Sunday, April 21, 2013

Indian police arrest suspect for rape of 5-year-old as protests build

By Devidutta Tripathy and Frank Jack Daniel

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Angry crowds demonstrated in India's capital on Saturday after a five-year-old girl was allegedly raped, tortured and kept in captivity for 40 hours, reviving memories of last December's brutal assault on a woman that shook the country.

Police arrested a man they accuse of the attack from the eastern state of Bihar, and brought him back to New Delhi for interrogation. Doctors say the girl suffered severe injuries and bruising, including to her neck and genitalia.

Protests that began on Friday grew more intense after video footage showed a policeman slapping a woman protester, and following reports that investigators had offered the victim's family 2,000 rupees ($37) not to file a case.

It was the second case of alleged rape in 48 hours to trigger protests and heavy-handed policing, after hundreds of people fought police in the city of Aligarh, 135 km (83 miles) from Delhi on Thursday. One policeman was filmed hitting an old woman hard with a club in the protest.

Public fury over the latest attack in the capital echoed the response to the gang rape of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student on a bus on December 16 in New Delhi, which brought thousands of people onto the streets in protest and clashes with police.

The woman died of her injuries in a Singapore hospital.

The gang rape provoked rare national debate about violence against women, putting the issue onto the political agenda in the nation of 1.2 billion people a year before elections.

On Saturday, about 1,000 people gathered to demonstrate outside the police headquarters in New Delhi, where several people tried to break through metal barricades. Smaller protests erupted outside the state-run hospital where the girl was being treated, the home of ruling Congress party leader Sonia Gandhi, and the residence of the country's interior minister.

The girl was "conscious and alert" and her condition stable, but her injuries are infected and so severe she may need corrective surgery, an official of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences hospital told reporters.

Police identified the accused as a 22-year-old, who they said had fled the capital after leaving the girl for dead in an apartment of the same building where her family lives.

The accused was a temporary worker in garment factories and lived with his father, a juice seller, police said. TV news channels reported that some people tried to attack the man and others threw shoes at him as police led him through Patna airport in Bihar state to board a plane back to New Delhi.

Police spokesman Rajan Bhagat declined to comment on reports that the girl's family had been offered money not to file a case, adding he would only do so after an investigation.

Interior minister Sushil Kumar Shinde said the government was conducting an inquiry into allegations of police negligence.


The girl, whose parents work as laborers and live in a slum in the outskirts of Delhi, went missing from her home on April 15, according to Manish Sisodia, an official of the Aam Aadmi Party, which organized a protest on Friday. Local media said she was found by neighbors who heard her crying two days later.

B.N. Bansal, a doctor from the Swami Dayanand Hospital, where the girl was initially admitted, said on Friday that she had undergone an operation due to severe injuries.

"We found candles and an oil bottle from inside the child when we operated upon her," Bansal told reporters. "The next 48 hours will be crucial for her."

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's office said in a statement that he was deeply disturbed by the latest incident. In December his administration had faced criticism for failing to respond quickly to the horrific attack on the physiotherapy student.

The unprecedented protests by thousands of people across India eventually forced Singh's government to pass tougher laws to fight gender crimes in March.

New Delhi has the highest number of sex crimes among India's major cities, with a rape reported on average every 18 hours, according to police figures.

However, most sex crimes in India go unreported, many offenders go unpunished, and the wheels of justice turn slowly, according to social activists who say successive governments have done little to ensure the safety of women and children.

Activists said the new laws are not enough to deter sex offenders in India's largely patriarchal societies.

"You need community policing to stop these crimes," activist Kiran Bedi told an Indian TV channel.

The U.N.'s child rights arm, UNICEF, said that tougher laws are no use if they are not enforced effectively.

