Thursday, June 28, 2012

Signs That My Ex Boyfriend Wants Me Back - How To Spot Them

Signs That My Ex Boyfriend Wants Me Back  -  How To Spot Them

You will probably be wondering what are the signs that your ex boyfriend wants you back, well you are in luck! This article is going to show you exactly how to spot the clues that he still cares about you and how to use this knowledge to your advantage. It is important to be realistic about these signs though, just because he says or does a certain thing, it does not necessarily mean that he is over you or that he wants you back immediately. Break ups are very traumatic times and people do not act in a normal way, so their signals too could be slightly off.

A word of advice here, sometimes girls can read into things too much in desperation. Their minds end up twisting things around so that it seems like he is still in love with them, even though the signs blatantly tell them that he is not. This is a big danger and one that you need to be aware of. There is no point in lying to yourself here, it will do you no good in the end and will maybe cause you to make a fool of yourself. What you should be trying to do instead is to change his opinions of you with psychological techniques that make him see you in a whole new light. This is a much more effective plan and one that can only happen when you are honest with yourself about how he really feels now.

Does He Try To Make You Jealous?

This is one of the biggest clues out there that he still has feelings for you. A guy would not even bother with this tactic if he had moved on with his life. The reason that he will be trying to make you jealous is to provoke a reaction from you. When he wants you back, he wants to find out if you feel the same. So the easiest way for him to do this, rather than just point blank asking you, is to see if you get upset when there is another girl on the scene. This is an age old technique used by men and women, you may have even tried it yourself.

When he sees that you are uncomfortable, angry or hurt about this new girl in his life, he will instinctively know that you are not over him yet either. Of course he doesn't always have to be blatantly parading a new girlfriend around you, he might think that this is way too obvious. Look out for him trying to subtly hint that he is seeing someone. He could also start mentioning other girls around you and compliment them, just to see how you react.

It is important that you don't give him the satisfaction of knowing that this is annoying you. When he knows that he still has an affect on you it will give him the upper hand. He will also know that he can play with your emotions for a while longer as your feelings are still there.

What you want instead is to do the opposite of what he expects you to do. Don't let him see that you are childish and jealous and he will be shocked that his plan is not working. It will also make him sit up and take notice of you and come to terms with the fact that maybe you have moved on. This will frighten him and cause him to take action so that you don't slip further and further away from him. This is when he will start showing the other signs that he wants you back.

Does He Reminisce About Your Past Together?

When your ex boyfriend talks about your past together, it is a big sign that he is stuck in the past as it is a better place for him to be right now. There's a good chance that his life post break up is not as good as he anticipated. He probably is starting to feel lonely and miss your company. If you have heard of the saying 'you don't know what you have got until it's gone', it really does apply here. He may have expected that he would have a lot more freedom after he broke up with you. This freedom comes at a price though and he will start to notice this.

Watch out for him calling you up and talking about what you used to do together and your memories as a couple. It is a clear sign that he still likes you and has begun to really appreciate the positive influence that you were having on his life.

Be careful about how you respond if he goes into memory mode. You don't want to get all nostalgic yourself, not in a blatant way anyway, this will only show him that you are worse off than he is. If you start to look pathetic he will soon pull away from you again. On the other hand, you don't want to be going too far in the opposite direction either. If you make him think that you have completely moved on or are cold and uncaring towards him, he will not want to even try to get you back. There is a fine balance that you have to strike here.

Your Next Steps

These are only two of the clues he still likes you, you will have to look into the clues in much more depth to really know how he feels. The best thing that you can do for yourself right now is to know exactly where you stand. When you understand what your chances are of getting him back then you will have better results.

The next thing that you will have to start thinking about is how to make him want you back. Let's face it, you will not get him back at all if he doesn't want you first. There are amazing techniques that you can begin to put in place today that will reignite his desire for you and come chasing after you again. You can also use Facebook techniques to make him desire you and want you back. Lots of women are having excellent results with these. When you see how powerful they are, you will soon see a change in your ex boyfriend.

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