Friday, March 9, 2012

Just ten minutes but you can make you and your parents are at least ...

just ten minutes but you can make you and your parents live at least ten years ~ ~ ~ [turn] {~ Peking University Professor Qi ~}
health lecture notes to see live at least ten years after the
~ Peking University Professor Qi lecture notes ~
healthy life expectancy should be able to reach 100-175 years old, why have not reached it? The main reason is that we do not attach importance to health care, do not know how health knowledge. Many people die of ignorance, it is very wrong ah!
we know how to care it? Victoria International on a declaration, the declaration has three milestones: the first is called a balanced diet, and the second is called aerobic exercise, and the third called the state of mind. The three milestones, the international community has to know, and many of us do not know. Three milestones of the title will not change, but the content will change at any time.

A balanced diet

following the first question I say, balanced diet. The so-called balanced diet, drinking and eating two categories.

1, : people do not put milk; fifth bone soup; sixth mushroom soup.
Why mention mushroom soup? Because mushrooms can improve immune function. The same office, it was old and cold, it was old and not sick, why? Immune function is not the same. Mushroom soup can help improve the immune system, so is health care.
Why mention bone soup? Bone soup with one kind of gelatinous material longevity, so the world has a bone soup Street, and China does not. We investigated a bit, most recently in Suzhou, Nanjing and the city has, Beijing or not.
Why mention yogurt? Because yogurt is to maintain the flora balance. The so-called maintenance of flora balance is so beneficial bacterial growth, and to eliminate harmful bacteria, so eating yogurt can reduce the disease. Yogurt is very popular in Europe, many of us girls like yogurt, but they do not know what good
yogurt place. We are very surprised that China is very low sales of yogurt, and milk sales lot. We do not deny the role of the milk itself, but it is not the same as compared with the yogurt.

have soy milk, the latter say.

green tea: in all the drinks, it is the first cancer. Drink green tea, can protect the teeth, but also the blood vessel is not easy to break.

why green tea health effect? The original green tea which contains polyphenols, and polyphenols is cancer. Second, please note that green tea fluoride. The fluoride effect? Ancient people have long known that Cao Xueqin wrote Jia?s Dream when people write to take tea after dinner mouth. Su also recorded his every meal to take tea in the lower mouth, the purpose is strong teeth, but he did not know the role of fluorine. The Japanese are now clear, and fluoride can not only strong teeth, can prevent cavities, eliminate plaque. Three minutes after a meal, teeth plaque will appear. Now many of us have bad teeth, not only do not take tea mouthwash, not even white water rinse, do not know where the problem lies. Now, some people began to tooth 30 years old, the age of 50 lost teeth on the whole. Third, the green tea itself contains tannin. Tea tannin is to improve the toughness of the blood vessels so that blood is not easy to break. Many people come to Beijing for treatment of cerebral vascular accident, four people die in hospitals each had a cerebral hemorrhage, it is very dangerous. Cerebral hemorrhage did not rule of law, afraid of anger, an angry one pound the table a stare, cerebral vascular collapse, and that I have seen too much. If green tea would not be drunk, so I am now a morning tea to drink. Why? I joke with people that are afraid to air my son.

you, you have this early age to drink, to shoot a few under the table when you stare at the eye are not afraid of a few. First green tea anti-cancer, the second can be strong teeth, the third cerebrovascular difficult to break, why not drink it? If you do not know how to drink tea, please immediately corrected, because the international trend is to drink green tea has. Some people resent me: drinking tea sleep how to do? ? Who told you to have tea before going to sleep?

wine: anti-aging, blood pressure and blood cholesterol. Therefore, the rich drink red wine, grapes do not have money spit grape skin, as health care.

