Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mobile Communication ? an Essential Part of Business System ...

There were times where mobile phones were considered as a luxury. Today, mobile phones have become a part of life. A lot of mobile accessories along with mobile phones have created a revolution in business communication. Previously in businesses, simple telecommunication systems were sufficient as they relied more on voice and written text data. Modern day businesses require several types of communication like voice, text, data and video. Moreover, these telecommunication devices have to be converged at some point of time so that all types of data can be transferred using the same network. As more and more mobility communication is needed, mobile phones and hands free communication have gained popularity.

Some people may assume that mobile communication is expensive. But the reality is something different. It is sure that you need to make some changes with the infrastructure of your communication framework to incorporate mobile devices. However, if you consider the overall cost, you will find that mobile communication is cheap. You don?t have to pay rent and you can reduce the cost of maintaining wired networks.

People in offices had to be at their desk to answer their calls. Now, most offices have cordless phones in use so the employees can make and receive calls while being away from their desk. Small offices can maintain a simple, inexpensive wireless network using analog cordless phones. However, if the same has to be implemented in a large office, wireless PBX has to be installed which is an inexpensive thing to do.

Many companies need the employees to travel for a long time as a part of their work duties. This is essential for sales people who need to convince the clients in face-to-face meetings.

The need for internet is indispensable in every office and this is even more so when an employee is away from the premises or works from home. Mobile broadband Internet connectivity provides the essential connectivity that is required for any remote employee. Now, they can use their PDA or smart phone to connect to the office network even when he is physically away from the office.

To make mobile communication work in an organization, certain office equipment such as PBX and communication devices have to be installed. With the introduction and use of wireless networks, it is not so that an organization can get rid of wires completely. At the present scenario, you can get the best business communication by combining the use of business phone systems that are traditionally wired complemented by a wireless infrastructure. At any point in time, the business must be ready to accept new technology and change its office communication strategy accordingly. Freedom of movement and connectivity are the two essential aspects of present day business communication. These two important targets can be best achieved by proper integration of wired and wireless business telephone systems.

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