Sunday, March 31, 2013

SAfrican official: Mandela better from pneumonia

FILE - In this Wednesday, July 18, 2012 file photo, former South African President Nelson Mandela as he celebrates his 94th birthday with family in Qunu, South Africa. A South African official says Mandela is breathing "without difficulty" after having a procedure to clear fluid in his lung area that was caused by pneumonia. (AP Photo/Schalk van Zuydam, File)

FILE - In this Wednesday, July 18, 2012 file photo, former South African President Nelson Mandela as he celebrates his 94th birthday with family in Qunu, South Africa. A South African official says Mandela is breathing "without difficulty" after having a procedure to clear fluid in his lung area that was caused by pneumonia. (AP Photo/Schalk van Zuydam, File)

Children look through a fence at a portrait of former president Nelson Mandela in a Park in Soweto, South Africa, Thursday, March, 28, 2013. 94-year-old Mandela, the anti-apartheid leader who became South Africa's first black president, has been hit by a lung infection again and is in a hospital, the presidency said. Mandela, has become increasingly frail in recent years and has been hospitalized several times in recent months, including earlier this month when he underwent what authorities said was a scheduled medical test. The Nobel laureate is a revered figure in South Africa, which has honored his legacy of reconciliation by naming buildings and other places after him and printing his image on national banknotes. (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)

A worshipper atop a hill overlooking Johannesburg offers Good Friday prayers and prayers for the quick recovery of former president Nelson Mandela Friday, March 29, 2013. A lung infection that has plagued Nelson Mandela has struck again, prompting doctors to admit the 94-year-old former president to a hospital late at night. The presidency said Friday that Mandela was making "steady progress" during hospital care. (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)

Worshippers atop a hill overlooking Johannesburg offer Good Friday prayers and prayers for the quick recovery of former president Nelson Mandela Friday, March 29, 2013. A lung infection that has plagued Nelson Mandela has struck again, prompting doctors to admit the 94-year-old former president to a hospital late at night. The presidency said Friday that Mandela was making "steady progress" during hospital care. (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)

A child stands in front of a portrait of former president Nelson Mandela in a Park in Soweto, South Africa, Thursday, March, 28, 2013. 94-year-old Mandela, the anti-apartheid leader who became South Africa's first black president, has been hit by a lung infection again and is in a hospital, the presidency said. Mandela, has become increasingly frail in recent years and has been hospitalized several times in recent months, including earlier this month when he underwent what authorities said was a scheduled medical test. The Nobel laureate is a revered figure in South Africa, which has honored his legacy of reconciliation by naming buildings and other places after him and printing his image on national banknotes. (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)

(AP) ? Nelson Mandela is breathing "without difficulty" after having a procedure to clear fluid in his lung area that was caused by pneumonia, the spokesman for South Africa's president said Saturday.

Mandela, the 94-year-old former president and anti-apartheid leader, had a recurrence of pneumonia, said presidential spokesman Mac Maharaj. South African officials had previously not specified that Mandela had pneumonia, saying instead that he had a lung infection.

Mandela's medical team reported that the increasingly frail ex-leader "had developed a pleural effusion which was tapped," the office of President Jacob Zuma said in a statement. "This has resulted in him now being able to breathe without difficulty. He continues to respond to treatment and is comfortable."

Pleural effusion is a buildup of fluid around the lung that can make it harder to breath. Doctors usually drain it with a tube.

The president's office thanked all who have prayed for Mandela and his family and have sent messages of support. Well-wishers included Kazempe Tambala, a street vendor in the Johannesburg township of Soweto.

"He's still our hero," Tambala said. "We wish him all the best. Get well soon, Mandela! We still love you here in Soweto."

Mandela was admitted to a hospital near midnight Wednesday night in the capital, Pretoria. It was his third trip to a hospital since December, when he was treated for a lung infection and also had a procedure to remove gallstones. Earlier this month, he spent a night in a hospital for what officials said was a scheduled medical test.

