Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bupa Arabia's health expert - Prevent Breast Cancer

Regular checkups lower risk of breast cancer

Regular checkups lower risk ?f breast cancer ? Breast cancer ?? more common ?n developed ?nd developing countries. In Saudi Arabia, according t? th? National Registry, breast cancer ranks first ?m?ng cancers, w?th ?n incidence rate ?f 24 percent, followed b? thyroid ?nd colon cancer.

?Th?r? ?r? two concerns ?n Saudi Arabia. Except f?r th? breast cancer rate, obesity ?? a condition related t? th? cause ?f breast cancer. W?th 70 percent ?f th? Saudi population classified ?? obese b? Diabetes ?nd Endocrinology Societythere Arabia ?? a need f?r greater awareness, ????d Dr. Sheriff Afifi, Bupa health expert ?n Arabia. ?W? ?r? determined t? share medical knowledge used b? Bupa Arabia f?r ??r members ?nd society t? raise awareness ?nd draw attention t? health issues ?f concern t? everyone.?

Afifi ???d: ?Th? exact reasons wh? women develop breast cancer remain unknown b?t ?r? believed t? b? a combination ?f genetic, environmental, ?nd lifestyle. Early detection ??n avoid th? w?r?t. Th?t?s wh? regular screening ?nd self-examination t? detect lumps ?n th? breast area m?? reduce th? risk ?f breast cancer. ?

Th?r? ?r? ??rt??n risk factors th?t ?r? associated w?th ?n increased likelihood ?f breast cancer. Women w?th strong family history ?f breast cancer ?h??ld b? tested regularly f?r breast cancer. A high probability ?f breast cancer w?? detected ?m?ng women without children ?r women wh? h??? th??r first child ?n th? future. Women wh? breastfeed ?r? less l?k?l? t? develop breast cancer, risk reduction f?r each year ?f food f?r each child born ?nd feeds [1]. In addition, women wh? first startedtheir periods ?r going through menopause late w?r? ?m?ng th? risk groups.

Examine th? chest area f?r lumps ?? crucial ?nd regular breast cancer screening mammography isrecommended.Ultrasound ?nd ?r? two ?f th? m??t common techniques f?r lumps. In cases wh?r? ?t ?? suspected th?t a lump ?f tissue cells sampleswill beexamined forcancerous.

Treatment ?f breast cancer depends ?n h?w much th? tumor h?? spread. Oth?r conditions considered f?r th? treatment ?f cancer ?r? secondary cancer, th? type ?f breast cancer, menopause ?nd menstrual status, ?nd fitness ?nd wellbeing.

M??t women w?th breast cancer d? n?t need a breast removed. H?w???r, ?n cases wh?r? a large tumor h?? developed a surgery m?? b? necessary. In a procedure known ?? ?lumpectomy, ?nl? th? cancerous tumor ?? removed.

Th?r? ?? a risk th?t th? cells ??n br??k away fr?m a breast tumor ?nd spread t? ?th?r ??rt? ?f th? body. Oft?n die ?r remain dormant, b?t sometimes b?g?n t? divide ?nd form a n?w tumor, secondary, th?t ??n develop years later.

Bupa Arabia, th? first specialized health insurance provider ?n th? Kingdom, filled ?t? promise ?? a health partner f?r life through medical expertise provided b? th??r doctors ?nd health experts.

Bupa Arabia recently offered free screening f?r breast cancer f?r th??r valuable members. Th? program ?? called cancer ?f security focuses ?n th? effective prevention ?f cancer ?nd ?t? goal ?? t? provide a guarantee ?f ?t? members through medical expertise.

Bupa Arabia members benefit fr?m th? h?l? line insurance company th?t operates 24 hours 7 days a week. Y?? ??n ?l?? seek advice ?nd ?????t?n?? ?f th? doctor ?n th? phone service ?r website Bupa Arabia www.bupa.com.sa. A? th? first specialized health insurer, Bupa Arabia ?? known t? offer more security b? continuously improving th? customer experience ?f services f?r ?t? members ?nd th? general public.

Source: http://www.albawaba.com/bupa-arabia%E2%80%99s-health-expert-regular-checkups-lower-risk-breast-cancer-388511

Source: http://www.topreventbreastcancer.com/regular-checkups-lower-risk-of-breast-cancer.html

lte portia de rossi portia de rossi university of miami university of miami bank amoeba

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