Thursday, March 21, 2013

3 workplace safety tips |

The most important way employers can reduce their workers? compensation costs is to reduce the likelihood of workplace injuries by frequently evaluating workplace safety. While business owners may set up procedures early on in the creation of their business, these rules and policies risk being overlooked if they aren?t clear, official or updated periodically.

Business that create or revise their current workplace safety policies should consider the following ways employees, supervisors and employers can reduce the risk?of injury and illness.

Make safety a central component of job training
Before?educating new hires on business safety standards, employers should ensure rules and policies are officially stated in clear language in the organization?s policies. A copy of these regulations should be given to every employee.

SCF Arizona offers a free safety template checklist that helps employers create this critical tool in implementing a workplace safety program.

During training, workers should learn about all potential hazards, accidents and dangerous situations and how to prevent them. In addition, it?s important to train employees on proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and all tools and equipment. Workers should feel comfortable coming to their supervisor or employer with safety-related questions or concerns.

It may also be beneficial to designate an individual at the company to enforce company safety policies and make sure workers comply with the workplace safety program. This employee may also regularly inspect PPE to ensure it is up to code and provides protection.

Be the good kind of know-it-all
Employers who understand every aspect of their business can effectively limit danger in the workplace. It?s a good idea to inspect property and tools frequently to catch any potential hazards before they become a serious problem. Because work conditions can vary depending on the weather, staff additions, equipment purchases and other factors, employers may want to monitor the safety of their environment consistently.

Business owners and managers can make sure they know about the responsibilities, daily tasks and requirements of every job in their company. Employers and supervisors who know exactly which safe practices to expect from employees will be able to correct any risky work behavior before it results in a hazardous situation.

Finally, employers should be aware of workers? health and well-being. Employees who are out of shape may be more susceptible to injuries. In addition, some physical job demands may be too much for certain workers. It?s a good idea monitor the workload to determine whether it is equally distributed or if a worker should be assigned different or modified tasks.

Business owners and supervisors shouldn?t be the only people keeping their eyes on potential hazards in the workplace. Encourage workers to speak up if they see or hear something that could place anyone at risk of injury or illness.

Lead by example
Many workers view their bosses as role models. Employees learn a lot from the behavior managers and employers exhibit, which is why it is crucial for these leaders to always model the highest standard of safety practices.

It?s important to never break safety rules or give workers the permission to do so. In addition, managers and business owners should avoid speaking negatively about rule compliance. Employers may consider setting up a rewards system for employees who demonstrate safe behavior. For example, managers can hand out small perks like gift-cards to workers who demonstrate the best use of PPE.


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