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate has been particularly vulnerable to respiratory problems since contracting tuberculosis during his 27-year imprisonment for fighting white racist rule in his country.

The elderly are especially vulnerable to pneumonia, which can be fatal. Its symptoms include fever, chills, a cough, chest pain and shortness of breath. Many germs cause pneumonia.

Many South Africans are including Mandela in their prayers on the Easter weekend, and spokesman Maharaj said expressions of concern have poured in from around the world. On Thursday, President Barack Obama said he was worried about Mandela's health, but noted he was as strong physically as he has been in leadership and character.

Mandela became South Africa's first black president in 1994 after elections were held, bringing an end to the system of white racist rule known as apartheid. After his release from prison in 1990, Mandela was widely credited with averting even greater bloodshed by helping the country in the transition to democratic rule.

Zuma's office has said doctors were acting with extreme caution because of the Mandela's advanced age.

Mandela is a revered figure in his homeland, which has named buildings and many other places after him and uses his image on national bank notes. He is also seen around the world as a symbol of reconciliation.

Associated Press


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Dorf on Law: Vegan Wine (Cross-Posting with the Society of Wine ...

By Mike Dorf

The leaders of the Society of Wine & Jurisprudence at Cornell Law School--yes, that is a real organization--asked me to write something for their blog.? I agreed to write about vegan wine.? Hence the following post appeared there?a couple of days ago and I'm cross-posting here today.

As an ethical vegan, I am often asked strange questions.? ?Would you eat roadkill??? ?If you were in a lifeboat with a cow, a chicken and Dick Cheney, which one would you eat first??? Etc.

These questions are not silly merely because they are hypothetical.? Lord knows that as a law professor, much of what I do is ask my students hypothetical questions, often quite bizarre ones.? I do so to test the principle that a court or a student has espoused (e.g., ?the federal government lacks the power to regulate inactivity?) by exploring circumstances in which the intuition underlying the principle appears to break down (e.g., ?can federal labor law forbid secondary boycotts??).

I do not doubt that many of the strange questions I am asked have the same purpose.? My interlocutor hasn?t met a lot of vegans and is making a genuine effort to understand the ethical principle that motivates me.? I am always happy to answer questions asked in this spirit, even if I have answered them many times before.

Some of the questions I am asked appear to have a different purpose, however.? ?Are your shoes leather?? is often a question designed as a trap.? If I say yes, the questioner can conclude that I am a hypocrite who can be safely disregarded.? If I say no, my questioner will conclude that living as a vegan is so demanding as to be impossible for anyone but a single-minded zealot.? (In fact, my belts, shoes, sneakers, boots, and all of my other clothes are made from man-made materials, and were quite easy to obtain.)? Nonetheless, I try to answer every question as though it were asked in good faith, in part because you never know when it really was.

For a comprehensive effort to answer the sorts of questions people frequently ask vegans, I highly recommend Professor Colb?s forthcoming book, Mind if I Order the Cheeseburger?.?? But while you?re awaiting that book?s appearance in stores and online (in May), I want to discuss one of the few circumstances in which I find being vegan a bit of a challenge: purchasing vegan wine, beer and spirits.
But wait, you say.? Aren?t all wines, beers and spirits made from fruits and vegetables?? The truth is a bit more complicated.? Although wine, beer and spirits consist almost entirely of liquids derived from non-animal sources, the process by which the raw materials are converted into these liquids frequently uses animal products, most commonly to filter out impurities.? As one helpful website explains: ?The most common animal ingredients used in wine making are isinglass (a very pure form of gelatine from sturgeon fish bladders), gelatine (extract from boiled cow?s or pig?s hooves and sinews), egg whites (or albumin) and caseins (a protein from milk).?