second drink red wine. Why mention red wine? Many Chinese people do not know, Europe has long been known, and they drink a little red wine every day, men and women, why? Originally a kind of red grape skin reversal of alcohol. This reversal of alcohol is the anti-aging, one that anti-aging, people drink the. Reversal of alcohol or antioxidants, red wine drunk people is not easy to get heart disease. Second, it can help prevent sudden cardiac arrest, we call abrupt stop. Under what circumstances will arrest the heart? The first had had heart disease, the second has high blood pressure, and the third has a relationship with food. What food? Too large, tough, too sticky, hot food, easy to cardiac arrest. High blood lipids, but also make cardiac arrest. Red wine there is a role that can lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol. World Health Organization said no more than 300 ml. If you exceed this amount is wrong, no more than this amount is good. Some lesbians raised: how do I not drink? You do not drink, do not eat grapes it? Grapes do not spit grape skin will not it? But I tell you, there is no reversal of the white grape alcohol, so you do not lectures will not buy grapes. No reversal of the white grape alcohol, eating is quite unlikely, buy red grapes. Now, Europe has emerged a red grape cakes. I experimented, the red grapes clean, eat, when to swallow leather, very comfortable, all right. Therefore, the rich drink red wine, grapes do not have money spit grape skin, as health care.

longevity, money and power are not the principal, the main thing is to understand health care.

the body?s normal internal environment is alkaline, vegetables and fruits are alkaline substances. All countries, all countries with high levels of health, consumption of vegetables and fruits are great. You do not care, would a la carte, useless. Some people joke that those guilty of corruption do not shoot, put him to eat dead food, I think is not exaggerated. Others resent me say: I do not how to solve food and clothing? Some people told me that, health care to We know that China is the most powerful emperor, well not that, say the Qing Dynasty, 13 emperors, wen 19-year-old dead, Junji 23 years old, Xianfeng 31-year-old, 38-year-old dynasty, but has lived for 89 years Qianlong . Special care will Qianlong in the Qing emperor in the longevity champions. We checked Qianlong information, first, he particularly good exercise; Second, he ate Zhengfa cake, with the thickness of the grain; the third, he is good travel, the most famous is the next south, so he lived for 89 years. There are 818 monks on the survey, more than 30% of the monks to live to 90 years old, the youngest one is 65 years old. And there is nothing right? Their diet is worth our attention, we can learn it! Therefore, to longevity, money and power are not the principal, the main thing is to understand health care. If you do not care, money and power are not guaranteed, so the United Nations do not die of ignorance was said.

2, As you know, the best Asian food pyramid. What is Pyramid? Is to cereals, pulses, vegetable species for food basis.

corn, buckwheat, potatoes, oats, millet, diet is more important than medication.

at international conferences, never mentioned rice, flour, not to mention Western fast food. Cereals in the first mention of the old corn, it is a American Medical Association made a survey and found that very few Indians have high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, is to eat the old corn to eat. Later, the study found that corn contains a lot of lecithin, linoleic acid, Valley steroids, vitamin E, prevent hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Since then, the Americans changed the corn to eat. Americas, Africa, Europe, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Guangzhou in the morning eat a corn soup. Now, many people in the lecithin, it is hoped not atherosclerosis. But he did not know where the old corn lecithin containing up to, and do not spend more money. An old corn in the United States is $ 2.5, while in China as long as the dollar, much cheaper. But many of us do not know, do not eat. I would have changed drank polenta, and I have been insisting in the United States. I am 70 years old, energetic, full of energy, loud voice, quite unashamedly, and his face does not wrinkle. Why? Polenta drink drink, believe it or not. You drink your milk, I drink my polenta, we see who live longer.

grain buckwheat is the second mention. Why mention buckwheat? Many people now are The buckwheat is precisely the I asked the university students: What is buckwheat? They do not know, I know burgers. Buckwheat contains 18% cellulose, easy to get people to eat buckwheat gastrointestinal cancer, rectal cancer, colon cancer is not easy. We take the office who have cancer, colon cancer, many. You want to eat buckwheat?