"The brutal rape case this week unfortunately also indicates the need to strongly improve the response of law enforcement officers," it said in a statement. ($1 = 54.0750 Indian rupees)

(Writing by John Chalmers; Editing by Sanjeev Miglani)


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Friday, April 19, 2013

Star Wars actor Richard LeParmentier dies at 66

LONDON (Reuters) - Actor Richard LeParmentier, best known as the commander in "Star Wars" who Darth Vader nearly choked to death for his "lack of faith" in the Force, has died aged 66, his family said.

LeParmentier appeared in more than 50 films and TV shows but is remembered for playing Death Star commander Admiral Motti in the 1977 film "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope" in which Darth Vader chokes him using the invisible "Force".

LeParmentier also appeared in "Octopussy", "Who Framed Roger Rabbit", and as a reporter in "Superman II" which starred British actress Sarah Douglas, his wife from 1981-1984, as the Kryptonian supervillain Ursa.

His family paid tribute to "a warm, genuine person with an unparalleled joie de vivre".

"He absolutely loved traveling the world and meeting his friends and fellow Star Wars fans - whose tributes have given us all the best lines in this message," Rhiannon, Stephanie, and Tyrone LeParmentier said in a statement.

"Every time we find someone's lack of faith disturbing, we'll think of him .. He has gone to the Stars, and he will be missed."

His ex-wife, Douglas, said she was saddened to hear the news of his death.

"It was a long long time ago but nevertheless I am sad to hear the news and feel for his family," she wrote on Twitter.

The actor was born in Pittsburgh but moved to Britain in 1974 where he was most recently working as a screenwriter, according to his biography on IMDb.

He was visiting relatives in Austin, Texas, at the time of his death. No cause was given for his death.

The actor, who appeared at some sci-fi conventions, was reported as saying of his most famous role: "I did the choking effect by flexing muscles in my neck. It set off a chain of events, that choking.

"I can't do it anymore because, oddly enough, I have had an operation on my neck and had some 21st century titanium joints put into it."

(Reporting by Belinda Goldsmith, editing by Paul Casciato)


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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Four People, One Salary: How They Spend and Save on $60,000

There's a reason why guests look in the medicine cabinet. (Not you, of course.) It's human nature to want to get a peek at how other people live. It helps us to feel as if our mistakes aren't all that unusual?that our best efforts are good enough to keep up with the crowd because everyone else makes them too. Today, we'll be engaging in another kind of look-see ... into other people's budgets.

This is a guest post from LearnVest.

Four brave souls have bared all (of their budgets) to show us how real people of different ages and financial situations budget to fit their lifestyles. All of them earn about $60,000 per year, and each one has reported his or her budget in percentages, which have been color-coded in accordance with the 50/20/30 rule. The rule recommends that you allocate 50% of your budget for essentials (housing, transportation, utilities and groceries), 20% toward financial priorities (retirement contributions, savings contributions and debt payments) and the remaining 30% for bonus (read: fun) lifestyle expenses. We also asked Katie Brewer, a CFP? with LearnVest Financial Planning, to review their budgets, so we can see how these folks are acing their finances?and where there's room for improvement.

Jeanette, 37, Writer and Private Chef

I'm a married mother of two preschool-age children who works roughly 30 hours a week while my husband works full-time at a law firm. I contribute approximately one-third of our family's household income toward covering the mortgage, utilities, our kids? expenses, retirement and college savings, and all of my personal expenses. My husband contributes the bulk of our emergency fund and retirement savings.

My part-time, flexible schedule has allowed me to play a hands-on role in my children's earliest years?something that both my husband and I value. His salary compensates in the areas where I contribute less or not at all, including healthcare, car and home insurance, savings and travel. Once the kids require less of my time, I'll likely shift to working more in order to contribute more.

We'd love to be saving more, so I spend very little on clothes and personal items. We also travel much less than we did before we had kids, in part because it's more difficult, but also because it's more expensive now that four of us require airline tickets. If my income increased, that's where I would spend more!