Now if one were a vegan purely for health reasons, one would not have reason to worry much about the use of animal products for filtering.? Occasionally, the filtering would leave a trace of some animal product, but not in sufficient quantities to make a noticeable health difference.? However, as an ethical vegan (who sees health as a beneficial side effect of veganism), my chief concern is to avoid consuming products that are made using processes that deliberately harm or kill sentient beings.? It?s not enough to avoid eating the animals.? I don?t want to eat (or otherwise contribute to the economic demand for) products that have been produced by harming or killing animals.

Many wineries, breweries and distilleries produce excellent wines, beers and spirits (respectively) using non-animal filtering agents.? The tricky part is that labels typically do not say whether a particular wine, beer or spirit has been produced with or without filtration through animal products.

Luckily, we live in an age of technological marvels.? The website Barnivore provides a great deal of information on numerous wines, beers and spirits.? And there?s an iPhone app called VeganXpress, which pulls in the latest info from Barnivore, in addition to listing information about food available in stores, movie theaters and chain restaurants.? (Did you know that the corn on the cob and the green beans at KFC are vegan?? I?m not recommending that anyone go there.? I?m just saying that if I were to find myself in a lifeboat run by KFC, I wouldn?t have to kill and eat Dick Cheney.)

Barnivore and other similar websites have a few shortcomings, however.? For one thing, these sites tend to focus on whether the wine (or beer or spirit) is vegan, not on whether it is good.? As a result, one needs to cross-index with some sort of quality rating.? If you?re ordering online, that?s easy enough, and a well-stocked store will typically have a wide enough selection that you can find a good wine that?s also vegan.? But if you?re at a restaurant, you may find yourself out of luck.

Part of the problem is that the listings aren?t fully comprehensive.? For example, Barnivore has no listing for Konstantin Frank, one of the better local wineries.? Understandably but sometimes frustratingly, Barnivore tends to list the largest commercial enterprises and those that specifically reached out to Barnivore.? Again, if one is buying for home, that?s not a problem.? But it does mean that one is sometimes left guessing at restaurants.

Finally, even when Barnivore has a listing, it is not always fully informative.? For instance, Barnivore lists Johnnie Walker Scotch whiskey as ?vegan friendly? based on the following email it received from the company: ?In regards to your inquiry, please do note that Johnnie Walker does not?contain any animal by-products.?? That?s good to know but not quite enough.? One can imagine that each bottle of Johnnie Walker whiskey passes through a filter specially made for that one bottle from a chimpanzee brain.? If the brain left no residue in the whiskey, then it would contain no ?animal by-products? but would be totally unacceptable to an ethical vegan (and, I imagine, totally unacceptable to most everyone else as well).? Now it happens that I know a little bit about the making of whiskey and so I have reason to think that it?s extremely unlikely that Johnnie Walker uses animal products at all (much less chimp brains).? But the information provided on Barnivore is not quite sufficient to support that conclusion.

Where does this all leave me?? Despite occasional frustrations at restaurants, I have no problem purchasing a more-than-adequate supply of high-quality vegan wine, beer and spirits.? In other words, if I have a drinking problem, the problem is not that I?m not drinking enough!


Postscript: The post above appears almost exactly as it does on the SW&J website but I wrote it a week earlier, not realizing it would run during Passover.? Some readers may now be wondering "can a wine be vegan and kosher for Passover?".??Fear not.? The answer is yes.? All Manischewitz wines are vegan!


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Confederate flag comes down at old N.C. capitol

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) ? A Confederate battle flag hung inside the old North Carolina State Capitol last week to mark the sesquicentennial of the Civil War is being taken down after civil rights leaders raised concerns.

The decision was announced Friday evening, hours after the Associated Press published a story about the flag, which officials said was part of an historical display intended to replicate how the antebellum building appeared in 1863. The flag had been planned to hang in the House chamber until April 2015, the 150th anniversary of the arrival of federal troops in Raleigh.

"This is a temporary exhibit in an historic site, but I've learned the governor's administration is going to use the old House chamber as working space," Cultural Resources Secretary Susan Kluttz said Friday night. "Given that information, this display will end this weekend rather than April of 2015."

