Sunday, July 31, 2011

relationship issue?? | After Divorce Life

Question by mateuszkamil: relationship issue??
long distance relationship problem, i have this bad feeling in my stomach whenever i think about it, but how can i make a long distance relationship last and work?

please help me out here, don?t say to break up with that significant other and find someone closer?.

Best answer:

Answer by Agent17D
They are hard to make each other work hard. You can really start communicating more then ever, if you two are really in love with each other. Talk like if you two live clothes and if any problems share them with each other. Good luck

Add your own answer in the comments!


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Experts: Insanity hard to fake for Norway killer

Assessing whether Norway's confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is insane, as his lawyer asserts, will take months of observation, interviews and analysis ? and experts say it's hard to fake mental illness.

Forensic psychiatrists who analyze the minds of murderers point to clear patterns of behavior that can date far back and may give vital clues to Breivik's mental state when he killed at least 76 people in a shooting spree and bomb attack on July 22.

They say the most likely final outcome is that Breivik, 32, will be jailed or kept in a secure mental hospital until he is at least in his early fifties, and any release beyond that would be allowed only if a parole board thinks it is safe ? unlikely given the scale and severity of his crimes.

Video: Norway unites to remember victims of mass murderer (on this page)
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"The insanity defense is about whether someone understands what they're doing, and if they do..whether they realize it is legally wrong," said Seena Fazel, a clinical senior lecturer in forensic psychiatry at the University of Oxford.

"If you think when you're attacking somebody that you're actually attacking a piece of bread...and if you had no idea what you did was legally wrong...then people would consider that as part of an insanity defense," he told a briefing in London.

These elements also play into another key consideration for insanity ? whether the killer had the capacity to form intent.

"A high degree of planning and premeditation, and an ability to see through to the consequences of your actions in a rational way, imply some capacity to form intent," Fazel said

Story: As first funeral is held, Norway PM says: 'We're going to answer hatred with love'

Breivik's copious writings ? some of which appear in diaries and a 1,500-page "manifesto" in which he wrote of himself as a righteous crusader on a mission to save European "Christendom" from a tide of Islam ? suggest he planned his attacks months in advance, gradually gathering the tools and the expertise he needed.

His diary entry on April 27 reads: "I made the order for the fertilizer which were to be delivered a week later. Prior to making this order I had officially registered my company as an agricultural entity."

He adds: "The last week in the capital I spent a lot of time with friends, partying and attending various social events. I knew that it would be the last chance for a very long time."

On July 4 he wrote: "Began the preparations for a trip to extract the armor cache I had dug down a year ago..."

'Difficult to fake'
Fin Larkin, a consultant psychiatrist familiar with making assessments of offenders' minds, said they "have to be pretty patently mentally unwell" to successfully claim insanity.

"It's not impossible...but it's actually quite difficult to fake," he said.

Larkin, who works in the personality disorder section of Britain's Broadmoor high-security psychiatric hospital, which has housed and treated some of its most notorious killers, said psychiatrists making such assessments take as their starting point that everything the defendant says is a lie.

Story: Stories behind Norway's victims emerge

"They've often got strong motivation not to tell the truth, they may be very well researched, they may have planned things for quite a while, they may be good mimics who have spent time with mentally ill people," he said.

Experts say that while there are some common factors that often crop up in the backgrounds of mass killers ? a difficult childhood, a lack of empathy, sadistic behavior and difficulties forming and maintaining relationships ? these on their own offer few clues for a mental illness diagnosis.

For a proper assessment, offenders should ideally be admitted to a high-security hospital where psychiatrists and other specialists monitor them day and night to observe their reactions to people, situations and the stresses of daily life.

This could and should take several months, Fazel said, and should be combined with a detailed search of the offender's life course ? including interviews with family, old friends, online contacts, analyses of diaries, and going back to school reports and earlier notes from doctors or other professionals.

"It's too early at the moment to say much about this man in terms of diagnosis, but it's very important to read his writings, interview informants, friends and family and get as much objective information as possible."

Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Phone companies present rural broadband plan

(AP) ? AT&T Inc., Verizon Communications Inc. and four other telecom companies are offering a proposal to overhaul the $8 billion federal phone subsidy program to pay for high-speed Internet connections in rural and other underserved areas.

They say the plan, which was filed with the Federal Communications Commission Friday, would bring broadband service to nearly all Americans within five years.

The proposal is one of dozens that the FCC will likely receive as it seeks to bring the federal program, called the Universal Service Fund, into the digital age. The agency voted unanimously in February to begin drafting a blueprint to modernize the fund.

But the new plan is particularly significant since it has the backing of six key telecommunications companies that are some of the biggest recipients of Universal Service dollars. In addition to AT&T and Verizon, the nation's two largest phone companies, the plan is supported by CenturyLink Inc., Fairpoint Communications Inc., Frontier Communications Corp. and Windstream Corp.

"To truly bring broadband services to all Americans, the rules of the road for the black rotary phone desperately needed to be updated for today's competitive, high-speed communications networks," said Hank Hultquist, vice president of federal regulatory at AT&T.

The Universal Service Fund was created to ensure that all Americans have access to a basic telephone line. It is supported by a surcharge on long-distance phone bills. The program subsidizes phone service for the poor and pays for Internet access in schools, libraries and rural health clinics. But more than half the money goes to pay phone companies that provide voice service in rural places where phone lines are unprofitable.

The FCC now wants to tap the rural program, called the High Cost Fund, to pay for broadband too. It envisions gradually transforming the High Cost program into a new Connect America Fund that would underwrite the cost of building and operating high-speed Internet networks in places that are too sparsely populated to justify costly corporate investments.

The agency's actions could have profound consequences not just for rural Americans still stuck with dial-up links or painfully slow broadband connections, but also for rural phone companies that rely heavily on Universal Service funding.

The telecom company proposal takes aim at several key criticisms of the Universal Service Fund, including complaints by Republicans that the program promotes waste by subsidizing multiple rural phone companies in places where the free market doesn't support even one and by giving telecom carriers little incentive to keep their costs down.

