Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Multiple Sclerosis 5 Facts | Baby care | Women's health | Beauty

Multiple sclerosis is a disease of central nervous system and there is no cure for the condition. It is an inflammatory condition most commonly found in young females and it results in inability of nerve cells of brain to communicate with the spinal cord. It is believed multiple sclerosis is caused when the body?s own immune mechanism damages the myelin of the body. The disease can cause permanent neurological damage to the patient and it is assumed the condition is either caused genetically or by infections but there is no approved theory regarding the cause of multiple sclerosis. Since the problem is growing every year, people should know about the medical problem to get cured on time. The five facts regarding multiple sclerosis are:

The disease affects the functioning of brain and results in loss of vision, control and balance and causes numbness. The central nervous system of the body is covered by myelin which insulates the nerve tissues and helps in transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to other parts of the body which results in muscle movements. Multiple sclerosis happens to a person when the myelin is destroyed causing demyelization which results in poor transmission of the signals from the brain to the spinal cord. The person?s own immune system destroys the nerve tissues and the person?s body cannot regain myelin at a fast pace at which it is destroyed.

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The earliest known patient with multiple sclerosis is dated back in 14th century in Holland. People in the age of 10 to 50 years are at a risk of developing the condition and it is more common in females than in males, and worldwide more than 2.5 million people suffer from it. Average age of the onset of the condition is 30-33 years and mostly it is diagnosed in 37 years. About 10 % of the cases are diagnosed over 50 years. Life expectancy of patients has increased in the last few decades due to increase awareness.

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The risk declines after the age of 50 years. Symptoms of multiple sclerosis depend on individual condition. The person may suffer from muscle weakness, hazy vision, decreased coordination, double vision, pain in eyes, difficulty in controlling urination, etc.

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The risk of multiple sclerosis is high in people who have a relative suffering from the condition, although, it is not linked to hereditary conditions. It is believed both infectious and non infectious factors may be involved in causing multiple sclerosis. Decreased sunlight exposure has been linked to raise the risk of multiple sclerosis. Stress and smoking are some of the risk factors. It is believed the patients suffering from multiple sclerosis have low level of uric acid in body which leads to the conclusion that uric acid can protect against the condition.

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The condition should be diagnosed if the symptoms occur at least twice for more than a day in two to three months. MRI tests are done to diagnose the condition. Medication is provided to slow the development of disease and to control pain, muscle stiffness and urinary problems.

Multiple Sclerosis 5 Multiple Sclerosis 5 Facts

Source 1: http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/multiple-sclerosis-000111.htm

Source 2: http://www.chg.duke.edu/diseases/ms.html

Source 3: http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro98/202s98-paper1/Boyce.html

shawmick. March 7th, 2011

Source: http://www.womenfavor.com/health-fitness/mental-health/multiple-sclerosis-5-facts.html

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