Kim Genardo, the spokeswoman for Gov. Pat McCrory, said the exhibit that includes the Confederate battle flag will be relocated, possibly across the street to the N.C. Museum of History.

The decision was a quick about-face for the McCrory administration, which initially defended the display. Many people see the flag as a potent reminder of racial discrimination and bigotry.

State Historic Sites Director Keith Hardison had said Thursday the flag should be viewed in what he called the proper historical context.

"Our goal is not to create issues," said Hardison, a Civil War re-enactor and history buff. "Our goal is to help people understand issues of the past. ... If you refuse to put something that someone might object to or have a concern with in the exhibit, then you are basically censoring history."

North Carolina NAACP president Rev. William Barber was shocked Friday when he was shown a photo of the flag by the AP.

"He is right that it has a historical context," Barber said. "But what is that history? The history of racism. The history of lynchings. The history of death. The history of slavery. If you say that shouldn't be offensive, then either you don't know the history, or you are denying the history."

Sessions of the General Assembly moved to a newer building a half-century ago, but the old Capitol building is still routinely used as a venue for official state government events. McCrory's office is on the first floor, as are the offices of his chief of staff and communications staff.

The Republican governor was in the House chamber where the Confederate flag hangs as recently as Thursday, when he presided over the swearing-in ceremony of his new Highway Patrol commander.

The presentation of the Confederate battle flag at state government buildings has long been an issue of debate throughout the South. For more than a decade, the NAACP has urged its members to boycott South Carolina because of that state's display of the flag on the State House grounds.

Prior to taking his current job in North Carolina in 2006, Hardison worked as director at the Mississippi home of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, which is operated as a museum and library owned by the Sons of Confederate Veterans. The group has led the fight in the South for the proud display of the Confederate flag, which it contends is a symbol of heritage, not hate.

Hardison said the battle flag was displayed with other flags described in the diary of a North Carolina woman who visited the Capitol in 1863. A large U.S. flag displayed in the Senate chamber is reminiscent of a trophy of war captured from Union troops at the Battle of Plymouth.

"I thought, wouldn't it be wonderful to recreate this?" Hardison said. "I think we were all thinking along the same vein. ... The Capitol is both a working seat of government, in that the governor and his staff has his office there. But it is also a museum."

Hardison pointed out that the national flag used by the Confederate government, with its circle of white stars and red and white stripes, is still flown over the State Capitol dome each year on Confederate Memorial Day. The more familiar blood-red battle flag, featuring a blue "X'' studded with white stars, was used by the rebel military.

David Goldfield, a history professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and author of the book "Still Fighting the Civil War," said the battle flag can hold starkly different meanings depending on a person's social perspective.

"The history of the Confederate battle flag, how it was designed and formulated, how it has been used through the years, clearly states that it is a flag of white supremacy," Goldfield said. "I know current Sons of Confederate Veterans would dispute that, saying 'Hey, I'm not a racist.' But the fact remains that the battle flag was used by a country that had as its foundation the protection and extension of human bondage."

The NAACP's Barber said the McCrory administration eventually made the right call, but questioned how the decision to hang the flag was made in the first place.

"A flag should represent a banner of unity, not division," Barber said. "A substantive symbol and sign of our best history, not our worse. We cannot deny history but neither can we attempt to revision it in a way that glorifies the shameful and attempts to make noble that which is ignoble."


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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Someday Soon, Video Games Will Look Like This Incredible Unreal Engine 4 Graphics Demo

So this is gorgeous. The video up top is a leaked demo of the Unreal Engine 4. It's been shown at GDC, and Kotaku isn't sure if it's a new, next gen game or just a tech demo. But either way, it's stunning for in-game visuals. More »


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Millennials poised to redefine the auto market

For most automakers, baby boomers are the proverbial 800-pound gorilla that still drives the industry, the biggest buying group in terms of raw vehicle sales and, in particular, the generation spending the most for each of the cars they buy.

