that the theories are just that, theories. Accordingly, much more research needs to be undertaken to raise the national recovery rate to make it more impressive.



Out of the many, there is one theory that has proven to be the most accurate, which relates to the cycle of an addiction. The data that comes from the study can be universally applied despite the thought process used to explain the dependency on the substance. The addiction cycle usually commences with some type of issue or discomfort, such as a physical or emotional paint hat the individual finds difficult to deal with.


These problems can take many forms, such as severe shyness, physical injury like a broken bone or some other chronic physical condition. A persistent problem can be difficult for an individual to deal with, which can seem so intense that no relief can be found. Many of us will have some experience of this type of problem. Some individuals will find relief in using drugs or alcohol, despite the feeling only being temporary, which will become a solution to the problems suffered. This can be the reason why people return to drink or drugs again and again.


When an individual begins on this path of addiction, they will suffer physical, mental and lifestyle changes that causes negativity in their life. The continued use of drugs or alcohol will be ruinous if it goes unchecked. At any point that the individual is sober, they feel so miserable and depressed that they can do nothing else but numb the pain. This downward spiral of addiction can only result in three outcomes: sobriety, prison or death.


One of the largest and most successful drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in the world.

Written by: Dan on September 28, 2011.

Posted by Dan on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 9:23 pm?
Filed under Addictions ? Tagged with Addiction, Addiction Cycle, Addiction Drug, Alcohol, alcoholism, Alcoholism Addiction, Broken Bone, Causes Of Alcoholism, Chemical Imbalance, Chemicals, drug, Drug Addiction, Drugs, First Instance, Medication, Mental Disorder, Neurological System, Paint, Persistent Problem, School Of Thought, Thought Argues That, Thought Process


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