Saturday, May 19, 2012

Kissing Coffee Goodbye? Maybe. | Real Food Freaks

Just typing the title brings tears to my eyes.?

I love coffee.? I l-o-v-e coffee.? I FREAKING LOVE COFFEE.? I really, really do.? So why on earth would I kiss it goodbye?? Well, I?m not sure that I will.

You?ve seen them, I know you have.? The millions of posts and articles about coffee:? Coffee is Good For You!, Is Coffee Good For You?,? Coffee is Bad For You!, Why You Shouldn?t Drink Coffee!, Why You Should Drink Coffee!? Coffee is For Cool Kids!? Coffee Will Kill You Slowly!? Okay, I?m making these up, but you know what I?m talking about.? There are?literally?hundreds of?articles and studies that report the positive health benefits of coffee.? And for each one of those, there is one reporting the negative health aspects of coffee.? (By the way, if you?re interested, here is a rather balanced post on the matter.)

What on earth are you supposed to believe?? (I vote to believe the positive ones!)? But, can I tell you something?? I couldn?t give a flying flip as to whether coffee is actually good for me or not.? I enjoy coffee? like really enjoy it? simply because it tastes so freaking delicious.? Especially with heavy cream.

So, again, why would I kiss it goodbye?? Well, I?m still not sure that I will.? But, I am considering it.

WHY???? How could this possibly be???? It?s so very sad.? Well, let me try to explain it to you? maybe you will talk me out of it. (Please?)

I am not a caffeine addict (I don?t think).? I have never, ever? in the 16 years that I have been drinking coffee? gotten that?famous ?burst of energy? that so many people?get from caffeine.? In fact, until very recently I would even drink espressos before bed.? No sleep problems what-so-ever.? No lie.?

No jitters, no anxiety, no heart palpitations? zip, nada, nothing!

So what?s my problem?? Why not just live my life enjoying my coffee and reveling in the fact that I?m not lying awake at night unable to come down from a caffeine high like some poor saps??

Well, for awhile now I?ve been plagued with the thought that coffee just might be preventing me from achieving optimal health.?

I suspect that I may have some hormonal imbalance or adrenal issues going on.? I can be super irritable.? Like, watch out because I will literally bite your freaking head off irritable.? I?ve also put on a few LB?s over the last year and a half despite eating the healthiest that I have ever eaten in my life.? Something is not right.? I?m frustrated and I want to get to the bottom of it.? I do not think that any of this has been caused by drinking coffee.? No way.? I just think that coffee may not be helping me.? I want to correct these issues? but I don?t want to give up coffee.? But, how can I chalk this up to some hair-brained idea if I don?t give it some experimentation?? Exactly? I can?t.?

I really, really hope that I?m wrong.? Like really, really, really wrong.? I?m hoping to be able to come back and tell you what a stupid, asinine idea that it was.? (Why does the word asinine only have one ?s??? Clearly it should have two.)

But, for now, I?m kissing coffee goodbye? MWUAH.? That?s supposed to be? kissing sound.? Is that how you spell a kissing sound?

Oh, and for the record, I?m probably not going to actually kiss it goodbye until next week.? I?m hoping some of you will talk me out of it? anyone?

Categories: Leslie's Blogs, Real Food Journey, Uncategorized | Tags: adrenal health, caffeine, coffee, health, hormone imbalance, kissing coffee goodbye maybe, self experimentation | Permalink

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