But manufacturers are preparing for the arrival of a new group that could soon not only outnumber the boomers but also demand some big changes in the type and size of vehicles the industry produces. Generation Y, also known as the millennials, offer both tantalizing opportunities and major challenges, according to executives at this year?s New York International Auto Show.

Slideshow: The 2013 New York Auto Show

Millennials are becoming ?the new face? of American auto buyers, asserted Jim Farley, Ford Motor Co.?s global sales and marketing chief, during his keynote speech at the auto show. ?And we?ll be surprised,? he added, ?by what they choose.?

According to U.S. Census Bureau data, there are more than 80 million American consumers approaching age 30, which means that each year millions more are moving into the new vehicle buying demographic. Indeed, according to the recent ?Gen Y in the Driver?s Seat? study by consulting firm Deloitte, they already represent about 40 percent of the nation?s potential car buying population ? though they are still well outnumbered by boomers when it comes to the number of new vehicles sold each year.

Chevy Rolls Out New 2014 Camaro

In fact, that ?potential? doesn?t necessarily translate into the same mindset toward buying and owning cars that was seen when boomers came of age. Nearly a third of American 19-year-olds haven?t bothered to get a driver?s license, according to a new study, continuing a downward trend that finds fewer and fewer millennials plugging into the American car culture.

?Virtual contact reduces the need for actual contact,? suggested Michael Sivak, co-author of the study by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. ?We found that the percentage of young drivers was inversely related to the availability of the Internet.?

In 1983, well before the advent of texting, e-mail and online gaming, 83 percent of American 19-year-olds were licensed. By 2010, found UMTRI, that was down to around 70 percent.

Another study, jointly carried out by General Motors and Viacom?s MTV Scratch unit, found just 32 percent of 3,000 American millennials surveyed saying they were interested in cars ? though it also showed 69 percnet viewing the purchase of a car a ?milestone? in becoming an adult.

Which brand millennials turn to is also up in the air. Auto data-tracking service finds that Japanese makers have steadily lost ground with millennials at the expense of Detroit and Korean makers ? a sharp reversal of the trend when baby boomers were first entering the new car market.

?Don?t think we have the millennials figured out," Ford senior marketing executive Amy Marentec recently said, but she added that domestic automakers are beginning to show signs of ?cracking the code.?

The market data suggest that younger buyers are generally more interested in green technology than their parents? generation, something that could drive demand for hybrids, plug-ins and battery vehicles. On the other hand, the higher cost for such technologies is so far restricting sales.

Millennials are downsizing, several executives said. That?s one of the reasons why Audi has such big hopes for the next-generation A3 sedan it showed reporters during a sneak peek in New York. It will become ?the third leg? for the brand, said Audi of America chief Scott Keogh, and should drive other makers to rethink the future of their bigger products.

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Keogh also emphasized that the new generation of buyers ?isn?t willing to compromise,? even though they?re on a tighter budget than boomers. They expect that even entry-level products have a much higher level of refinement ? and advanced features like infotainment systems capable of accessing social media services.

The new generation has ?an incredible taste for luxury,? echoed Ford?s Farley, adding that millennials now expect to get more for less, no longer expecting that they have to pay a substantial premium for high-line brands. ?And as the price of luxury cars drops,? he said, ?don?t be surprised if they make luxury cars their first (new vehicle) purchase.?

For the industry, delivering on those expectations could be challenging. It could strain resources in the short-term, but those brands which can meet the demand could come to dominate the new generation much as marques like Toyota, Nissan and Honda were the favorites of the boomers.


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Artificial spleen to treat bloodstream infections: Sepsis therapeutic device under development

Mar. 30, 2013 ? The Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University announced today that it was awarded a $9.25 million contract from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to further advance a blood-cleansing technology developed at the Institute with prior DARPA support, and help accelerate its translation to humans as a new type of sepsis therapy.