The telecom company plan would cap the size of the new Connect America Fund at $4.5 billion annually, provide subsidies for only one provider in an area and target funding at places where there is no business case for companies to provide service on their own. In addition, it would create an Advanced Mobility/Satellite Fund to provide mobile broadband access in some of the hardest-to-serve areas.

The new proposal also seeks to overhaul the multibillion-dollar "intercarrier compensation" system, the Byzantine menu of charges that phone companies pay each other to connect calls and link their networks. Any changes to the Universal Service Fund would also require changes to intercarrier compensation because rural phone companies tend to rely heavily on both funding sources.

The existing intercarrier compensation program is widely seen as outdated and irrational since phone company payments vary widely based on the type of carrier involved, the type of network traffic being exchanged and the distance that the traffic travels. The new telecom plan would set one low, uniform rate for these payments.

The FCC welcomed the companies' proposal and the industry's efforts to tackle Universal Service reform. "We're pleased that many have taken up that challenge, and we will consider those proposals as we finalize reforms," the agency said in a statement.

That was echoed by the top Republican on the Senate Commerce Committee, Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas. "I am pleased to see such a diverse group of small and large telecommunications providers working together to find consensus, which is no small feat on this complex and difficult issue," she said. "I urge the FCC to continue the momentum generated by this proposal and to keep our nation's rural communities in mind as it moves forward with the reform process."

Associated Press


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Saturday, July 30, 2011

hardwarede | Computers and Technology News

hardwarede German, French and Spanish are a few of the most preferred languages for domain names other than English hardwarede. In the previous year, for illustration, SeeRiese hardwarede.De offered for $82,110 the identify suggests ?cruise? in German hardwarede. There had been a quantity of other domains offered in German, but my favourite is Suchmaschinenoptimierung hardwarede. The title is 20-four letters lengthy and went for $118,400 bucks it implies ?lookup motor optimization hardwarede.? Interestingly, I didn?t stumble across any domain names in German that didn?t use the hardwarede.De extension, which is partly explained by the simple fact that hardwarede.De is the most well-liked of all nation code extensions hardwarede. I even located an English phrase that had been attached to the German extension for huge bucks: ?hardware? grew to become hardware hardwarede.De for $148,000 hardwarede.


In French the most pricey domain sale I could uncover was-appropriately-Sexe hardwarede.Org, which went for $151,400 hardwarede. Guess what the title suggests hardwarede. The French term for life insurance policies, ?Assurance Vie? was located in two names for $43,500 each and every: AssuranceVie hardwarede.Com and Assurance-Vie hardwarede.Com (the hyphen absolutely didn?t hold this domain back again) hardwarede. Note that as opposed to the high priced German names, which ended up the ?ccTLD? hardwarede.De extensions, the French domain names have been generics, hardwarede.Com and hardwarede.Org hardwarede.


Spanish speakers, like the French, appeared to choose the generics hardwarede. Pisos hardwarede.Net went for $187,500 and indicates ?apartment? in Spanish Casas hardwarede.Net, which as most every last gringo knows, indicates ?household,? went for $120,930 hardwarede. Descargar hardwarede.Net (download) sold for $46,200 hardwarede.


Though German, French and Spanish created the best reveal of aftermarket revenue, other languages did show up in the six-figure group hardwarede. Spel, for illustration, ?games? in Swedish, went for $266,000 hardwarede. GaoKao hardwarede.Com, a Romanized way to say ?China?s college entrance examination,? took in a whopping $555,951 hardwarede. Eastern Europe is getting into the act too, with Kino hardwarede.Pl, ?cinema? in Polish, going for $43,000 hardwarede.


English words nonetheless dominate the listing, but as this report has shown, there?s cash to be built just about everywhere in Domain Land hardwarede.


Pcs have turn out to be critical equipments for your dwelling, workplace, universities and commercial establishments hardwarede. The personal pc rental marketplace is flourishing as quite a few people today and firms desire to rent machines to meet their short-expression technological innovation demands hardwarede. When you lease a personal pc, you can hold expenses minimal, creating small once a month payments around the rental term hardwarede. It is an helpful option for students who can?t pay for a laptop computer and corporations that can not make investments big quantities in desktops, laptops, projectors and other technological products hardwarede. Some rewards of renting pcs are talked about beneath hardwarede.


It is affordable to lease pcs


It is complicated to imagine a modern residence with no a desktop or laptop personal computer hardwarede. Computer systems are utilised by people today of all ages for a wide range of functions, from gaming and having to pay costs on the net to storing facts, among a lot of many others hardwarede. These who use personal computers on a day-to-day basis can make a obtain with no thinking twice, but for occasional users, rentals make much more sensation hardwarede. With computer system rentals, they can entry large excellent techniques at affordable prices hardwarede. Some rental businesses also provide the facility of ?rent to own?, that is, you make the payments till they have covered the price tag of the rented machines, soon after which you can personal the products hardwarede.


Possibility of up gradation


When you rent a personal pc, you can upgrade your system when these a have to have crops up hardwarede. This is an costly proposition for all those who have purchased computers hardwarede. It is not economically possible to upgrade routinely, in such scenarios, as you have already designed a lump-sum expense in acquiring the procedure(s) hardwarede. Companies prefer to lease computer systems for extended-expression requirements and upgrade them conveniently through the lease phrase hardwarede.


Temporary utilization


Computer rental ideas are good if you want a laptop or computer for a temporary period of time hardwarede. Corporate homes also desire to rent personal computers for a small expression use as investing in new machines is not feasible in this sort of situations hardwarede. Personal computer rentals are also chosen by start out-ups and smaller companies hardwarede.


Computer system rentals are convenient solutions in situation of an emergency, for instance, your laptop is damaged but you have an urgent will need for one hardwarede. In like a predicament, the greatest remedy at hand is to lease a pc from your nearest rental provider hardwarede. This prevents downtime, and makes it possible for you to meet your operate or school commitments on time hardwarede.


The approach of renting


Credit checks are usually not essential though renting pcs hardwarede. The criteria that the rental providers search at include things like your revenue and position hardwarede. You will have to offer your make contact with amount, household deal with and make an preliminary down payment hardwarede. Not like a mortgage approval, renting is less complicated and problem-absolutely free hardwarede. You don?t have to be bothered substantially even if you have a lousy credit score, and method the rental business confidently hardwarede.