Katie Says: It's great that Jeanette's family has managed to keep their fixed expenses low, and that the couple has started to save for retirement well ahead of time. It's not explicitly financial, but I'm also glad to see that she's found a great work-life balance. One thing that I would tell Jeanette: If you want to travel, start saving for it now by setting up a separate savings account and contributing to it a little each month, with the goal of taking a relatively affordable trip.

Isaac, 24, IT Consultant

I live in Washington, D.C., which is a city of boozy brunches, happy hours and other professional functions that can dig a serious hole in your wallet. This happens slowly over the course of a few weeks, but $10 here and another $12 there add up, and then you're left dipping into that ever-so-small savings account to buy lunch for the rest of the week. In D.C. you have to be careful not to party yourself out of house and home!

I get paid once a month, so the first thing that I cover is all of my "Must Pay For" expenses, including rent, cell phone, utilities, student loans and life insurance. Then I tackle my "Should Pay For" expenses, such as two large grocery trips (each costs about $100) and my $8,000 of credit card debt. My goal each month is to put $800 toward that debt, but I only pay off $400 of it when I get my paycheck, in case something comes up and I need that money. I hold onto the other half until the next pay period, and then I'll put whatever I haven't spent toward the credit cards. Otherwise, I'd just end up paying unforeseen expenses on a credit card, continuing the vicious cycle of debt.

The last group of expenses are "Would Love to Pay For" things. Most of this is the cost of enjoying life in the city?happy hours, eating out, shopping, parties, sporting events, concerts, cabs. The hardest part about budgeting for these expenses is that they change every month, but I try to take out about $200 in cash up front for them. If I go through that money, I may dip into the second half of the funds for paying off the credit card debit or the $300 that I have reserved for unforeseen expenses in my savings account.

Katie Says: Isaac is doing a great job keeping his essential expenses under 50%, despite living in such an expensive city. And although it sounds like he's having a lot of fun, his dining spending isn't too bad. Plus, I'm impressed that he's found a way to really distinguish between wants and needs at such a young age. One thing that might help him stick to a tighter budget is to set up two checking accounts: one for essential expenses and one for fun money. There's just one rule: The fun money account can't be replenished until the end of the month.

Tom, 65, Retiree

It was my intention to work until I was 66 in order to get the full benefit of Social Security. But when I was laid off just a month before I turned 65, it became a double-edged sword because I was able to collect some unemployment. My wife and I consulted our financial adviser, and we decided to start my Social Security a year early, which means that I get $100 less a month than I would have had I waited?but it still seemed worth it with unemployment.

I contributed to my 401(k) for as many years as I could?and as much as I could. We'd already talked to our adviser about putting additional money aside for retirement, so about a decade ago, we allocated a certain amount in mutual funds with a company that we'd already seen great results from and trusted for years. If the market stays reasonably stable, we?ll have enough to live off, unless I make it to 100!

I'd like to get a part-time job, but every dollar that I earn takes away from unemployment. Of course, we can't survive on Social Security alone, but with my wife?s frugal budgeting?I mean this in the most complimentary way?we can get by. We use coupons and wait for sales for our groceries and clothing purchases. We also save money because we?re homebodies?we don?t eat out much or go to the theater, and vacations only happen every few years.

So far, we haven?t tapped into our retirement savings, which is a great thing. Plus, there?s the house. We're also working to eliminate our home equity loan by paying at least double the interest each month in order to pay down the principal ahead of schedule.

Katie Says: It's awesome that Tom is retired but not yet touching his retirement savings. And I'm glad to hear about his wife's frugal budgeting. Clearly, she's doing something right! One option they have is for Tom's wife to work?her income wouldn't affect his unemployment benefits. In the meantime, I hope that Tom is networking and looking into what might interest him for part-time work.

