Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Windows 8 Will Eventually Succeed ? HP CEO [Bloomberg]

Even though Microsoft claims it has sold 60 million Windows 8 copies since launch, which basically brings it in line with Windows 7, most industry officials believe that the new operating system actually fails to excite.

And while statistics clearly support their statements, HP CEO Meg Whitman says that Windows 8 will take off at some point, but we still need to wait a little bit until this eventually happens.

?Listen, Windows 8 did not appear to grow the market. But we are in early days, and the magnitude of the user-interface change and features were substantial. We have to stick with this. I am a believer. We are going to continue to invest in this platform. Whenever you do something of this magnitude in this kind of environment, you have to stick with it,? she told Businessweek.

Sadly for Microsoft, Windows 8 is now blamed for the PC industry?s collapse as the new operating system did little to revive the hardware sector.

While new PC sales dropped 6.4 percent worldwide and 4.5 percent in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2012, the confusion surrounding Windows 8 and all UI changes are considered to be two main reasons for people staying away from the new OS and, consequently, from new computers.

And still, just like the HP CEO, analysts around the world expect Windows 8 to skyrocket this year and together with it, the PC market is also predicted to post a significant recovery.

That?s very likely to happen in the upcoming months, especially because hardware manufacturers worldwide are getting ready to release new systems capable of making the most of Windows 8.

?As Windows 8 matures, and other corresponding variables such as Ultrabook pricing continue to drop, hopefully the PC market can see a reset in both messaging and demand in 2013,? Jay Chou, senior research analyst for IDC, said a few days ago.

Source: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Windows-8-Will-Eventually-Succeed-HP-CEO-Bloomberg-320898.shtml

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