Renting a personal pc gives you rather a number of advantages more than shopping for a single hardwarede. It is specially valuable for temporary technological demands, and an outstanding expense-powerful method for men and women and organizations alike hardwarede. The companies supplied by the rental corporation also make rentals a viable signifies of sourcing highly-priced technological innovation hardwarede. Besides furnishing companies like delivery, devices set-up and technical help, rental companies give regimen servicing all the way through the rental time period hardwarede. This is not the scenario when you purchase a pc, the place you get the servicing benefits only till the guarantee expires hardwarede. It is advisable to evaluate your requirements 1st and then ascertain no matter whether you really should rent a computer system or commit to a invest in hardwarede.


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Backgammon's Popularity On The Rise In Online Gaming Rooms ...

Article by James Braddock

Backgammon enjoys quite a huge following in gaming casinos, with people religiously visiting backgammon tables during their trips to favorite casinos. It is one of the oldest games in casinos, and has already been played by gentlemen and ordinary people alike for centuries.

In recent years, however, that popularity has spilled over to the backgammon that is played in online casino gaming rooms. Next to online casino staples like Poker, Slots Machines, and their derivatives, backgammon enjoys one of the biggest communities of players in the Internet. The popularity boom has never been more pronounced as in the last few years as more and more gaming sites included it in their featured games roster and an increasing number of people learn to love the game.

Apparently, backgammon?s popularity took a backseat to that of other online games? fame because it was not as well-advertised in gaming sites. Thus, few fans of the real-life game knew that backgammon can be played in online gaming sites. Fortunately for the game, the frenzy of backgammon players has finally made it surface again in game rooms, consequently introducing it to players who otherwise would have known nothing about it. Backgammon, quite simple, has become more easily accessible to more people.

The good thing with backgammon which probably contributed to its rising popularity is that it is an intrinsically attractive game. Why is this so? For one, the statistics of winning in backgammon is pretty high-at 50%, since it is best played one-on-one between just two players. Although this means that pay-outs may not be as high as those in other games, it also significantly lowers the risk of losing money in a game. That, for many players, is a good reason to indulge in backgammon.

Backgammon is also quite interesting because winning it relies mostly on a player?s skills and strategies rather on lady luck. The game essentially gives over control to players, which makes them more comfortable about playing backgammon. In effect, online players know that they have a fighting chance at winning in this game, and that their money will not be snatched off by a single hand because of luck?s fickle whims.

Connected to this is the fact that people gravitate towards backgammon because it is the opposite of mindless. It is as tension-filled as other games, but it also requires preparation, strategies, cool logic and nerves of steel to be won. Now, both old-time aficionados of the game plus new batches of players flock to online casinos in order to test their mettle, play against others from around the world, and to harden their game skills.

Lastly, the popularity of backgammon in online casinos is peaking now because of the new mobile and online game versions of the game. It can now be played as match play or money play-the first one geared towards creating scoring records and the other towards earning money. This means that people with different motivations for playing can always be satisfied.

With new developments being introduced in online backgammon, expect its popularity to grow even more in the coming years.

About the Author

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Ryan Gosling takes on comedy to cure the blues (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? Ryan Gosling claims that after his last film, the moody "Blue Valentine," it took him several months to "acclimate out of the experience" and he paid a visit to the doctor.

"He wrote me a prescription and I looked at it and it said, 'Do a comedy'," the 30-year-old Canadian actor said, adding the story he has been repeating to reporters while promoting his new comedy, "Stupid, Crazy, Love," is absolutely true.

It's hard to tell at times when Gosling is joking, telling such stories while wearing a perpetual, evasive smirk. Yet he is transparently playing for laughs in his first comedic role opposite "The Office" star Steve Carell that has gained strong buzz ahead of its release in the United States on Friday.

The reason for the turnabout for an actor who has so far mostly stayed away from big-budget Hollywood movies after impressing critics with serious indie dramas, was Carell, he said.

"He makes everyone funny. So selfishly I knew that if I was going to ever do a comedy, if I was going to lose my comedic virginity, I wanted to lose it to Steve," a softly-spoken Gosling told Reuters in an interview.

"Crazy, Stupid, Love" shows off Gosling as a suave seducer of women who tries to help the despondent, shabby character played by Carell regain his machismo after separating from his wife, played by Julianne Moore. Also co-starring Emma Stone and Marisa Tomei, the romantic comedy is a big box office summer hope for studio Warner Bros.

Gosling described himself as "nervous" to act in what he sees as his first real comedy, spending much of the film dropping unsubtle lines to women in bars, dressing in designer clothes and even ripping off his shirt to reveal a body so appealing it leaves Stone exclaiming it must have been digitally enhanced.

"It's like a James Cameron program called Avatar and you wear a motion-controlled suit," he joked, explaining his impressive abdomen for the scene. But he did not use a body double. "I had to exercise a lot."

Initially, he said, he wanted to base the role on Mike "The Situation" Sorrento from the TV reality show "Jersey Shore". But producers balked at the idea -- "I thought it would be funny, and they thought it wouldn't be."

He also claims he figured out how to play this character -- and indeed each role he plays -- by working out "the percentage of Bugs Bunny versus Daffy Duck."

He explained: "Like Dean in 'Blue Valentine' was 80 per cent Daffy and 20 per cent Bugs. And with this (role) I finally got to just play Bugs Bunny -- that helped me to think of it in those terms. And Steve was Daffy."


Cartoon characters aside, Gosling, who is now regarded as one of the top actors of his generation, speaks seriously about why he didn't cash in on his Oscar nomination for "Half Nelson" in 2006 or the popularity of the romantic drama "The Notebook" in 2004 with a big Hollywood movie.

"I felt like I was cashing in, but just not financially. I was able to get more freedom in each next part that I played. So I just kind of gravitated toward that freedom. Money gives you freedom too, it's just what kind of freedom you want."