Elizabeth, 24, Paralegal

I save whatever I have left, which varies a lot per month but is always at least 2% of my salary. I don?t have cable, and I walk to work, so I don?t use the subway much. Since I was diagnosed with a gastrointestinal disorder in December, I've been averaging at least a couple of doctor?s appointments each month, which adds up to about $40 in monthly co-pays. Due to my special diet, I shop exclusively at Whole Foods, which can be more expensive, but I also save by cooking breakfast, lunch and almost all dinners during the week.

I'm able to keep my medical costs down, thanks to the comprehensive health insurance that I get through work. Although these expenses took up a bigger amount of my budget last December when I was going through extensive testing, I now cover only a small co-pay for check-ups.

I live in Manhattan where it?s hard to budget, mostly because of the rent (I used to have roommates, but I've lived alone for the past year) and the appeal of restaurants and expensive drinks at bars. I saved a lot of money during the first year that I lived here by limiting my dining out and putting nearly all of my yearly bonus into savings, but after several good friends moved to the city, the amount I was putting away each month went down dramatically.

But I justify not saving very much by telling myself that I won?t be living in such an expensive place much longer. I'm hoping to attend a graduate program in a new field next year, so I'll be downsizing my spending considerably. Once I'm done with school, I plan to move out of the New York area?and overhaul my budget to fit a different lifestyle. Since I don't know where I'll be, I'm not saving for traditional things right now, like a car. And I'm not paying off any debts.

Katie Says: It's good that Elizabeth is managing to save at least something. And her lifestyle expenses aren't so bad for the city where she lives. I'm glad to see that she's cutting out things she doesn't need, like cable. Right now she's doing the "whatever is left over" method of saving, but she'd probably be able to put more away if she treated savings as a bill that had to be paid as a priority?plus save whatever is left over.

4 People, 1 Salary: How I Splurge and Save on $60,000 | LearnVest

LearnVest's mission is to empower people everywhere to take control of their personal finances so that they can afford their dreams. They believe that financial planning should not be a luxury, which is why they?ve developed an advice-driven program that is personalized to your specific financial goals and situation. Take control of your money. Join LearnVest today.

Top image remixed from zmkstudio (Shutterstock).

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Japan, US agree North Korea must not have nuclear weapons

In Beijing, John Kerry tried to persuade China's President Xi Jinping to lean on his ally, North Korea - arguing that Pyongyang's erratic young leader is now threatening the stability of the entire region. NBC's Andrea Mitchell reports.

By Alastair Jamieson and Becky Bratu, NBC News

Japan and the United States cannot allow North Korea to possess nuclear weapons, Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishia said Sunday after a meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry, according to Reuters.

Kerry is in Japan on a regional tour aimed at solidifying support for curbing North Korea's nuclear program.

Earlier, he was in Beijing ? for the first time as secretary of state ? where he sought to persuade President Xi Jinping to rein in North Korea, China's traditional ally, arguing that Pyongyang's erratic young leader, Kim Jong Un, is threatening the stability of the entire region.

Pyongyang has threatened for weeks to attack the United States, South Korea and Japan since new U.N. sanctions were imposed in response to its latest nuclear arms test in February, fuelling speculation of a new missile launch or nuclear test.

"China and the United States must together take steps in order to achieve the goal of a denuclearized Korean Peninsula, and today we agreed to have further discussions, to bear down very quickly with great specificity on exactly how we will accomplish this goal," Kerry said Saturday before flying on to Japan, the last stop on his Asian tour.

China's top diplomat echoed the goal, but wasn't specific about how pressure might be applied on North Korea, which had been threatening the United States and its "puppet" South Korea almost daily in recent weeks.

"China is firmly committed to upholding peace and stability and advancing the denuclearization process on the peninsula," Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi said.

"We maintain that the issue should be handled and resolved peacefully through dialogue and consultation," he added.

Kerry declined to comment on what specifically China may do to push for a peaceful solution on North Korea, saying only that he and Chinese officials had discussed all possibilities.

