Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Losing It: The Skinny on Crash Diets | The 17 Day Diet

Losing it: The Skinny on Crash DietsNurfika Osman | June 22, 2011

Diyah Mayasari?s job as a legislative staffer requires her to appear in public a lot, so she feels she always has to look her best. To do this, the 25-year-old scoured the Internet for weight-loss tips and came upon a soybean drink touted as a great weight-loss tool. it cost Rp 400,000 ($46) for a two-week supply. ?So for two whole weeks, I didn?t eat anything, I just drank this soybean drink,? Diyah says. ?While consuming the product, I was also asked to drink three liters of water a day.? she says she wound up losing two to three kilograms a week during that period. she has since given up the drink, having achieved her ideal weight of 45 kilograms. many of her friends have taken up drinking the concoction, however, and she says she would do the same if she felt she needed to lose more weight. Dr. Samuel Oetoro, a clinical nutritionist at the MRCCC Siloam Hospital in South Jakarta, says that while food substitution is a widely practiced weight-loss technique when it comes to crash diets, consumers should be skeptical about such products and wary about the effects of staying on a supplement-only regimen for an extended period of time. he advises that such a diet should only be undertaken with medical supervision. ?As long as the product contains complete nutrition such as vitamins and minerals in order to keep the person healthy, then that?s fine,? he says. ?But anyone on such a diet still needs to consult with a doctor who understands food and the impacts of starving the body.? Karima Zahirah, a 32-year-old mother of two, is another woman who has turned to food substitution to lose weight. she has been following a strict regimen of low-calorie milk, cookies and soups for the past three months. ?After giving birth, I gained 10 kilograms and I felt bloated and unattractive. These products are helping me to lose weight,? she says. she says she has dropped six kg since she started using them. ?Sometimes it?s torture because there are a lot of things that I can?t eat since I have to follow the diet based on the products I buy,? she says. ?And honestly, it gets tedious. But I don?t have a choice.? Karima says she believes the low-calorie, high-calcium products she buys are safe, and a far better option than undergoing cosmetic surgery. ?I don?t want to do liposuction because I?m afraid of surgery and it?s so expensive,? she says. ?Food substitution seems fine, even though I have to spend Rp 240,000 a month on the products.? Samuel says calcium plays a key role in many weight-loss programs, particularly in compensating for the calcium loss experienced by overweight people who lose weight rapidly. ?The bones of people who are on a diet will tend to release more calcium, so they need to replace that by consuming high-calcium foods,? he says. ?Otherwise they stand the risk of suffering osteoporosis in the future.? Calcium has also long been known to be a binder of fats, which means that when consumed in high enough amounts during a meal, it will bind to the fat in the food and eventually be excreted with it. this prevents the dieter?s body from absorbing the fat. for 16-year-old student Alina, though, it?s not enough just to keep from gaining weight. she wants to rapidly shed the fat she already has. ?I eat only low-fat, high-calcium milk and cookies, and only once a day, at lunch time,? she says. ?I don?t eat cakes or fritters because I don?t want to be fat like my grandmother.? she says she started on this diet with her older sister six months ago. ?I want to look like the models on TV and in the magazines,? she says. ?They?re all slim and pretty, and these products will help me to achieve that kind of shape.? Alina denies any notion that she might be starving herself, saying, ?I?m just trying to be healthy by not eating too much.? But Samuel says such an extreme restriction on food intake must be carefully considered because it affects all the critical bodily functions. ?It?s unwise for an obese person to lose a lot of weight in a very short period of time by restricting their nutritional intake, because they?re going to end up suffering from malnutrition,? he says. rather than buy into social ideals about the perfect body shape, he says young women should prioritize their health. and the simplest and healthiest way to lose weight is not through starvation or supplements, but through a sustained and balanced low-calorie diet ? more vegetables and fruit, less meat, and regular exercise. ?Weight loss that would be considered medically normal is around two to three kilograms a month, no more,? Samuel says. ?If you can reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 calories, then in the space of a month you should lose two kilograms.?


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