He did take home a bigger paycheck for "Stupid, Crazy, Love," but "my reasons for wanting to do it were the same. It's like when a song comes on, you want to dance and you don't know why. It just makes you want to dance. That's how I feel and I felt that way about 'Blue' and I felt that way about this."

After starting out at an early age as a dancer on "The Mickey Mouse Club" variety TV show alongside Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake -- Aguilera was then the most impressive, he said -- he landed parts in a number of TV shows, including one with Carell that was canceled.

He went on to observe acting titans such as Denzel Washington in his first small movie part in "Remember The Titans," but says Carell has been one of the best.

That may soon change. He will soon be seen in the George Clooney film, "The Ides of March" among several upcoming titles, but said he doesn't have any serious career plan.

"I just try to take it one step at a time," he said.

(Editing by Jill Serjeant)


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Friday, July 29, 2011

Lymphoma ? Is it a Cancer of the Lymph Nodes? | Cancer | Health ...

Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system. The lymph nodes are found in various places around the body. There are multiple areas of the lymphatic system that can become cancerous. The area of the lymphatic system that is primarily affected will determine to a great extent, both the treatment and survival rate are determined by where in the body the cancerous cells are located and if they will be able to spread to other areas of the body.

The lymphatic system is made up of lymph nodes, lymphocyte cells, bone marrow of the thymus and long bones, the spleen, tonsils and adenoids as well as the lymph.

Other cancers can also start within the lymph nodes such as breast cancer. However breast cancer symptoms are not the same as lymphoma blood cancers.

The most common of blood cancer types is lymphoma. Many people confused lymphoma with leukemia, another type of blood cancer. Although they are both blood cancer diseases, they are not the same. About 56% of all patients affected with blood cancer have lymphoma

Hodgkin?s lymphoma is named after Thomas Hodgkin. Mr. Hodgkin discovered this disease in 1832. There are two types of lymphoma named after Thomas Hodgkin. Hodgkin?s and non-Hodgkin?s lymphoma.

Lymphoma starts when the white blood cells, called lymphocytes, progressively multiply as a result of malignant changes within the lymph nodes and other areas in the body. They begin to grow in large numbers, pushing out healthy cells. This is what leads to the formation of tumors in the lymph nodes. Other areas affected can be the spleen and thymus and so forth.

Lymphoma can originate in the blood and bone marrow as well as the lymph nodes or lymphatic tissues, which are present in the stomach or intestines. From the bone marrow it can spread to many other parts of the body. While it is true that leukemia can spread from the bone marrow to the blood and lymph nodes, lymphoma is very different from leukemia. Lymphoma is the sixth most common cancer in men and the fifth most prevalent caner among women in the US.

There are two major types of Leukemia: myelogenous and lymphocytic. There are acute and chronic forms of each of these types. Although a great deal of information can be found both on-line and offline about lymphoma, it is always best to seek out medical care if you have any suspicious symptoms. Sadly, there are many different types of cancers. There are several types that affect the blood. Blood cancers that in the bone marrow are not to be confused with bone cancer.

It is always best for anyone that may suspect they have some type of health issues, regardless of the type, to discuss it with their doctor.

Kimberly Shannon enjoys helping people through her research of a variety of subjects, including lymphoma and other diseases along with treatment options and medical breakthroughs.

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Is This Long Distance Relationship Really Possible? Videos

Posted by admin on Thursday, July 28, 2011 ? 25 Comments?

Love Advice ? I moved to another country (in the military). Due to certain circumstances, my fiance can?t join me for 3 years. How can we make this work? Long Distance Relationship Advice from

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Springboard Presents 10 Startup Graduates To Investors

Ten startups were showcased to investors at the brand new Springboard accelerator programme in the UK today, which has joined Seedcamp, Startup Bootcamp and Hackfwd as one of the bigger programmes across Europe. The startups to present were: Adwings, Arachnys, Apiary, HubFlow, Mayday, MiniMonos, Playmob, Publification,, and TotalGigs.


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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mobile Communication ? an Essential Part of Business System ...

There were times where mobile phones were considered as a luxury. Today, mobile phones have become a part of life. A lot of mobile accessories along with mobile phones have created a revolution in business communication. Previously in businesses, simple telecommunication systems were sufficient as they relied more on voice and written text data. Modern day businesses require several types of communication like voice, text, data and video. Moreover, these telecommunication devices have to be converged at some point of time so that all types of data can be transferred using the same network. As more and more mobility communication is needed, mobile phones and hands free communication have gained popularity.

Some people may assume that mobile communication is expensive. But the reality is something different. It is sure that you need to make some changes with the infrastructure of your communication framework to incorporate mobile devices. However, if you consider the overall cost, you will find that mobile communication is cheap. You don?t have to pay rent and you can reduce the cost of maintaining wired networks.

People in offices had to be at their desk to answer their calls. Now, most offices have cordless phones in use so the employees can make and receive calls while being away from their desk. Small offices can maintain a simple, inexpensive wireless network using analog cordless phones. However, if the same has to be implemented in a large office, wireless PBX has to be installed which is an inexpensive thing to do.

Many companies need the employees to travel for a long time as a part of their work duties. This is essential for sales people who need to convince the clients in face-to-face meetings.

The need for internet is indispensable in every office and this is even more so when an employee is away from the premises or works from home. Mobile broadband Internet connectivity provides the essential connectivity that is required for any remote employee. Now, they can use their PDA or smart phone to connect to the office network even when he is physically away from the office.

To make mobile communication work in an organization, certain office equipment such as PBX and communication devices have to be installed. With the introduction and use of wireless networks, it is not so that an organization can get rid of wires completely. At the present scenario, you can get the best business communication by combining the use of business phone systems that are traditionally wired complemented by a wireless infrastructure. At any point in time, the business must be ready to accept new technology and change its office communication strategy accordingly. Freedom of movement and connectivity are the two essential aspects of present day business communication. These two important targets can be best achieved by proper integration of wired and wireless business telephone systems.

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Dying Too Soon

Anyone who is born will die. Normally, no one knows when he will die, because people die at any age. The common feature is that the older people die at a higher rate than younger ones. However, young people die from a variety of causes ranging from accidents to serious diseases.