grains for the third point is the sweet potato, sweet potato, yam and potatoes. Why? It is the original Absorb moisture, lubricate intestines and difficult to get cancer, colon cancer; absorption of fat and sugar, is not easy to have diabetes; absorption of toxins, less prone to gastrointestinal inflammation. I also investigated in the United States, the United States is to make it into a potato to eat a variety of pastries, eat less. Want people to eat more potatoes, the staple food in the can with a potato.

grains which have oats, long known abroad, many Chinese people do not know. If your high blood pressure, eat some oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal, because it fat, lowering blood pressure.

last thing to mention is millet. We are millet plus rifles fought victory ah! After returning home I asked: In fact, Have such a big advantage you do not eat!

we must understand that diet is more important than medication, which is Li said. Therefore, Li wrote in the Why do not we get food to solve the problem, have to take medicine? 10 drugs nine drugs, have not heard of medication to health care, the emperor did not do, Han did not do, you and I are not possible. But I have to declare: I am not against medication, I am against indiscriminate medicine, I suggest that medication,

of yellow, the most suitable is the milk.

then say, Our survey found that Chinese people lack of quality protein. So, sports competitions, we win the old ball, big ball victorious. Why? A hit on a golf course on a somersault kick. Now, our medicine is much higher than the United States, but our bodies are not as good as others. Chinese lack of quality protein, high-quality protein, not how to do? Ministry of Health has proposed a After I spoke, and some students say, become a

He said you do not talk about the amount, I?ll give you the amount of plus points. Who told you to increase the amount? 300 mg cholesterol, one egg is right, why eat half a catty? Also made out of Twelve soy protein is equal to twenty-two lean, mean thirty-two eggs, equal forty-two rice, should you ate? The United States on August 15 each year as the country?s Americans do not lack quality protein, soy nutrition they think the flower, the king of beans. What are the advantages

milk? Containing the oligosaccharides in milk, it can be absorbed 100%, and soy milk also contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, calcium content than milk and more. There is no anti-cancer substances in milk, and soy milk, there are five kinds of anti-cancer substances. In particular, the isoflavones, specifically the prevention, treatment, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, colon cancer. So for us yellow people, the most suitable is the milk. I am not against people drinking milk, but in order to prevent cancer, be sure to drink milk. Some people stopped to drink milk, soy milk, and this method is not necessarily good. You can then drink the milk, add a little milk properly.

radish, pumpkin, bitter gourd, tomatoes, garlic, black fungus and pollen, are beneficial to health food.

below, on The first international conference to mention the food is carrots. Why mention carrots? China?s Do not see things at night, especially night blindness, eat well. Moreover, long-term eating carrots is not easy to get cold. Americans believe that the carrot is a beauty dish, keep hair, skin care, keep mucous membranes. People do eat carrots beauty from the inside out, this concept of beauty should be internal and external harmony. In Urumqi, someone invited me to eat dumplings, carrots filling, they called the name of the Russian dumplings. I finished, I felt beautiful. First, it raised mucosa, is not easy to cold; second, that it fit; Third, it is a bit anti-cancer effect, but the eyes are particularly good. Carrots also are not afraid of high, how high temperatures without loss of nutrition. Now, Europe has emerged a carrot cake.

Aquatica is the second mention of the pumpkin. Why Tinan melon it? It stimulates ?-cells to produce insulin. Therefore, people who eat pumpkin is not easy to get diabetes. Bitter melon should also be mentioned, it was tough, but the secretion of insulin-like substance, easy to eat bitter people who have diabetes. Pumpkin, bitter gourd, our age, people must eat.

