Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Holding Cultural Nights | Experts of All Things Garage Sale

Educational, interesting, fun, and fulfilling ? cultural nights in your household can be some of the best nights you spend with your family all year.? Walking through the ins and outs of another culture as fully as you can without leaving your own home is a humbling experience, and everyone should get a chance to try it, especially if world travel is not currently in your budget.

Choose a culture to experience.? Make the decision as a family ? each brainstorm a few countries you?d like to get to know, and see if you can find one that matches most of the lists.? Don?t pick something too obscure for your first cultural night, or you may be frustrated by all the laborious preparation and research that goes into it.

Do some reading around the culture you?ve chosen.? Use the library and use the internet to find out more about the culture, particularly if you don?t have any prior knowledge of the country and the people there.? Find some books and articles that are at the reading level of your youngest children, so they can feel involved in the process and contribute tidbits to the general pool of knowledge.

Get authentic music and costumes, if you can.? The library and the internet, again, are great places to hunt down tracks of music that would authentically be experienced in the culture you?ve chosen to experience.? Make a few CDs or playlists that can be softly playing in the background all night.? As for costumes, if you can inexpensively replicate some of the traditional garments, you?ll certainly be more into the role playing experience!

Prepare authentic food!? This is the biggest one, because exotic flavors of foods you never would have tried otherwise can whisk you away to foreign lands in your imagination faster than just about anything else.? Be sure you?re using recipes that call for authentic ingredients, but try to incorporate ingredients in your home if you can so you don?t have to spend an exorbitant amount of money on the evening.

Participate in some cultural activities, such as dancing and games, that members of the culture you?re studying would truly do.? Board or card games that have a unique set of rules are fun; you can learn the steps to a native dance and party in your living room to world music!

Of course, holding a single night of experiencing another culture is no match for really going to visit the country!? Budget in savings for family trips around the world by being frugal and wise with your money now (including shopping at garage sales)!


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Source: http://blog.garagesalecow.com/2011/family-activities/holding-cultural-nights/

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