For most people, wages and salaries are the only sources of funds for family expenses. Are dying too early, generally leads to the loss of millions of dollars in future profits, which couldPrecipitate major financial difficulties for the family of the deceased.

The most comfortable and convenient management of risk of loss of income due to premature death of a breadwinner and / or it was premature to put adequate life insurance on the life of the householder.

What is Life Insurance?

Life insurance is essentially a kind of cooperative enterprise. There is a risk sharing agreement, where many people contribute to provide a modest amount of moneyfinancial security for the beneficiaries of those who suffer a premature death. The grants referred to, premiums collected, managed and invested by the insurance companies. In this sense, the actions all at the same risk.

Life insurance helps people in place a long-term financial security products set to die the financial consequences to alleviate morning, life is too long, and always locked on the road. It is primarily for the replacement of a usedIncome of the householder, and the financial needs that arise at the time of death cover, for example, pay funeral expenses, hospital expenses, debt and solve their own heritage.

Although the need for life insurance is obvious, many people have sold on the idea for the financial security that life insurance offers. As a result, the vast majority of life insurance in force, called by representatives of life insurance.

There are a number of reasonsThese, of which the following are just a few: ?

? It is not easy to understand for the average person.

? The negative stories often tied by the elders.

? The need to face their own mortality.

? The obligation to pay now for an intangible benefit of the future.

? To think that you are too young to die.

There is a proverb that says "only the good die young." I do not think this is true. I just know that things are so bad for goodtoo many people. Young people, whether good or not good, they die from time to time. This is common sense to protect that is to ensure adequate life insurance to your loved one household, just in case he or she belong to early death.

? 2009 Michael A. McGibbon CLU


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How Much Accuracy In Online Automatic Horoscope Matching?

India is known for its tradition and culture. Marriages in India are considered to be made in heaven and the process of marriage horoscope matching is just a source to put wishes of God into practice. Indian tradition follows the practice of solemnizing marriage in same religion and caste. These beliefs and practices made people of India to match the horoscope of their children. Horoscope matching includes the intense reading of physical and mental compatibility of the couple, work culture, religion and languages. People go to astrologers to study their horoscope and to know predictions that weather their marriage will be successful or not. Astrologers usually study the position of the stars and moon at the time of person's birth to predict the future. Horoscopes are generally correct to the maximum extent provided these are made following set astrological menthods.

Accuracy in reading marriage horoscope is differentiated by the difference between an excellent and ordinary reading. In order for this horoscope matching to help people to predict the future it is necessary to get the accurate horoscope reading. So in order to get accurateness in horoscope reading by following the position of Moon in 27 nakshatras. There are few points which are to be kept in mind during marriage horoscope reading and every point gets some score and maximum is 36. One should score at least 18 in order to lead a healthy married life.

Various factors includes like Vashya which means control the maximum of two can be scored for this. Tara which means the match levels of nakshatras of the couple and the maximum of three points are given. Another factor is Yoni which indicates that how much the couple is attracted towards each other. There are many other factors such as Grah Maitri, Gana, Bhakoota and Naadi and all these have their own meaning and calculation that contribute to the score based on the horoscope matching of bride and the groom. In addition to this as per Indian traditions the caste of bridegroom should be higher than that of bride.

At present everyone even high company officials, top politicians, and the ordinary man in this modern and educated world follow Free horoscope matching in order to know their future. It is the true fact that free horoscopes help people to take important decisions in their life at the right time.


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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Well-Organized Time Management Goal-Setting

This article has been viewed 2 times.

Without setting up some realistic goals it is virtually impossible to accomplish most things in life. And this is as true of time management as it is true of so many other things. Once you have such goals in place, it becomes easier to do the things that need to be done on a regular basis. The crucial thing is to figure out how to go about your time management goal setting.

But you can?t start setting goals unless you already know what it is that you are trying to achieve. If you want to get more done on a daily basis, how could you make better use of your time? Are you also interested in having time left over for you to just enjoy yourself? Once you face these questions, your goal setting may commence.

Once you get to this point, once you know what it is that you are after, the setting up of actual goals is the next thing to do. Are there some things that are important enough to get to immediately? Let this come under the rubric of short-term goals. And do complete these things in a timely fashion for about a week. This is going to make it possible for you to stay motivated.

Once you see what your short-term goals are, it?s time to set up some long-term goals. Too many short-term goals may get in the way when it comes to trying to do something that?s for the longer haul. You truly want to have a reason to stay the course, so don?t let yourself get bogged down by a bunch of little errands.

Another thing to remember is that it is of some significance to make sure that your goals are of a challenging nature. If all your goals are way too easy, you are not likely to stay motivated on account of probable boredom. If your goals are too difficult, on the other hand, you may be setting yourself up for failure. Keep a good balance here, and you?ll do all right.

Don?t ignore the necessity of keeping yourself rewarded at the end of each goal reached. And make sure that the reward is commensurate with the task accomplished. Small goals reached need small rewards, like an ice cream cone. Bigger ones may take you to the store to purchase, say, a new computer or TV.

No matter how you slice it, time management goal setting is always a fine idea when it comes to improving your daily life. If you are good at setting up your goals, you are going to profit by your own good planning.

Learn more about Managing Time Properly, at Learn Do Time Management and claim your Free Special Report which is just packed full of related articles. To find a number of different articles on the subject they can be found at

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travel and leisure ? A Budget Travel In Scotland !

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Scotland is best for everything and so for a traveller who looks for a budget travel into the country. With hundreds of excellent hostels, hotels, B&B?s, vibrant cities like Edinburgh and Glasgow, quaint villages and small towns and offshore islands with a unique Scottish culture and much more to offer, a day or two is not enough to tour the entire places in Scotland. If you are planning a trip to Scotland with family, group of friends, as couple or all alone, there are plenty of budget tour packages as well as other ones. If you have decided no to waste money on any packages and have just decided to go on all by yourself (unless you are confident that you can manage all alone), read through the below paragraphs that will help you to enjoy a budget travel in Scotland.