also mentioned the International Conference on tomato is tomato. In the United States, the Red Cross made of tomato seedlings to promote each family are planted tomatoes, tomatoes, aimed at preventing cancer. This is five or six years ago, they know. Not easy to get cancer eat tomatoes, you know? Prevent uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer. I ask you: how to eat tomatoes? Some say: That is not easy, to wash raw chanting. Others say to put slices of sugar, then drink beer. If it is such a food, I tell you: ride it! Inside there is something called tomato tomato pigment, which, combined in one protein, is difficult because of fiber wrapped around it, it must be heated, heating elements to a certain degree of tomatoes come out. I tell you, fried eggs, tomatoes, the most valuable. There is tomato soup or tomato soup is a good egg. Please note: raw tomatoes are not cancer.
garlic, cancer of the king. I say just a how to eat garlic, some people say: too warm to eat. ? What are you how warm? I tell you, the role of zero heating garlic! Shandong Province, Northeast favorite garlic, a prosthetic to eat, and said not to eat garlic cancer. But few days he served cancer, and why? Now the world knows how to eat garlic, only we do not know. Tell you, we must first slice of garlic, a piece of sheet, exposed to air for 15 minutes after eating, so eat garlic to be useful. The original, garlic itself is not cancer, Allicin only cancer, but cancer of the king. That day, I see people eat garlic, he took a bowl of noodles, then quickly put the garlic peeling out, a one to eat, not eat up to 5 seconds. Not even 5 seconds, what is the use of garlic that you? Is of no use. If you do not follow my method, it is quite unlikely. Many people do not eat garlic, because it is flavored. Do not worry, eat hawthorn, eat peanuts, tea, and then chewing a good point, no flavor. Foreigners eat garlic every week, why not eat it! When eating dumplings, dipped large minced garlic (sliced ??or mashed at the end will do) vinegar is very good.
then talk about the black fungus. What role do black fungus? Now one to the New Year, myocardial infarction are more numerous and increasingly early age, young age of only 30 years old. Why New Year, the more myocardial infarction? Two reasons: one is the thick blood coagulation constitution, that is, high fat; the other is because the New Year to eat foods particularly hypercoagulable. We remember the people called thick blood coagulation constitution. Hypercoagulable hypercoagulable physical person with food, so the New Year many people, especially myocardial infarction, and age. Although he did not rule
myocardial infarction, but it can be prevented. Some doctors tell you take aspirin, and why? Aspirin makes the blood is not sticky, not myocardial infarction. However, aspirin?s consequences? Consequences of retinal hemorrhage. Now many people retinal bleeding, I advise you not to eat aspirin. Aspirin is now Europe has not eat, eat? Eat black fungus.
black fungus has two roles, one of which is that blood is not sticky. The role of black fungus, is found in the American Heart specialists. He found that after all the Europeans, who have money and rank have changed the black fungus eat, and eat aspirin.
what kind of person is coagulation constitution? The answer is short, thick, fat people, especially menopausal women compatriots. Moreover, A1 blood type are more likely to become thick blood coagulation constitution. Also, the shorter the neck the more likely the high coagulation thick. Prevention of myocardial infarction, First New Year do not eat Hesse Hu; second drink plenty of tea, blood circulation; third do not get angry, and his blood thick. Thick blood also easy to drink liquor, drink to drink red wine a day does not exceed 100 ml.
If you eat the peanuts, do not eat, really eat, peel and eat. You see we Chinese peanuts, such as spiced peanuts, fried peanuts, fried peanuts, all the skin. You go to Europe to see, no skin of peanuts, people know not to eat the skin. Some people said: I tell you, peanut skin was increased platelets, used to stop bleeding, we do not eat in the elderly.
there, watching TV to pay attention, good TV to watch a moment, the TV does not look bad. Why? Sat there a long time, hemagglutination degrees will rise. I am particularly worried about? Already short, thick, fat, no neck, still menopause, blood type is A1, Hu eat Hesse, then a angry, and drink liquor, eat peanuts not skinned over, he tolerated myocardial infarction, my doctor had improperly .
Here to talk about pollen. Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan had suffered gunshot wounds, had had a malignant tumor, but he was so great age, is still alive, but had senile dementia. Why did he live long? Pollen play a significant role in his possession. Now, Europe and America are popular from the pollen came. After returning home I investigated the history, that we were very early. Wu eat pollen, the Empress Dowager Cixi eat pollen. As you know, plant pollen, sperm, conceived of life, the most abundant nutrient in the plant where the best thing. Ancient times, but we ignored it. Pollen in Japan, most used, regardless of how old people are using it beauty, the French model are also using it.
According to historical records, treatment of prostate disease drug ingredient, the first is found in the pollen, and if pollen cure, medicine can not solve the fear is, the last is renal failure, hematuria, and renal tumors. So to early treatment and not wait until renal failure. Second, many people gastrointestinal disorders, particularly female compatriots, resulting in habitual constipation. If you take a laxative, easy to get cancer, colon cancer. Pollen has a name called
Third, pollen also has a fitness function, to maintain shape. This is the pollen of the three major roles.
pollen is good, but to pay attention to, is not able to eat pollen, and must have a choice. They might, not only do not care, but also to get that sick. Have to take plastic bags to sell in the streets of pollen, a large pocket a few dollars, several kilograms. You look, the cheap, said Professor Qi good to eat pollen, buy several bags. Home to eat, became very sick the next day, hundreds of flowers to the hospital. You find me, I live this responsibility. You remember, the pollen must have three conditions to use.
first broken. If there is no broken pollen, nutrition is hard shell wrapped, can not be absorbed. Broken by the high-tech processing needs. You grind, heat, the nutrients are destroyed, but not entirely broken. Must be high-tech means, broken completely, particle size uniformity, low temperature preservation of nutrition to be useful.
second disinfection. Pollen is the wild, easily contaminated, should be disinfected. Also pay attention to disinfection. Steam steam on you, come back a few atmospheric pressure steam, dead bacteria, pollen is ripe, the nutrients are destroyed, but why eat it? Therefore, disinfection can not use high temperature and pressure.
Third, desensitization. Pollen is the protein, may cause allergic reactions. Some one spring day old coughing, sneezing, pollen allergies. So, you have a choice. Pollen allergy rate is generally low, therefore, products made of pure rape pollen mixed pollen is better than the mess. But most importantly, the product must undergo desensitization treatment of pollen to eat.
pollen must have broken, disinfection and desensitization which three to use.