The device will be used to treat bloodstream infections that are the leading cause of death in critically ill patients and soldiers injured in combat.

To rapidly cleanse the blood of pathogens, the patient's blood is mixed with magnetic nanobeads coated with a genetically engineered version of a human blood 'opsonin' protein that binds to a wide variety of bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, and toxins. It is then flowed through microchannels in the device where magnetic forces pull out the bead-bound pathogens without removing human blood cells, proteins, fluids, or electrolytes -- much like a human spleen does. The cleansed blood then flows back to the patient.

"In just a few years we have been able to develop a suite of new technologies, and to integrate them to create a powerful new device that could potentially transform the way we treat sepsis," said Wyss founding director and project leader, Don Ingber, M.D., Ph.D. "The continued support from DARPA enables us to advance our device manufacturing capabilities and to obtain validation in large animal models, which is precisely what is required to enable this technology to be moved towards testing in humans."

The team will work to develop manufacturing and integration strategies for its core pathogen-binding opsonin and Spleen-on-a-Chip fluidic separation technologies, as well as a novel coating technology called "SLIPS," which is a super-hydrophobic coating inspired from the slippery surface of a pitcher plant that repels nearly any material it contacts. By coating the inner surface of the channels of the device with SLIPS, blood cleansing can be carried out without the need for anticoagulants to prevent blood clotting.

In addition to Ingber, the multidisciplinary team behind this effort includes Wyss core faculty and Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Science faculty member Joanna Aizenberg, Ph.D., who developed the SLIPS technology; Wyss senior staff member Michael Super, Ph.D., who engineered the human opsonin protein; and Mark Puder, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pediatric Surgery at Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School who will be assisting with animal studies.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Wyss Institute.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Easter Holidays in Poynton

Easter might just be our favourite break of the year and we?re hoping to get spring sprung by getting out and about with the kids. You won?t have to go far?.Here are some things to do in/ nearby to Poynton?.

Old Time Fair at Brookside Garden Centre, on 29 March 2013 ? 01 April 2013 An Old Time Fair will be at Brookside Garden Centre this Easter on 29th, 30th March and 1st April (closed Easter Sunday).? For further information, please contact the garden centre.

FREE Easter Egg Hunt at Woodford Garden Centre, on 29 March 2013 ? 07 April 2013 Join in the fun this Springtime?FREE Easter Egg Hunt at Woodford Garden Centre. Every correct entry recieves a chocolate lolly. Fri 29th ? Sun 7th April 11am-4pm.

Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Bramhall Village, on 23 March 2013 ? 06 April 2013
Starting on March 23rd and running until 6th April, children in Bramhall can take part in an Easter Egg Hunt organised by independent retailers in the village. ?The 15 participating stores will all have a poster in the window and a map showing all the local shops in which an egg is hidden. Every egg has a letter on it, which the child will need to write down. They?ll also get a sticker to prove they?ve found it. The letters will spell out a simple phrase, which will win the child his/her Easter Egg prize, collectable at A Sweet Thought.

Easter Egg Hunt at St. Paul?s Community Room, on 29 March 2013 ? 29 March 2013
Come and join us for some Eggcelent Family Fun! From 11am-1pm. ?2 / child (Max ?5/family) Preschool & Primary age egg hunts & quiz. Cryptic Code Cracking Hunt for KS2 children. Refreshments & Hot Cross Buns available. Don?t forget your basket! (Organised by Friends of St. Paul?s).

Lambing Season at Blaze Farm, on 29 March 2013 ? 12 April 2013
Watch lambing at Easter at Blaze Farm, Wildboarclough. Lambing season takes place over Easter every year at Blaze Farm.? Watch our flock of sheep lambing from the viewing gallery. ?1 admission to the shed. Open 10am-5.30pm, Tues-Sun & Bank Holidays. Follow this link? for directions.

