Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Duck billed platypus is a mammal that lays eggs success ? It 'as ...

Revenue Platypus The Duck

The platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus, has been known by many different names. In an account of the early investigations were called Moles water.


The platypus is one of only two sets of species of mammals, the eggs. The other is the echidna. There are at least two species of echidna, but only one of Platypus. Both animals were very successful before the arrival of Europeans in Australia. They beganPlatypus systematically hunting for their fur.

Habitat and diet

The platypus is semi-aquatic. She spends most of his life living in the water, in caves in river banks. They live on small aquatic animals. Even if the fish are an important part of their diet, the food sure, some small. The platypus is the staple diet of invertebrates. This includes other yabbies and freshwater crayfish. They also eat worms and insects of all kinds, especially aquatic insectsLarvae. On average, a platypus eat about one-fifth of their body weight per day, but there were reports that as much food as their body weight if you get enough.

Taking food

As you know, you just eat the creatures of the water, although I can well imagine that if they'd found a nice juicy worm in their home loan to eat there. Diver, their eyes, ears to close and do not use the sense of smell is. Your account has two touch sensorsand to recognize electronic sensors connected to small electrical currents with muscle contractions of their small prey. They catch their food under water, but to eat.


Before the arrival of Europeans in Australia, was one of the main enemies of the platypus the major Australian water rat. These are a particular threat to the platypus adults, but it could take the kids. In the breeding season, the male platypus produces venom. The platypus can with its stingSpores. One bite can kill a rat Platypus water. It would probably kill a fox. Although there were no deaths were reported by human bites Platypus is obviously very painful. It is the bite of a poisonous, but not deadly snake has been compared.

Swim with the platypus

When I was in Eungella National Park in Queensland, I could see a platypus. One of the guards told me that when her children were young, they would go with the platypus. Apparently thePets allowed children without any difficulty. There were certainly not sting.

Plural of Platypus

In this article I have used the word as a plural of platypus platypus. No doubt, some would argue that the correct plural form should be Platypode Platypus. However, as the majority of duckbill platypus will be understood, but only people who know already know a lot about this animal Platypode. And 'interesting to note that the spell checkerMicrosoft Word does platypus, but not Platypode. Some people use the word Platypi.


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