Thursday, August 9, 2012

SEO Training ? What is What | Free Press Release Distribution ...

Well now a days SEO is pretty easy word for most of the internet users who are surfing a bit from past 2 to 3 years. SEO is nothing but writing some keyword stuffed titles and formatting the text with some tags and getting links from some of the friends and sending mails asking links to boost up the page rank and ranking in Search Engines.

When I was in need of Money, I personally spoken to few small business owners from various parts of world. I explained the benefits and pros and cons of SEO, but most of them says ?Yes We Do Know SEO? and ? I am doing it myself? Why You? ,? I bought of Couple of Links from High PR sites that?s Enough SEO?

Does Really SEO is that simple. if Yes Why we care a lot about Matts Words and Google Algorithams?

Opppps, I went into Deep.. Going Wrong Direction on my First Day.

Lets start the Day 1 of Online SEO Training.

What is Business, Online Business

Business is nothing but either it is selling or buying what ever it is, if you are spending a few bucks means its all business.? But the source through which we are doing it matters. If you are doing it online using some internet means it is online business.

To populate your online business, You need some marketing strategies like how we do it for business like a palm-plate or Boarding or News Paper ad or Mouth marketing. marketing stratagies which are used to populate the online business are called Online Marketing aspects.

In Online Marketing as well you have several horizons like Search Engines and Emails, Online Advertisements, Affiliates and so on!!

Well now we are in Concept!!

Search Engines ? What are they?

Search Engines are nothing but engines which gives helpful information by digging into the list of collected Webs (these are my own definitions).

Yes, Search Engines will store lot of website data in them. they will supply the data what ever you need when search happends. Lets Say GYM ? Google Yahoo MSN( Bing). These are the popular search engines which are used by 90% of the world.

How to Dig in Search Engines.

Its really simple, go and type what ever you need in the search box of Search Engines. Thats it, It will populate list of results with the helpful information in serial structure.

The words which you used to search are called ?Keywords?? ? and the list of results are called Search Engine Result Pages.

Normally you will have 10 results page but you can increase upto 100 per page.

Tomorrrow We will learn about Search Engines and Directories and their difference. Also the SEO. Stay Tuned, Add me on Facebook and Twitter

Related posts:

  1. SEO Guru: Not Your Average SEO Consultant
  2. SEO Guru: Not Your Average SEO Consultant
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  4. SEO Consult? Announce New SEO Partnership with ANS Group (Europe) Ltd.
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