North Korea has prepped two medium-range Musudan-1 missiles waiting on its east coast, and analysts have said that it might fire one or both as a means for Kim Jong Un -- the founder's grandson -- to save face and appease his military after the weeks of saber-rattling.


Kerry to North Korea: We will 'defend our allies'

Analysis: China grows weary of North Korea

Full North Korea coverage from NBC News

This story was originally published on


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Sunday, April 14, 2013

New breast imaging algorithm brings breast cancer diagnosis and treatment to underserved area of Uganda

New breast imaging algorithm brings breast cancer diagnosis and treatment to underserved area of Uganda [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 13-Apr-2013
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Contact: Samantha Schmidt
American Roentgen Ray Society

Radiologists are a step closer to implementing a program in an underserved region of Uganda for diagnosing and treating women with palpable breast masses.

The program combines a unique diagnostic algorithm along with targeted community outreach, said medical student Chris Duncan working with the organization Imaging the World. Imaging the World, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing diagnostic imaging to underserved areas around the world, has multiple obstetrical imaging programs currently operating in Uganda and plans to expand both the obstetric imaging and breast imaging programs.

"We just returned from a trip to Kamuli, Uganda where we laid the groundwork for implementation of the diagnostic algorithm," said Mr. Duncan, a fourth year medical student at University of Vermont. "Our team met with local stakeholders, determined available treatments and identified potential barriers," he said. "The meetings helped ensure that we can create appropriate local resources prior to our program roll-out this summer," he said.

The diagnostic algorithm is designed to be simpler and more effective than the current course of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment for women in Uganda, a region where most breast cancer patients are diagnosed with late stage breast cancer, said Mr. Duncan.

The algorithm focuses on breast ultrasound as an initial diagnostic tool for evaluating palpable breast masses. The breast ultrasound exam is done by minimally trained personnel who follow a standardized scanning methodology. The ultrasound images are then compressed, uploaded to a server through a cellular network, and interpreted at another location by an imaging expert. (Research continues in the U.S. to evaluate the quality of the images obtained using the algorithm, with preliminary results suggesting that the images are more than adequate for evaluating breast masses, said Mr. Duncan)

After the images are interpreted, the results are sent back to the clinic where the ultrasound was performed. If the results indicate the need for a biopsy, the patient is referred to the district referral hospital. "We have trained local surgeons to perform both fine-needle and core biopsies using ultrasound guidance," said Mr. Duncan. If the biopsy is positive for cancer, the patient is referred to the major tertiary referral hospital in the capital city for treatment. "We are hiring a patient care navigator to assist women in the complicated and daunting process of receiving breast cancer care," said Mr. Duncan. "We are also working on obtaining funding for a lodging area where the women can stay during their treatment period in the capital city," he said.

The recent trip also emphasized the need for patient education. There are some in the community that believe that cancer is contagious, that surgery spreads cancer throughout the body or that cancer is due to curses, evil spirits and various other supernatural etiologies. "We hope that our education campaign will help to eradicate these myths, opening the path to early diagnosis and effective care for these women," said Mr. Duncan.

The Uganda breast imaging program is being described in an electronic exhibit featured at the ARRS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

New breast imaging algorithm brings breast cancer diagnosis and treatment to underserved area of Uganda [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 13-Apr-2013
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Contact: Samantha Schmidt
American Roentgen Ray Society

Radiologists are a step closer to implementing a program in an underserved region of Uganda for diagnosing and treating women with palpable breast masses.

The program combines a unique diagnostic algorithm along with targeted community outreach, said medical student Chris Duncan working with the organization Imaging the World. Imaging the World, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing diagnostic imaging to underserved areas around the world, has multiple obstetrical imaging programs currently operating in Uganda and plans to expand both the obstetric imaging and breast imaging programs.

