Friday, November 11, 2011

Direct Marketing and Other Small Business Wonders

Direct marketing is only one of the many tools available to your small business today. But gaining the knowledge and experience?to use these tools effectively is another matter. Check out Josh Grillo?s?video on evaluating the pros and cons of your next?direct marketing campaign then move on to some other tips and resources that can help you run your business more effectively than ever.


Tips for improving your direct marketing. Online marketing may be all the rage, but direct marketing is certainly still alive and well. Here Josh Grillo gives us a look at what works and what doesn?t in one of several small biz advice videos breaking down a successful direct marketing campaign. Dirty Marketing Secrets

Does your Website need a second opinion? Depending upon your business, your online presence may be crucial to your success.?Consider?asking a friend or experienced business acquaintance to?have a look at your site?and give you a fresh perspective to see what you could do better.?Scott Fox

Book Shelf

10 books to?improve your business technology. Technology including online and mobile can be critical to your business success these days. That?s because technology has made it easier, faster and cheaper to reach your existing customers and find new?ones than ever before. Here are some books you may want to check out?while bringing your thinking up to speed. Small Business Trends


Events for small businesses abound. No matter what kind of business you?re starting or running, there are many events available to improve your knowledge and help you push yourself to the next level. This list brought to you in cooperation with Small Business Trends includes a few events already past but plenty still to choose from for any entrepreneur. Smallbiztechnology


Are you ready to be the boss? It takes more than creative fire to build and sustain a business that can grow and prosper even while you?re not there. Do you have the steady hand and the patience required to make the decisions necessary when the thrill of startup has gone? Are you ready to take the helm? You?re the Boss

Embracing change in your business. The only constant you will encounter as an entrepreneur as in life is change. Change in your business is not only inevitable but often beneficial and necessary if you wish to survive. How is your business changing? MyProjectTracker


Using Foursquare for free marketing. Opinions in the small business community vary pretty greatly when it comes to evaluating the benefit of the sign-in super site. But one case study shows how, with proper execution, Foursquare can unlock considerable value.


Muhammad Ali?s life lessons. Blogger David Leonhardt shares these quotes from the legendary boxer and ties them in to life lessons we can apply to all our lives. As small business owners and entrepreneurs especially, it?s helpful to look at what brings self-satisfaction. Self-Help Happiness Blog

Social Media

Twitter realities discussed. Even as some up-and-coming platforms are gaining attention as small business tools other tried and true channels may not be what they once were. Take Twitter for example. Fred Caballero talks about shifts in the Twitterverse and what they mean to you. Channelship

Google Plus business pages are here! While some have become very enthusiastic about the new Google Plus, real questions remained about the value of the platform for entrepreneurs, especially when no business or branding pages were available. Abnormal Marketing


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