Wednesday, February 13, 2013

NBA: Magic Johnson Answers: Who Wins a Game of 1-on-1 in Their Prime: MJ or LeBron?

IFWT_Lebron Jordan

I love how Sports Center is covering Michael Jordan?s 50th birthday coming up this Sunday. They?ve had daily segments honoring MJ & he deserves it. What I?m so tired of is all the Jordan/LeBron comparisons. Jordan is Jordan. You can not compare anyone to him. LeBron is amazing in his own way. Celebrate LeBron for LeBron.
With that said, of course ESPN had to do a comparison. They asked people on Sports Center and on Twitter: Who wins a game of 1-on-1 in their prime: MJ or LeBron? Well Magic Johnson responded to the tweet and had a few interesting things to say. Check it out along with ESPN?s poll result on the question.




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