"We just returned from a trip to Kamuli, Uganda where we laid the groundwork for implementation of the diagnostic algorithm," said Mr. Duncan, a fourth year medical student at University of Vermont. "Our team met with local stakeholders, determined available treatments and identified potential barriers," he said. "The meetings helped ensure that we can create appropriate local resources prior to our program roll-out this summer," he said.

The diagnostic algorithm is designed to be simpler and more effective than the current course of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment for women in Uganda, a region where most breast cancer patients are diagnosed with late stage breast cancer, said Mr. Duncan.

The algorithm focuses on breast ultrasound as an initial diagnostic tool for evaluating palpable breast masses. The breast ultrasound exam is done by minimally trained personnel who follow a standardized scanning methodology. The ultrasound images are then compressed, uploaded to a server through a cellular network, and interpreted at another location by an imaging expert. (Research continues in the U.S. to evaluate the quality of the images obtained using the algorithm, with preliminary results suggesting that the images are more than adequate for evaluating breast masses, said Mr. Duncan)

After the images are interpreted, the results are sent back to the clinic where the ultrasound was performed. If the results indicate the need for a biopsy, the patient is referred to the district referral hospital. "We have trained local surgeons to perform both fine-needle and core biopsies using ultrasound guidance," said Mr. Duncan. If the biopsy is positive for cancer, the patient is referred to the major tertiary referral hospital in the capital city for treatment. "We are hiring a patient care navigator to assist women in the complicated and daunting process of receiving breast cancer care," said Mr. Duncan. "We are also working on obtaining funding for a lodging area where the women can stay during their treatment period in the capital city," he said.

The recent trip also emphasized the need for patient education. There are some in the community that believe that cancer is contagious, that surgery spreads cancer throughout the body or that cancer is due to curses, evil spirits and various other supernatural etiologies. "We hope that our education campaign will help to eradicate these myths, opening the path to early diagnosis and effective care for these women," said Mr. Duncan.

The Uganda breast imaging program is being described in an electronic exhibit featured at the ARRS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tips On Overcoming Your Dental Phobia |

April 1, 2013 author Health & Fitness

Most people experience fear in going to a dental checkup. You would know you are among these people if you would rather endure the pain of your toothache and stick to your known routines just to alleviate the pain or better yet divert your attention just to ignore the throbbing pain of your tooth. Everything in the dentist?s room, from the sound of its drill to the white tray, all would feel like instruments of putting you into bad shape. The secret to conquering it is going to a dentist that is skilled and experienced who can handle everything gently and smoothly.

The key to finally conquering your fear is to choose the best dentist in the area. You?ll want to choose a dentist who is not only highly skilled with modern dental procedures and new technologies, but also someone who is highly proficient at making patients feel well at ease. Use these top four ways of choosing your ideal dentist and finally defeating your fears.

1. Go and visit the dental clinics you?ve shortlisted and spend time talking with the staff and the dentist. Do this before you make any appointments. The initial visit will help you get a sense of how the staff and the dentist interact with patients. This would also be an excellent time to come clean about your fears and find out how the dentist will go about addressing them during your procedures. By going on this ?tour,? you basically establish trust and determine the dentist?s chairside manner.

2. When you finally make that first appointment with the dentist, take it slow. Your initial procedure should be an easy one to handle, like teeth cleaning. If your fear is as overwhelming as most people?s, talk with your dentist before the simple procedure. Establish a signal that will tell him or her that you feel the need to take a breather. The ideal dentist will ask you during your cleaning if you feel any pain at all and perform the procedure according to your level of comfort.

3. Use the sedation procedures offered by your dentist. Dental procedures have improved by leaps and bounds, thanks in large part to the development of new technologies and better sedation techniques. Your dentist may recommend nitrous oxide or anti-anxiety medication. Of course, never take medication without your dentist?s approval because you never know what side effects might occur.

