Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis: New Couple Alert?!?

They starred together on That 70s Show and now a new report says they've reunited... in bed!

Tragically for men everywhere, Ashton Kutcher appears to have spent the weekend with Mila Kunis, going furniture shopping with the gorgeous actress and then dining with her in Studio City before returning - sigh... - to Ashton's mansion in the Hollywood Hills.

"Ashton was touching Mila's hand and Mila was all dressed up," a witness tells X17. "She looked hot; this was definitely more than a dinner between friends - this was a full-on date!"

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis

If valid, this report would mark Kutcher's second sex romp with a famous beauty. He's also been linked, for one night at least, with Rihanna, leading us to ask a simple question:

Why, sexy ladies? Why?!?!?!

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