to eat animals, the smaller the animal the more nutritional value.

finished plant, come to talk about animal issues. You attend the banquet, if there is beef, but also pork, should eat pork, beef, too many problems. First there is mad cow disease, the second foot and mouth disease, the third bad cholesterol. If there is another pork lamb, mutton; have another chicken and mutton, chicken; have another fish, chicken, fish; fish shrimp there, then eat them ah. It is not polite, the smaller the animal protein as possible, simple and popular nutrition depends on the size of the animal. International Conference, said, the best flea protein. Fleas, though it is so small, it can jump 1 meter high, you believe it? If it is enlarged to the people so much, it does not jump to the moon? So, a few American doctors wondering how to eat fleas it.

now WHO (World Health Organization) suggest that you eat chicken and fish. Why no mention of shrimp it? Not not mention, but the shrimp is too expensive, not easy to spread. If you have shrimp or prawns well. I now hold such a principle: if there is a principle: If you have shrimp, I ate two shrimp, two more than you have a stomach protein than beef. Very popular fish, fish protein for 1 hour can be absorbed, the absorption rate of 100%, and beef protein 3 hours to absorb.

fish, especially for elderly frail people are particularly suitable. Of course, the shrimp better than the fish. Japanese long life, longevity areas in the sea of ??Japan, is the place to fish. Particularly want to eat fish, shrimp, in particular to eat whole fish (with headband tail), because the active substances in fish and shrimp head and abdomen. You will not buy fish buy shrimp? Should only buy fish shrimp, whole fish and eat the whole shrimp. This head has learned.