4. Consider relaxation techniques before you go in for complex procedures like dental implants or other services like the Invisalign Coral Gables orthodontists offer. You can try breathing exercises, do yoga, or listen to music that calms your nerves. The best way to get rid of nerves before your visit is to schedule your appointment in the morning. This way you avoid having to work up an anxiety during the day.

To help you overcome your dental phobia, find out through this site.

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First ARM Cortex-A57 processor taped out by TSMC, ready for fab

ARM CortexA57 processor taped out, ready for fab

Your current smartphone just took another spin backwards on the obsolescence cycle thanks to a new landmark from ARM and TSMC: the first Cortex-A57 has reached the "tape out" stage, meaning it's ready for mass production. The new chip will use TSMC's 16nm FinFET technology (though the transistors will be 20nm for the A57) and will bring three times the CPU power of current chips for the same battery life -- or five times the battery life at the same speed. The companies said they ramped the chip from design to tape out in a mere six months, though there's no timetable for its arrival in specific devices. When it does start hitting next gen phones and slates though, expect the performance charts to get singed.

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Sales Manager Business Travel - Carlson Wagonlit ...

Job ID: 49402

Job Views: 46

Location: Brussel ? Bruxelles

Sector: Travel Agencies - TMC's

Contract: Fixed: full-time

Posted: 04.01.2013

Job Description

Company Overview:
Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT) delivers efficient and innovative solutions to optimize travel and meetings and events management, by leveraging our global reach with the best people and superior service
CWT is a global leader specializing in business travel management. CWT is dedicated to helping companies of all sizes, as well as government institutions and non-governmental organizations, optimize their travel programs and provide best-in-class service and assistance to travelers.
By leveraging the talents and know-how of its people around the world and providing leading-edge technology and innovative solutions, CWT enables clients across the globe to drive savings while delivering service and enhancing security and sustainability.
CWT also plays a major role in meetings and events management, providing strategic know-how and a host of services and technology solutions that help companies make the most of their investment.

Job Description:
The Sales Manager Business Travel is responsible for acquisition of new national or international prospects and the retendering process of existing national and international clients. The Sales Manager Business Travel will sell the CWT concept of Travel Management to prospects and existing clients.
- Approaches new and existing clients to sell CWT's Travel Management services and solutions
- Sells to prospects and, in interaction with the account management team,is involved in rebids of existing clients
- Quotes RFP's and offers, finds solutions and closes contracts.
- Evaluates the current client/prospect environment with regards to Travel Management and proposes solutions, services and travel program optimization.
- Makes an inventory of requirements and needs and builds relationships with clients and prospects.
- Represents CWT in presentations at the client/prospect.
- Writes "executive summaries" for offers and RFP's and instructs the Sales Support Specialist how to optimize the offers / presentations.
- Updates and manages the CRM database.
- Builds a sales pipeline and executes against agreed sales budgets.
- Makes proposals to management with regards to new services and solutions, based on market knowledge and research and client input.
- Indicates market trends and developments and feeds this back into the organization.

Reports and contacts:
- Reports into the Head of Sales Belgium - Luxembourg.
- Part of the Sales Department
- Interacts with Sales Managers, Program Managers, Operations, CWT International, Marketing & Communications.

Job Requirements

- Experience in sales. Preferably in the Airline, TMC, Hotel or B-2-B Services industry.
- Fluent in Dutch, French and English
- Master/Bachelor degree with excellent analytical skills
- Potential to grow within the organization
- Sales and service oriented
- Results driven, team player, well organized

- Competitive salary, company car, pension scheme, insurances, cheques repas/ maaltijdcheques, commission and bonus, benefits related to working in the travel industry...
- Motivating and dynamic environment working for a major international company.
- Self-development, training and career opportunities.

Apply directly by clicking on the "apply now /solliciteren /solliciter" button or contact Jeroen van der Velde for more information via e-mail: or by telephone: 02/719.03.55.


