Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Clever bSafe Panic Alarm App Launches In U.S. With Free Offer To New Yorkers

bsafeThe market for 'panic alarm' apps on smartphones is littered with simple apps which just make a lot of noise if you get attacked, but not much else. This is a mistake. Smartphones have cameras, microphones, and can broadcast their location - basically everything you need to turn the phone into the ultimate safety device. So it's surprising that so few startups are addressing this area. One that has been around since 2011 out of Denmark is PanicGuard. The app will sound an alarm, SMS someone, start recording video and track your location. But it's expensive ($6 a month), and is failing to scale outside the UK/Europe. Its main competitor is the bSafe app on iOS and Android from the startup called Bipper. This has now launched a major push into the U.S. with both a free and paid-for model, and a way of using it for more everyday safety. It's this business model which has seen it become the most downloaded mobile safety app in Europe to date, with over 100,000 downloads.

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