Friday, May 27, 2011

Key Stage 2 Science ? By | Article Buss

During Key Stage 2 Science Pupils will learn about a wider range of living things, materials and phenomena. They will be able to make links between ideas and to explain things using simple models and concepts. They relate their knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas to familiar phenomena, everyday things and their personal health. They learn about the positive and negative effects of scientific and technological developments on the environment and in other contexts. They carry out more systematic investigations, working on their own and with others in a group. They will use a range of reference sources in their work. They will talk about their work and its significance, and communicate ideas using a wide range of scientific language, conventional diagrams, charts and graphs.

Teaching should ensure that ?scientific enquiry? is taught through contexts taken from the sections on ?life processes and living things?, ?materials and their properties? and ?physical processes

Knowledge, skills and understanding?
Ideas and evidence in science.
Pupils should be taught that science is about thinking creatively to try and explain how living and non-living things work, and to establish links between causes and effects.
They will also learn that it is important to test ideas using evidence from observation and measurement.
Investigative skills..
Pupils should be taught to:
Ask questions that can be investigated scientifically and decide how to find answers.
Consider what sources of information, including first-hand experience and a range of other sources, they will use to answer questions.
Think about what might happen or try things out when deciding what to do, what kind of evidence to collect, and what equipment and materials to use.
Make a fair test or comparison by changing one factor and observing or measuring the effect while keeping other factors the same.
Obtaining and presenting evidence?
Use simple equipment and materials appropriately and take action to control risks.
Make systematic observations and measurements, including the use of ICT for datalogging.
Check observations and measurements by repeating them where appropriate.
Use a wide range of methods, including diagrams, drawings, tables, bar charts, line graphs and ICT, to communicate data in an appropriate and systematic manner.
Considering evidence and evaluating..
Make comparisons and identify simple patterns or associations in their own observations and measurements or other data.
Use observations, measurements or other data to draw conclusions.
Decide whether these conclusions agree with any prediction made and/or whether they enable further predictions to be made.
Use their scientific knowledge and understanding to explain observations, measurements or other data or conclusions.
Review their work and the work of others and describe its significance and limitations.

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