Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What?s Good for the Pope is Good for the Ayatollah: Khameini Joins Facebook

Unclear how Iran's Supreme Leader feels about Insta's new TOS.



So what if Iran doesn?t ?like? Facebook?if government Internet filters block the social media site, if a state-run news channel once claimed that Mark Zuckerberg offered a?cash prize to Israelis that kill Palestinians?

When you?re Supreme Leader, those kinds of national prejudices don?t apply: Ayatollah Ali Khameini created a Facebook profile on Friday, and already has more than 10,000 likes.

It?s not Mr. Khameini?s first foray into social media, according to The Register:

This isn?t the first time the Supreme Leader has used the internet to spread his message, either. Khamenei, who came to power in 1989, has maintained an official Twitter feed for several years, and in August he actually joined Instagram.

As for the profile itself, it?s full of photos of Mr. Khameini, and while the writing appears to be in Farsi, there?s a video with English subtitles. It remains to be seen whether the Islamic leader will be as enthusiastic a user as Pope Benedict XVI, whose profile has been updated regularly since last year.


Follow Patrick Clark on Twitter or via RSS. pclark@observer.com

Source: http://betabeat.com/2012/12/whats-good-for-the-pope-is-good-for-the-ayatollah-khameini-joins-facebook/

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