There is also a principle of eating: eat to master volume, not better. Eat Qicheng full, life can not stomach to eat Bacheng up, and if eating holders is full, that the two become redundant, waste, useless. So, do suggest that you eat golden 0.618: non-staple 6 4; coarse flour and rice 6 4.

now, humans eat animals, eat too much, and uneven thickness of the grain. One of my patients, breath eat six large buns, 20-year-old got the stomach to expand, diagnosis, either to die, either gastrectomy. The results removed half of the stomach, I am here every day to run. Eat must be appropriate, especially to the elderly do eat Qicheng eat.

material balance has a law, I will brief you. Birth to 5 months old breast-fed is best, more than five months, breast milk also die, need 42 more than the food. Old people need to get more. How to do? Fortunately, France has called Clement, Ph.D., he went to study in Africa found that the Lake Chad area of ??indigenous people health and longevity. Locals fishing from the lake to eat a thing. They take the bag and eat the thing, and then drink the soup with the thing to do. Clement put the thing back in Paris, a test, the original is a microalgae, and is spiral, named call on Spirulina. I would also like to stress that
here. Spirulina 90 years in the domestic hot after a while would be finished. In the 30 years abroad, year after year hot, unabated. In 1984, Professor Qi Changjing letter to the Central, the proposed attention Spirulina research. At that time, Song Ping comrades handwritten instructions. Country At that time, hundreds on the production of Spirulina manufacturers can produce international quality spirulina health products, but a few. People than we are stupid? Spirulina commissioned by the quality of national quality inspection department, functional authority, Beijing University of Life Sciences, led by Professor Liu Zhaogan did a sampling. Samples from the market to buy back, and the results most of the unqualified. Spirulina 55% should be protein, and some samples of the protein all can not even come out, God knows what is! Many people buy poor quality, fake Spirulina, get that sick, strange Spirulina is not good, the valuable things to destroy.

So, choose what kind of Spirulina to eat, do not eat than eat the problem is much greater. Otherwise, not only do not care, Waste of money, there are life-threatening fix.

Spirulina choice, the first is selected algae species. Why is Thai rice with other rice different? Kind of good. Spirulina is the same, a good multi-nutrient algae species, the poor can not. Second, the election training environment. Spirulina is very strong adsorption capacity. Some manufacturers use the river water, lake support, and there are several rivers are clean? That heavy metals, chemical toxins Spirulina gone full breath, which can eat up care? Such a thing China Central Television reported, the domestic newspaper also exposed, but now there are a lot of people buy cheaper plans. Such a person, it may die of ignorance.

health effects of radiation on our lot, there are four ways to prevent.

first drink green tea; second to eat vegetables, turnip; third eat spirulina, but to choose the right; fourth eat algae Fook. According to their economic conditions, choose one, it is not eat apples and oranges.

Second, aerobic exercise is not recommended

morning exercise. 0:00 to 3:00, unshakeable to sleep.

experience of a principle: the morning of the elderly is not recommended to do strenuous exercise.
I suggest you exercise the evening. International regulations, and, after a meal 45 minutes before exercise. The elderly, walking on it, once for 20 minutes.
morning to get up on time, 6 points ? for your reference.
window of time, 9 am to 11 am, 2 pm to 4 points. Why? Because after 9 am sinking of air pollution, pollutant reduction, there is no dust phenomenon. Members note that the morning open the window, not in the window of breath, or carcinogenic substances, dust material have come to your lungs, and easy to get lung cancer. From abroad, warned that the 6 am to 9 pm, is the most dangerous cancer-causing moments.
say that sleep problems. We argued that if the night did not sleep well, you should take a nap. Nap time is half an hour after lunch, it is best to sleep for an hour, slept too long, the body no good. Do not cover thick quilt. What time at night to sleep? We never advocate early. If the 19 o?clock sleep, midnight to toss up, it does not work. We stand at 10 pm to 10:30 sleep. Because one hour to one and a half hour into the deep sleep, is the most scientific, it is midnight 12 am to 3 points, 3 hours unshakeable, what they do not dry. 3 hours this is a deep sleep. If this 3 hours sleep, and it certainly refreshed the next day. If you go to bed after 4:00 am, it is light sleep. Will sleep and not sleeping, a big difference. Before going to bed a hot bath, water temperature 40 to 50 degrees Celsius, will make high-quality sleep.Third, the psychological state
longevity of the biggest advantages, that is, from a young age like to laugh, to old, still laughing, so live long. Laugh, international health has become a standard.
care of the third milestone is the psychological state of the problem. If the bad state of mind that you exercise and eat for free, which is very important.