Scotland has wonderful public transportation, both within its major cities and connecting them. For buses to almost anywhere in the UK go to St. Andrews bus station in Edinburgh or Buchanan Bus Station in Glasgow. You can also get a bus at the Glasgow Airport that goes directly to Edinburgh (and vice versa). For trains, Edinburgh?s major station is Waverly and in Glasgow it?s the Queens Street Station (only five hours by train from London?s Euston Station). Check at these stations for all kinds of travel bargains like the ?Day Tripper? fare which allows one day?s unlimited travel on ScotRail, Glasgow Underground and most bus services in the Glasgow area. There are lots of package deals such as this in the major cities as well as with the rail and bus systems that cover the entire country. The Backpacker?s Buses are a great option for one who look for a budget travel around the country. These buses can reach you at the doorsteps of any budget hostels of your preference. While the experienced tour guides will explain you about each sites of historical importance and interests. This is a great and inexpensive way to see Scotland at your own pace.


The standard hotel chains like Holiday Inn, Hilton and many exist in Scotland, but they?re not meant for a budget traveller. There are, however, tons of Bed and Breakfast Hotels that are very reasonable in rates. You can find very decent rooms for reasonable prices per night and that includes a hearty breakfast the following morning. Hostels are very safe and affordable lodging alternative. There are so many hostels scattered throughout Scotland, so that you never need to stay in a hotel or B&B. You do not have to be a student to stay in a hostel, all ages are welcome. Hostels are a wonderful way for people travelling alone to make new friends as the dorm style rooms and communal areas really encourage socialization. Loch Lomond and Carbisdale are two of Scotland?s hostels are converted castles. If you?re a privacy freak, then hostels probably aren?t for you.

There?s lots of eating and drinking options for a budget traveller in Scotland. Some of the best bargains are the local pubs, which serve hearty fare: soups, stews, sandwiches, fish and chips and the ever popular national dish: haggis (which has a vegetarian as well as a non-veg version). Give one of them a try as it?s part of the Scottish Experience.

Glasgow and Edinburgh- Scotland?s two major cities, have a lot to offer tourists. The chances are that you?ll be spending some time in at least one of them. Tour buses are a best option to see the major sites in either of these cities in an economical way. Guided tours are offcourse offer you tons of freedom. You just hop on any tour bus and pay the driver a minimal sum and you?ve got transportation for the day. The buses have set routes with stops at all the major tourist areas and attractions. You can hop on and off the bus as much as you like and be secure that there will always be another bus along in about 15-30 minutes. You can spend as much time as you like exploring the things that interests you. There?s a running commentary about the city?s historical sites while on the bus. You can find the buses lined up around Waverly Station in Edinburgh or Queen?s Street Station in Glasgow. Edinburgh also has a variety of interesting, inexpensive walking tours available that will appeal to a variety of tastes. There are historic tours, literary tours and a variety of ghost tours.

A short ride from either of Scotland?s major cities is Stirling, home of Stirling Castle and Stirling Bridge. Travelling on from Stirling, you?ll soon come to Loch Lomond, of the legendary song fame. Loch Lomond is a wonderful place for nature lovers as there?s lots of hiking, biking and fishing as well as cruises on the beautiful lake. Loch Ness and the nearby areas have plenty of attractions to be visited. Clynelish Distillery makes scotch whiskey for some of the world?s largest brands (Johnnie Walker, Mac Donald?s and Cutty Sark) as well as a very nice single malt under their own label. If you happen to be anywhere near Brora, it?s worth the trip to pick up a bottle. To go beyond the main cities and attractions it will take you a week or two to finally just see through the important attractions.

A budget travel in Scotland is possible with a thorough planning so that you can avoid any unforeseen expense. So plan your tour well and have fun with a budget travel in Scotland!



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Ford profit tops expectations, shares up (Reuters)

DEARBORN, Michigan (Reuters) ? Ford Motor Co's quarterly profit beat Wall Street expectations, helped by higher prices and improved sales in North America.

Ford, the only U.S. automaker that did not accept a government bailout, has posted a net profit for eight straight quarters. It had racked up net losses of $30 billion from 2006 through 2008 when it cut jobs, sold unprofitable brands and reshaped a lineup laden with large SUVs and pickup trucks.

In North America, Ford's pretax profit for the second quarter rose 0.5 percent to $1.91 billion.

North America was the only region where the company's profit improved. In Europe, where Ford's performance has been lagging in recent quarters, pretax profit was trimmed nearly in half to $176 million.

Ford shares were up 1.7 percent at $13.40 in trading before the market opened on Tuesday.

Chrysler also reported on Tuesday, posting a wider second-quarter net loss after the U.S. automaker repaid $7.6 billion in debt stemming from its 2009 federal bailout.

Ford did not alter its North American production outlook or its 2011 U.S. auto sales forecast.

However, Ford Chief Financial Officer Lewis Booth said the company now expects full-year U.S. industry auto sales to be at the low end of a range of 13 million to 13.5 million vehicles. It had expected 2011 sales at the high end of that range earlier in the year, he said.

Ford's sales forecast includes medium and heavy trucks, which account for 250,000 to 300,000 in annual sales.

Excluding one-time items, Ford's quarterly profit fell to 65 cents per share from 68 cents a year ago. Analysts on average had expected earnings of 60 cents per share excluding one-time items, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

Revenue rose 13 percent to $35.5 billion.

Net income fell to $2.4 billion in the quarter, or 59 cents per share, from $2.6 billion, or 61 cents per share.

"We delivered very good quarter results while growing the business globally and serving more customers in every region," said Ford Chief Executive Alan Mulally. "Despite an uncertain business environment, we further strengthened our balance sheet and continued to invest for the future."

Booth said the company continued to lower its automotive debt, by $2.6 billion in the quarter to $14 billion.


"This wasn't the easiest of quarters," Booth said. "We've got through the Japanese tsunami issues very well. We lost some units (vehicle production) in Asia Pacific, but managed to lose a lot less than we expected and we didn't really lose any significant units anywhere else in the world. It's just evidence that the plan's working."

Ford is striving to return to an investment grade rating by the major ratings agencies. Booth said he could not predict when the company may return to investment grade.

Most major agencies have Ford rated two notches below investment grade. Ford was last at investment grade in May 2005.

