Thursday, July 28, 2011

How Much Accuracy In Online Automatic Horoscope Matching?

India is known for its tradition and culture. Marriages in India are considered to be made in heaven and the process of marriage horoscope matching is just a source to put wishes of God into practice. Indian tradition follows the practice of solemnizing marriage in same religion and caste. These beliefs and practices made people of India to match the horoscope of their children. Horoscope matching includes the intense reading of physical and mental compatibility of the couple, work culture, religion and languages. People go to astrologers to study their horoscope and to know predictions that weather their marriage will be successful or not. Astrologers usually study the position of the stars and moon at the time of person's birth to predict the future. Horoscopes are generally correct to the maximum extent provided these are made following set astrological menthods.

Accuracy in reading marriage horoscope is differentiated by the difference between an excellent and ordinary reading. In order for this horoscope matching to help people to predict the future it is necessary to get the accurate horoscope reading. So in order to get accurateness in horoscope reading by following the position of Moon in 27 nakshatras. There are few points which are to be kept in mind during marriage horoscope reading and every point gets some score and maximum is 36. One should score at least 18 in order to lead a healthy married life.

Various factors includes like Vashya which means control the maximum of two can be scored for this. Tara which means the match levels of nakshatras of the couple and the maximum of three points are given. Another factor is Yoni which indicates that how much the couple is attracted towards each other. There are many other factors such as Grah Maitri, Gana, Bhakoota and Naadi and all these have their own meaning and calculation that contribute to the score based on the horoscope matching of bride and the groom. In addition to this as per Indian traditions the caste of bridegroom should be higher than that of bride.

At present everyone even high company officials, top politicians, and the ordinary man in this modern and educated world follow Free horoscope matching in order to know their future. It is the true fact that free horoscopes help people to take important decisions in their life at the right time.


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