Wednesday, January 30, 2013

SEO content marketing roundup, week ending ... - SEO Copywriting

Mobile phone, depicting the mobile marketing theme of the SEO content marketing roundupGoing mobile? In this week?s latest and greatest online marketing news, content marketers share success tips and discuss mobile challenges, SEO and search pro?s talk unique content and advanced topics, while the social media marketing community chirps up Twitter?s new Vine mobile app. Enjoy this week?s web gems!

Content Marketing

Mauro D?Andrea posts ?101 Experts Share Their Tips for Online Success,? segmented by marketing category, at Blog Growth.

Lee Odden lists 50 ?Top UK Online Marketing Influencers & Bloggers in 2013? at Top Rank.

Isla McKetta posts ?The Viral Video Manifesto: How to Make Content Shareable? at Portent.

Patricia Redsicker posts ?Findable Content Marketing: 3 Google Keyword Tool Tips? at Content Marketing Institute.

Bob Geller posts ?Social Media Moment of Zen: 4 Non-intuitive Ways to Boost Content Marketing Effectiveness and Results in 2013? at WindMill Networking.

Carolyn Goodman posts ?If Content Is King, Grammar Is Queen? at Target Marketing Magazine.

Bryan Eisenberg talks marketing ROI with ?Why You Won?t Crush It This Year!? at ClickZ.

Zach Bulygo posts ?How to Keep Email Marketing Manageable? at KISSmetrics.

Citing a study by ExactTarget, Matt Kapko posts ?Marketers, Consumers Favor Email Over Social Media [Report]? at Search Engine Watch.

Marketing Sherpa?s weekly research chart looks at the ?Top mobile marketing challenges.?

Citing Marketing Sherpa?s Mobile Marketing Benchmark Report, Shelly Kramer posts ?Mobile Marketing: 50 Percent of Marketers Have No Idea? at V3 Integrated Marketing.

Heidi Cohen posts ?How Social Media and Mobile Change Pricing Strategies.?

Heather Lloyd-Martin tackles content creation, client relations, and pricing strategy with ?Discount your copywriting rates? No way! Try this instead.? and via video with ?Promises, promises: the copywriting client carrot & stick(y) situation? at SEO Copywriting.

Continuing the client relations theme, Sian Killingsworth posts ?How to fire a writing client: it ain?t me, babe? at SEO Copywriting.



SEO & Search

Neil Patel posts ?The Advanced Guide to SEO? at Quicksprout.

Alistair Dent posts ?How to Use Google Analytics Advanced Segments? at Search Engine Watch.

Eric Ward plays SEO psychiatrist with ?The Link Shrink Is In: 3 Crazy Linking Assumptions? at Search Engine Land.

In a ?mozinar? supplemental Q & A post, Justin Taylor answers questions about SEO and web design with ?Designing for SEO? at SEOmoz.

Nathan Safran discusses ?Competitive Analysis: How to Become an SEO Hero in 4 Steps? at Search Engine Watch.

SkilledUp interviews Heather Lloyd-Martin about the art of SEO copywriting and more with ?Direct from the Ultimate SEO Copywriter Herself (Part 1).?

Doc Sheldon discusses ?Building Authority in 2013? at Level 343.

Lyena Solomon posts ?How To Really Be Less Reliant On Google Search Traffic? at Search Engine People.

Like Solomon, Uri Bar-Joseph discusses diversification with ?Google, I Think I Love You ? So What Am I So Afraid Of?? at Search Engine Watch.

Rand Fishkin posts ?How Unique Does Content Need to Be to Perform Well in Search Engines?? via SEOmoz?s Whiteboard Friday.


  • If you happen to be in Seattle, take advantage of this low-cost, high-value meet-up, ?Seattle Information Architecture & User Experience,? featuring Ian Lurie of Portent and Ruth Burr of SEOmoz. It?s on February 12th at 7 p.m.
  • SES London is on for next month, February 18th thru the 21st.
  • SMX West?is scheduled for March 11th thru the 13th?in San Jose, CA. Register by February 1st for early bird savings!
  • SMX Toronto is scheduled for March 20th and 21st.
  • SES New York?will return to The Big Apple March 25th thru the 28th. Register by February 21st for early bird rates!


Social Media Marketing

?Twitter Mobile Video? headlines Social Media Examiner?s weekly news.

More on Twitter?s Vine: Doug Antkowiak opines that ?Twitter?s Vine App Looks Awesome? at Portent, and Nick Cicero reports ?15 Brands already using Twitter?s New Vine App? at SocialFresh.

Andrew Lipsman reports ?Facebook Vaults Ahead of Google Maps to Finish 2012 as #1 U.S. Mobile App? at comScore.

Citing a new report from Vizu, Matt McGee posts ?64 Percent Of Digital Marketers Plan To Spend More On Social Ads In 2013? at Marketing Land.

Stephan Duggan looks at 2013 social media trends with ?What?s Next? Better Engagement and a Marketplace Without Boundaries? at Social Media Today.

Jason Del Rey reports ?YouTube Set to Introduce Paid Subscriptions This Spring? at AdAge | digital.

Jay Baer posts ?Social Media Strategy in 8 Steps? at Convince & Convert.

Miranda Miller discusses content targeting with ?Social Media Marketing Fatal Attraction: When Content Earns Your Brand the Wrong Type of Attention? at Top Rank.

Jordan Kasteler discusses ?Why You Need To Treat Your Social Media Strategy Like Your Content Strategy? at Search Engine Land.

Ashley Zeckman posts ?Make the Most of Your Social Media Interactions: 9 Tips? at Search Engine Watch.

Somini Sengupta discusses ?How Facebook Taught Its Search Tool to Understand People? at the New York Times (

Sianessa Killingsworth posts ?How To Be Found in Facebook?s Graph Search at her small business marketing blog.


  • Social Media Marketing World is scheduled to take place in San Diego from April 7th thru the 9th.
  • For an all-in-one listing and description of social media, content & inbound marketing events, check out Neal Schaffer?s ?The 12 Best Social Media Conferences to Attend in 2013? at Social Media Today.


photo thanks to Milica Sekulic


Learn how to grow a happy, healthy copywriting business from 12 of the world?s leading experts: register for the Copywriting Business Boot Camp before classes start on February 11th!


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