However, Booth said he expected a re-examination by the agencies once labor talks with the United Auto Workers union are completed. Those talks will officially begin this Friday for Ford.

The UAW represents about 41,000 Ford auto production workers.

Ford's hourly "all-in" labor cost per worker is about $58, compared with about $50-$51 per hour for Chrysler and about $57 per hour at GM.

The gap between Ford and its Japanese rivals with U.S. plants has narrowed from about $25 to $30 in 2007 to about $5 to $10 now, according to the Center for Automotive Research of Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Ford's labor costs are higher than Chrysler mainly because it has hired fewer than 100 so-called second-tier workers who make about half the pay of veteran UAW-represented workers, while about 12 percent of Chrysler's 22,800 union auto workers make the lesser wage.

The Ann Arbor consultant also said that Ford's estimated U.S. auto production labor costs are about $5.1 billion annually.


Booth said that Ford's profit was hampered by higher commodity costs related mainly to higher oil prices. He said prices for plastics, steel, aluminum, cooper and precious metals are all on the rise and affecting profit margins.

"As we continue to see growth in Asia, commodities stay under pressure," he said.

In its home U.S. market, the No. 2 U.S. automaker had a 16.9 percent market share through the first half of this year, compared with 17 percent a year ago.

Ford's sales in the first half of the year rose 12 percent versus a 17 percent rise for General Motors Co and 20 percent for Chrysler Group LLC.

(Additional reporting by Ben Klayman; Editing by Derek Caney and Matthew Lewis)


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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

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Monday, July 25, 2011

An Insight To The Real Value From Appraisal | Barry-Hill Realtors

One of your primary jobs as a Real Estate (homes for sale in Denver Colorado) agent is to assess the value of property for your clients. Arriving at a good price is hardly an outcome of guesswork. Competent (homes for sale in Denver Colorado) Agents recommend purchase or sales prices only after a carefully considered review of the property?s condition, location, structure, amenities, and functionality, all were directly involve by the facts brought by the regional and the economic environment..


* Appraisal. The vast majority of prospective property purchasers seek financing from a bank or financial institution. Things like this requires the aspects of apraisal that should be brought carefully to the attention of the seller to see the financial entities to certify the value of the purchased property and to ensure that the funds being lent cover a certain percentage of the real value of the property as assessed by an impartial third party and not a percentage of some pie-in-the-sky figure set by an aggressive Seller or Agent.


* Appraisers arrive at a home?s value by issuing deductions and credits for features the home either has or doesn?t have when compared to similar properties. For example, if the subject home has a fireplace and comparable homes don?t, the home?s value is bumped up by $2,500 to $3,500.


* Learn the values an appraiser is likely to either credit or debit to a property in your area based on the amenities it has or doesn?t have. share your ideas with appraiser in your area. Learn how they judge the worth of a fireplace, an extra bedroom, hardwood floors, an extra-large lot, an extra garage, upgraded finish work, landscaping, a sprinkler system, a deck, a hot tub, a spa bathtub, or other amenities or features. the figures may vary from time to time and from one market area to another. I suggest that you compile a list of the items that affect pricing in your area, along with the credits or debits that accompany each entry.


* Competitive market analysis or CMA. While appraisals come into play in most real estate deals, and broker price opinions come into play some homes for sale in Denver Colorado agents deal, competitive market analyses are fundamental to all professionally Realtor listed real estate deals. Agents that are skilled at conducting CMAs stand head-and-shoulders above their competitors, both in terms of client confidence and in terms of sales success.


The best homes for sale Denver CO Agents follow a structured process as they evaluate properties and render pricing opinions, systematically balancing the features and benefits of the home against the attributes of competing homes, recently sold homes, and homes that have been sold in the recent past.

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Jobless rates jump in 28 states in June (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? Jobless rates jumped in June from the month before in more than half of the U.S. states as sinking public employment reversed the trend of steadily improving labor conditions in the first half of 2011, Labor Department data released on Friday showed.

Altogether, 28 states and the District of Columbia registered unemployment rate increases from the month before and eight states had rate decreases. From a year before, the rates dropped in 39 states and rose in eight states and the District of Columbia, Labor Department data showed.

In May, only 13 states and the District registered increases over the month and only four states had increases over the year.

The unemployment rate in Nevada rose to 12.4 percent from 12.1 percent in May, in the first rise this year. The state continued to register the highest jobless rate in the country.

"Recent weakness evident at the national level may be trickling into the Silver State," said Bill Anderson, chief economist with the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, in a statement.

Nevada's jobless rate typically rises in June, but the month's increase was twice as large as the average of the last 10 years, according to the department. Retail shed 800 jobs in the state, education 400 jobs, and healthcare 400 jobs.

After Nevada, California had the highest unemployment rate of 11.8 percent. North Dakota again posted the lowest rate, 3.2 percent, followed by Nebraska, 4.1 percent.

Shrinking tax revenue in Nevada has caused the state and local governments to cut 3,600 jobs over the year, the department said, almost all at the local level.

Many states seem to be following Nevada's lead. State and local governments cut thousands of jobs in June, pushing their payrolls down to the lowest in five years, according to a Labor Department report released earlier this month.

North Carolina, where the unemployment rate jumped to 9.9 percent in June from 9.7 percent in May, lost 10,200 government jobs, according to the state's employment department. Three-fourths of the cuts were at the state level, and mostly in higher education.

Oregon's unemployment rate edged up to 9.4 percent in June from 9.3 percent in May. Since June 2010, the state has added 29,600 private sector jobs, but lost 9,100 government jobs.

The housing bust, financial crisis and recession devastated state and local tax revenues. For more than three years, states have cut spending, hiked taxes, borrowed and turned to the federal government for help in keeping their budgets balanced. Now, with few places left to find savings, they are rolling back funds for cities, counties and school districts.

On a national level, payrolls rose 18,000 in June and the unemployment rate notched up to 9.2 percent.

Michigan held the highest jobless rate in the country during the 2007-09 recession, but at the end of 2010 its employment situation improved.

While its jobless rate of 10.5 percent is lower than June 2010's rate of 12.6 percent, the state's labor market "has shown no significant changes the beginning of the year," said Rick Waclawek, director of Michigan's labor bureau.