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Monday, April 1, 2013

Jake Fischer: The Evolution of the Final Four

The 2013 NCAA Tournament may perhaps be one of the wildest in the event's 75 years of existence. We've all been witness to the No. 15 Seed Florida Gulf Coast Eagles' success and two No. 1 Seeds fail to reach the Elite 8. The majority of the basketball world has watched in awe as these dedicated and passionate student athletes fight for victory on either CBS, TNT, TBS or truTV. In fact, According to Nielsen numbers CBS Sports and Turner Sports' coverage of March Madness "averaged a 6.3/14 overnight rating/share, the highest rating for the opening week of the NCAA Tournament in 23 years, when the tournament expanded to its current format."

But, what about seeing the games in person?

If you've attended the first weekend of the NCAA Tournament in year's past or this season, you know the buzzing excitement that fills every crevice of each arena. It's not just the brand of exciting basketball that is being played just feet in front of your face, but it's the speed of the day and volume of the atmosphere that makes March Madness truly eclipse other sporting events.

When the Tournament debuted in 1939, the men's basketball championship game was held in Patten Gym, an arena in Evanston, Ill. that seated just 1,000 people. Over the years, as the tournament's hype and impact on American culture has grown, so has its championship game's attendance. Eventually, the tourney's championship game moved to venues like Freedom Hall and Madison Square Garden that can seat around 19,000 fans.

Today, the NCAA has recognized the tourney's energy and, in recent years, has made an effort to allow as many fans to experience the championship weekend festivities. For the past several years, the Final Four and Championship weekend has been held in enormous football and baseball complexes all across the country in order to maximize attendance, allowing tens of thousands of fans to attend the games. And, 2013 will be no different.

Besides, morphing a football stadium into a basketball arena is American entertainment at it's finest!

Next weekend, the 2013 Final Four will be held at the Georgia Dome and the seating capacity is expected to range anywhere from 70,000-80,000. The attendance record for an NCAA men's basketball championship game was 72,922 back when the game was held at Detroit's Ford Field in 2009.

Now, how can one become apart of these fabled festivities?

The easiest way is to be a student of the participating universities. During the First Four in Dayton, schools were allocated approximately 200 tickets for students and members of their basketball programs. In the second and third rounds of the tourney this year, schools were granted 550 tickets per game.

But, if you're not in school, prepare to shell out some cash.

When Final Four tickets first hit the open market, prices were already pretty steep. And, now that the tournament has promised compelling and theatric play, prices of Final Four tickets will undoubtedly skyrocket.

Originally, of the 14,392 tickets that, a ticket allocation site that provides fans an opportunity to both buy and sell tickets, the average ticket price for the Championship game was $616.89. If you want to just go to the Semifinals, you can get there for a much cheaper average $535.56 per ticket, according to the site.

What is truly incredible is the price many people will pay to be thousands of feet away from the game action. On Friday afternoon, before the Sweet 16 kicked off, SeatCrunch's NCAA Men's Final Four Page had tickets available in the upper-deck of the University of George football stadium for $218.00. And, crazily enough, SeatCrunch is also offering parking passes for the event for -- what is actually a great price considering the event -- $120.

If those numbers don't show how valuable and coveted Final Four tickets have become, what does?

Thus, as the NCAA Tournament celebrates its 75th anniversary with an eye-popping competition, the tourney's championship game has certainly come a long way from it's original 1,000 seat location.

Will you be there?


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T-Mobile's new plans: Ten frequently asked questions

T-Mobile SIM Card

T-Mobile just dropped one helluva big change on us, completely redesigning its plans and how it sells devices.

No matter how simple they are or how you explain them, there are bound to be questions left unanswered. We've been keeping an eye on the burning questions people are having regarding the changes, and done our best to answer them below. We implore you to first take a look at our full set of announcement posts from Tuesday, where we break down the gritty details of the different plans, as well as some device announcements and other details:

Still curious to know a little more about T-Mobile's new rate plans? Hang around after the break and see if we can clarify a few things.

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