Friday, November 18, 2011

Kim Kardashian Pre-Divorce Interview: Best Marriage Ever!

I feel like where we're at right now is the best time in my life. - Kim Kardashian to Marie Claire, at some point in between marrying Kris Humphries and divorcing him 72 days later.

Even the most ardent, delusional Kim Kardashian fan must now admit: this woman is lying about something.

Kim is featured in the December 2011 issue of Marie Claire, as the magazine runs an interview she gave to them not long before filing for divorce from Kris Humphries.

Kim Kardashian Marie Claire Cover

In it, Kim says she and her husband at the time "have a lot of trust," adding:

"I don't think either of us would do anything to break that. It makes life so easy. He's such a good guy; he is so down-to-earth, and it's such a reality check. He is a normal guy, and I just want to chill out and be normal and not get glammed up all the time. He gets it. Sometimes my life can be really intimidating for people, but he allows me to work and do what I've gotta do."

Unfortunately, sometimes what a talent-free reality star has gotta do is milk the public for millions and then shove her man out the door. Either that's the case...

... Or, as hinted at in this letter to family members, something actually happened. Kris did something to break Kardashian's trust. It's possible. But what is NOT possible is the scenario Kim wants everyone to believe: they got married out of love, she gushed about him weeks later to Marie Claire, and then the marriage simply ended.

Man. This is akin to the world's most nauseating Choose Your Own Adventure book.


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