Still, total payrolls grew in 26 states and Washington, D.C., in June, with Texas gaining the most jobs, 32,000. California payrolls rose by 28,800 and Michigan payrolls by 18,000. The payrolls shrank in 24 states over the month, with Tennessee losing the most jobs, 16,900. Missouri followed, shedding 15,700 jobs, and then Virginia with 14,600 jobs.

(Reporting by Lisa Lambert, additional reporting by Michael Connor in Miami, Jim Christie in San Francisco, and Karen Pierog in Chicago; Editing by Andrew Hay)


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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why You Must Know Your Skin Type ? Beauty, Health and Fitness

It is important to know your skin type because of one very simple reason: beautiful skin. We all want beautiful skin but are afraid that we can never achieve the supermodel or actress look. Would you then be surprised if you were told that these celebrities have to do lots of touching up to look perfect everyday of their lives!!

We are not celebrities but there is nothing stopping us from being able to look like them. If you are heavily into the use of cosmetics then?read on.

It is crucial to understand what your skin type is first, then to purchase your cosmetic product. It is true that most of us have no idea what our skin type is; oily skin, normal skin, acne prone skin or even a combination of two skin types. It is a fact that no two skins are exactly the same but with research over time, skin types have been grouped in the following general terminology. This is then in turn used by the cosmetic companies to sell their products. Generally speaking, your skin can either be normal skin, oily skin, dry skin or a combination skin.

Let?s look in detail what the skin types are and how to care for these skin types.

Normal Skin Type

Baby skin is often described as normal skin. It is smooth and feels you are gliding your hand over a cloud or butter. The skin has a rosy colour and looks moisturised. Most importantly, the pores are barely visible and fine.

Normal Skin Care

If you have normal skin, then it is best to leave it normal if you must use makeup, try using light makeup. Also, ensure you wipe away the makeup before going to bed.

Dry Skin Type

Most of us come under this category. Our skin tends to be dry and this leads to the skin feeling taut even after a wash. The danger with dry skin and not doing anything about it is that it wrinkle prone and ages prematurely.

Dry Skin Care

If you have dry skin, then it is best to ensure that the skin is constantly hydrated and moisturised. Do not wash dry skin with cold water and soap. Also, do not use alcohol based creams and lotions as alcohol dries up the skin. Diets which are rich in vitamins A, B, C, and D should also be taken.

Oily Skin Type

Oily skin is defined as skin which is shiny, thick and coarse. Pores are clearly visible which then lead to blackhead and pimples. This skin type needs to be cleaned thoroughly.

Oily Skin Care

Those with oily skin need to ensure that they only use cosmetics which are specifically made for oily skin. Cleansing the pores by facial steaming once a week is effective in removing the greasy look on the face.

Combination Skin Type

Many of us have combination skin. This means that part of the face may be dry and the other part may be oily. Or the bottom of the face is dry and the upper part is normal.

Combination Skin Care

If you have combination skin, there are ways to look after it and ensure you balance both the skin types but at the same time look good and achieve beautiful skin. Use a mild cleaner on your entire face. Also ensure you use a good moisturiser on the dry areas of the face. Look for products which contain ingredients which can normalize the skin. This will remove the dead skin cells and give you a younger appearance. These ingredients are normally derived from fruit, milk and sugar cane. Most importantly, do not forget to use sunscreen.

Once you are able to identify your skin type, you will be able to combat your skin conditions much better and aim for the beautiful skin you have dreamt of.


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How do Your Customers Learn - The Frightening Facts | Business ...

Knowledge is power and I?m after it.

Admittedly, I run all over the country attending one conference after another. Desperately seeking information, knowledge and guidance, I?m the one eagerly scribbling notes. For the most part these conferences have served me and my clients very well. As a business consultant, I use the tips, tricks and strategies I?ve learned at these events to fuel my growth and my clients? successes as well.

Research provides valuable clues

Conferences, seminars and workshops are great but I don?t think we should overlook the value of everyday learning. The way that we learn best is to take in information, use it and then teach it. Studies conducted by the National Training Labs shows that passive learning methods only produce up to 30% retention. So when we are talking to someone we must remember that they?re probably only getting a small percentage of what we are saying. When we provide the information in written form, their retention increases. If we show them, they?re taking in more, but we?re still topping out at 30%.

The study went on to show that when the student participates in the learning, the retention dramatically increases. So hands on activities are extremely important to deliver actual learning. The average retention rate soars to 90% when students are asked to teach the new material. That?s an amazing leap.

These findings are consistent with the audience measurement information provided by Nielsen Media Research, the primary source of audience measurement information in the television industry around the world. Nielsen concluded that audiences retained approximately 30% of what they heard. Message retention would dramatically increase when text was on the screen and rise additionally when pictures were added.

Here?s what to do

This information could be very useful to us as entrepreneurs. Whether dealing with customers, prospective customers or employees we should be able to increase the impact of our message by adjusting our method of instruction. Here?s how:

  1. Blogging is a great way to deliver information.
  2. Webinars, teleseminars, and webcasts work really well especially if you include texts and pictures or graphs to increase retention.
  3. Don?t just tell them how a product is used. Give the information in written form, show them and have them explain it back to you.
  4. Videos are also a very useful tool.
  5. Workshops offer an opportunity for lecturing, demonstrations, hands-on learning, group conversations, participants teaching each other.
  6. Offering a video, audio and text library helps people learn at their own pace.

The goal should be to incorporate as many methods of learning and information delivery as possible into each encounter.

Here?s how I use this info

After reading the study, it?s easy for me to see why I love attending conferences. They give me an opportunity to be grasp as much information as possible through listening to the speaker. We all receive print materials that have graphs, charts and pictures. I?m actively learning as I take down my notes. There are usually group events for participants and lots of informal chatting. When the event is over, I come back to my office and offer my clients the benefit of what I have learned and coach them on how to use it.

My clients are happy to have new ideas, strategies and tips. The funny thing is that they usually become as big of a fan of the conference host I did. They purchase their books, products and even services. It creates a triple win and you can?t beat that.

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