Saturday, September 10, 2011

Dating for Parents: The Three Post-Divorce Rules | Minnesota ...

For Parents Dating after a divorce, it may seem a very disconcerting thought at the moment. Before you can fully appreciate the wonders of online Single Parents Dating, you should triumph over your personal problems. Let Dating for Parents help you out before you jump into the dating wagon. Consider these 3 essential rules:

1. Never ever make decisions when you are depressed or pressured, for you might regret making them. You and your kids need some time-out and heal. Relationship experts say that the appropriate time for single parents to start dating again is one year, but of course, it?s an individual decision. So before you jump to the conclusion that you should start dating again, think over it first. Do you need this additional load at the moment? Are you healed and ready to commit again. When you are pressured and unsure of your decisions then it?s best for you to set it aside and take time to think over. If however, you think that you still need more time to adjust and if the idea of dating makes you uncomfortable then wait for the right timing, only you can tell.

2. Let your kids in with whatever plans you may have, especially your dating venture. Let your children be aware of your Single Parents Dating plans but make it casual. Tell them that you would want to get together with other adults again. Don?t say that you?re going to find them a new dad; that would just come off as a shocker. Children may not be as vocal but address any concerns that they might voice out or anything you might have sensed that bothers them, mother?s intuition right? Then, you should reassure them that even when you start dating, they are still your number one priority and that you love them very much.

3. Empathize with your kids. Look at things through your kids? eyes. The last thing that you would want to feel when you are dating is regret, remorse and uncertainty, all of these emotions mixed up will hinder you from establishing a relationship. Children want your attention all for themselves, for children are egocentric in nature. Just try putting yourself in their shoes. How do you suppose they feel? By looking through their eyes and by understanding the way they think, you?re on the sure track to keeping and making them appreciate you- and your date.

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