Tuesday, September 13, 2011

credit counseling and debt help

I believe Dave Ramsey is an iconoclast. Here is a man who really thinks for himself, and dispenses his wisdom with honestly and originality. His plan to get out of debt is a perfect example of these unique qualities.
For example, contrary to the conventional wisdom, Ramsey says that perhaps the best way to really get your debt control underway is not by paying down the credit card with the highest interest, but paying off the one with the smallest balance.
He explains that although the math may indicate that you should pay the highest interest debts first, he has found that, ?personal finance is twenty percent head knowledge and eighty percent behavior?.?
This at a time when many folks are turning to debt management options, credit counseling as well as non profit debt settlement and other forms of debt relief as well.
And this is so true, that you feel such an addictive sense of control and power when you grab the reins of your own financial future. No purchase can really equal the feeling when you take financial control to heart.
Ramsey calls his plan, the ?Debt Snowball Plan,? with the idea being to stop everything except minimum payments and concentrate on one target at a time. All in all, credit counseling is more optional at this point, apparently. Otherwise, he explains, nothing seems to get accomplished because all your effort is diluted. Of course for some folks, credit counseling and debt consolidation are major options.
He advises to begin by saving up a $1,000 sum of cash to allocate as an emergency fund. Then, he says, ?begin intensely getting rid of all debt (except the house) using my debt snowball plan. List your debts in order with the smallest payoff or balance first. Do not be concerned with interest rates or terms unless two debts have similar payoffs, then list the higher interest rate debt first. Paying the little debts off first gives you quick feedback, and you are more likely to stay with the plan.?
Ramsey says just pay-off and repeat. This way you begin to quickly realize that something is happening.
Ramsey has learned the same thing that has made Suzy Orman such beloved financial guru; money is an emotional matter, and often the problems we have with it stem from emotional issues and the solutions are emotion-driven, as well. I still think that credit counseling and other forms of debt help can be useful though.

Source: http://www.econtent2010.com/truly-unique-debt-counseling-advice-from-a-personal-finance-pioneer.html

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