Saturday, June 18, 2011

Newspaper review


The planned strikes by teachers and civil servants - with the possibility of industrial action by other workers - is in all the papers.

The Guardian says it feels like a return to the Thatcher era.

The Independent thinks some young Conservative MPs must be asking themselves: "Didn't she see off all this for good?"

Yet The Sun says despite their drubbing by Margaret Thatcher, union bosses are at it again.

The leader writers dismiss union concerns about changes to pensions.

In the Daily Mail's view state workers will still be far better off than most of their counterparts in the wealth-creating private sector.

The Sun says the UK cannot afford to pay for pensions that private sector workers are denied.

The Independent says public sector workers can no longer defend their pensions as fair compensation for low pay.

The Daily Telegraph leads with Alan Milburn's intervention in the debate on the government's revised proposals for the NHS in England.

Writing for the paper, he complains that changes to the legislation will slow the pace of reform.

The paper says that as Labour Health Secretary Mr Milburn began many of the reforms David Cameron is pledging.

According to The Times, Mr Cameron's plan to open public services to competition is set to be delayed.

The political and financial crisis in Greece features as the main story for The Guardian and the Financial Times.

The Guardian says European Union governments are gridlocked over how to respond to the debt emergency.

The Sun's leader column warns that public support for the coalition's cuts strategy here will vanish if Britain bails out Europe's "basket cases".

The Daily Mirror reports that Prince Harry is to return to fight in Afghanistan, a story that is also in The Sun.

Finally, the computer giant, Apple, is said to be developing software that would stop ticket-holders at concerts, festivals and sports events from filming them or taking pictures on their phones.

According to The Times, if a person were to hold up their iPhone, it would trigger the attention of infra-red sensors installed at the venue - disabling the camera function.

The technology is an attempt to protect the interests of event organisers and broadcasters who have exclusive rights to film them.

This article is from the BBC News website. ? British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.


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