Monday, January 30, 2012

A Spring Break to Remember (IC-Mature)


The butler rushed through the large mansion of a beach house and cleaned with great speed. They?d be arriving anytime now and he had to make sure that everything was in order. The light of the day filtered in through the glass doors and windows and seasoned the beach house with beauty. The butler finished his cleaning and organizing. The last of the paint and decorating crew left with no trace that they had been there. All the rooms that the students would inhabit were designed based on the specifications they had sent in with their application.

The butler smiled as he placed eight credit cards on the table in the living room area. This area was adjacent to the front door, and the first place the students would go. It was next to the beautiful kitchen; just around the corner in fact. Each card had the name of the student on it, and a spending limit of 5,000 dollars. The butler also placed two keys on top of each card. The first key was shaped like a heart and it was the entrance key to the mansion. The second key was shaped like the state the student came from. This key was the room door keys. There was also a key card given only to those students who were twenty-one and older. Those students who were twenty-one and older would find the key cards underneath their credit cards. After making sure that everything was in place, the butler stood up straight and waited outside in front of the front door for the arrival of the students. He had been hired to make sure that the student?s stay was one full of relaxation.

Each room contained its own full sized bathroom, as well as a 40" flat screen television, a blu ray player, and a laptop on the bed that would be used to keep the online journals. There were also computer desks in each room as well as a office on the first floor of the beach house. This place was definitely only for the rich and famous, but for this Spring Break, it was going to be the place to be for these lucky students
Adrian Sanchez

The plane landed at the airport, delivering its cargo of passengers to their destination. Those aboard the plane were kindly asked to gather their belongings inside the terminal, and to enjoy their stay in Miami, Florida. Two individual who hadn?t seen each other in quite a while stepped off the airplane. Adrian Sanchez, a young mathematics major, stepped into the terminal and grabbed his bags. He hadn?t noticed anyone while he made sure that all of his belongings were present. He kept his earphones in and listened to his music while he gathered his things and made his way to the front end of the terminal. As he moved towards the front end, a guy caught his eye. If he wasn?t so preoccupied with getting to the beach house, he would?ve thought that he had seen someone he once knew. Sighing, he noticed the large sign the read ?Adrian Sanchez? which was held by some uptight driver. He approached the man and smiled.

?I?m Adrian Sanchez,? he stated as he followed the well-dressed driver.

The drive to the beach house was a relaxing one, and it eased Adrian?s nerves from the plane ride. He didn?t like planes, for his fear of heights always made him queasy during plane rides. He laid his head back and attempted to find some solace during this ride.

?Excuse me, sir, we?re here,? the driver stated as he softly shook Adrian awake.

Adrian awoke with a slight jump having forgotten that he was in a different place. The driver smirked and helped Adrian with his belongings. All three suitcases were carried up to the mansion entrance and sat down just outside the front door where the butler stood.

?Welcome to Miami Florida. I trust that your stay here at the estate will be a marvelously relaxing one. Others are on their way, but while they are in transit, please do come in, and find your room. Each room has a name plate on it; it is a simple game of find the room. Again, do enjoy your stay. Once everyone is here I will explain things to do.?

Adrian smiled and carried his bags inside the mansion. He took the closest stairs and found his room with little problem. He walked in and nearly cursed. The room was designed to his specifications. It was amazing. Everything was in place. A laptop computer lay on the bed. Adrian trailed a finger along the laptop and smiled. This place was awesome. He took his bags and lined them up along the wall adjacent to the door to his room. He was very satisfied and overly excited to meet the rest of the group. Until then, he turned on the TV, a 40? flat screen that was probably in every room in this place. He lay on the extremely soft yet comfortable bed and waited for the butler to retrieve him.


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