easy to get angry tumor, the whole world know. Stanford made a very interesting experiment: the nasal tube resting on the nose so you breathe, and then provide a nasal tube on ice for ten minutes. If the ice does not change color to show you calm; if ice white, and that you are guilty; if the ice purple, and that you are very angry. Out of the purple ice water 1 to 2 ml to mouse marked, 1 to 2 minutes after the mice died. So easy to get angry tumor, this is a very serious problem. I advise you, why did not you get angry, do not be angry. If you really wait any longer, I tell you, you look at the table, not more than 5 minutes, more than five minutes to be a bad thing ? the blood become purple.

Psychological Association presented five ways to avoid the anger: First, avoid; second shift, people call you, you go to play chess, fishing, did not hear; third release, but be careful: people call you, you went to criticize others, this is not called the release, the release is to find close friends to talk, or else put in their hearts to get sick; Fourth, sublimation, that is, the more people that you are not good, the more you do; Fifth control, that is, how do you call me afraid, this is the most important method.

international conference has given us a warning, let us drink green tea, soy, sleep, regular exercise, do not forget to always laugh.

six internationally recognized health drink (only the six):
1. green tea (cancer) (soften blood vessels) (sieve mouth after a meal with tea water , can prevent dental disease)
2. red wine (small), red grape skin (anti-aging, anti-free radical) (to prevent heart disease) (to prevent heart suddenly stopped Bo) (morning not strenuous exercise)
3 . milk
4. yogurt (to prevent harmful bacteria, growth-promoting beneficial bacteria)
5. bone soup (longevity)
6. mushroom soup (increased resistance)

health food:
1. corn, polenta (to prevent high blood cholesterol)
2. buckwheat (to prevent diabetes) (high fiber, to prevent gastrointestinal cancers) (Taomi Shui can wash pesticides)
3. Tubers (prevent constipation) (lowering blood sugar, blood fat, absorb toxins)
4. Oats (to prevent diabetes)
5. millet (sleep) (morning, polenta, millet gruel at night)
6. Sesame
7. legumes (soybean Action Plan: a vegetable a bean, add an egg, meat)

prone to misunderstanding:
1. (soy milk is more beneficial than absorption of the nutritional value of milk is not inferior to)
2. (carrots beauty!!)
3. (bitter, anti-diabetes)
4. (tomato pigment, resulting tomato tomato heating element, not raw tomatoes Su tomato, tomato scrambled eggs; anti-reproductive system cancer, bladder cancer)
5. (allicin, garlic cut into thin slices, the air 15 minutes to produce allicin, can not be heated; cancer)
6. ( black fungus, can prevention and treatment of myocardial infarction, the effect is better than aspirin)
7. (peanuts in red, increased blood clotting, easy myocardial infarction, so it is best to eat peeling)
8 . (pollen, disinfection, peeled, desensitization, and consumption, can prolong life; can be used in the face beauty, eliminate all the spots, wrinkles, acne; food can also help treat constipation)

not only to maintain their own but also tell the parents the information ~ ~ ~ ~ honor my parents for their health and longevity ~ ~ happy life


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