Easter Bunny Trail, Hatworks, Stockport 1100-1600hrs, on 29 March 2013 ? 31 March 2013
Visit Hat Works this bank holiday weekend and take part in our Easter bunny trail, you never know, you might just win a prize! Suitable for all ages 11am ? 4pm Free. Just drop in Contact: 0161 474 2399

Paper Hat Making, Hatworks, Stockport 1100-1600hrs, on 29 March 2013 ? 31 March 2013
Visit Hat Works this Bank Holiday and get the chance to decorate your very own hat. Pick up your pack of craft materials from reception, then make and decorate your paper hat on the gallery floor! Suitable for all ages 11am ? 4pm Free. Just drop in Contact: 0161 474 2399

Easter Quiz, Bramall Park. All day, on 29 March 2013 ? 14 April 2013 Head to Bramall Hall for their Easter Quiz this holidays. Search for the chicks, scramble the clues and collect your treat. Suitable for children 4 ? 10 years and available during opening hours. Free with normal admission fee. Contact 0161 474 2020

Easter Mad Hatters Hat Party, Bramhall, on 30 March 2013 ? 30 March 2013 Come and join the FREE craft workshop and make your very own Easter hat to take home! 11am-3pm ? Village Square, Bramhall. Plus you can meet the Mad Hatter, Queen of Hearts and the Easter Bunny himself!


Treacle Market ? Macclesfield, on 31 March 2013 ? 31 March 2013
The Easter Treacle Market is a quality Arts, Antiques,Crafts, Food and Drink Market held on the cobbles of the historic old Marketplace in Macclesfield.? With over? 100 stalls it stretches into Chestergate, Mill Street and Castle Street. Held on the last Sunday of every month from 10am-3pm.

Easter Eggstravaganza at Lyme Park, on 31 March 2013 ? 01 April 2013
Fabulous family trails, with a special Easter prize. Outdoor games, face painting and fun.? 11am-4pm House and Garden admission applies. NT members free admission, each trail adittional ?1. Last admission time: 4pm. Adult ?11 (House and garden admission), Child ?7 (House and garden admission), Family ?25 (House and garden admission)

Easter Weekend Special at The Miners Arms, Adlington ? Treasure Hunt & Easter Bonnet Competition, Quiz & Food.

The Grand Easter Festival, Bramall Park, 1100-1600, on 31 March 2013 ? 31 March 2013 Join us for a great family day out and special fundraising day organised by the ?Friends of Bramall Hall & Park?. A variety of side shows, stalls and activities in and around the Hall. A vintage bus, a display of hawks and owls, an Easter treasure hunt and much more. Looks set to be a fab family day out!. Suitable for all ages 11am ? 4pm Adults ?1.50, Children Free Just drop in. Contact: 0161 474 2020


Easter Animal Craft, Hatworks, Stockport, on 02 April 2013 ? 04 April 2013
Make yourself an Easter chick, Bunny or Lamb at this fun crafts workshop. Suitable for ages 5 ? 11 10.30am ? 12 noon and 1pm ? 2.30pm ?3.50, Leisure Key ?3 Booking Essential Contact: 0161 474 2399

Easter Activity Days at Poynton Leisure Centre, on 02 April 2013 ? 12 April 2013
Poynton Leisure Centre provide Easter Holiday Activity Days for children aged 5-12 years. Mon-Fri 9am ? 5pm.?The morning session is 9am ? 12:30pm and the afternoon session is 1:30pm ? 5pm, with a supervised lunch in between.?There are limited spaces, so?book now to avoid disappointment. Full details here.

Easter Soccer Academy at Poynton Leisure Centre, on 02 April 2013 ? 05 April 2013
Soccer Academy provides fully supervised soccer coaching from qualified F.A. Coaches. Includes a goalkeeping coaching course.?Sessions will run each day from 9:00am ? 5pm For boys and girls aged 5 ? 10 years and 11 -14 years.?Full details and contact info here.

Everybody Learn to Swim Scheme Crash Courses at Poynton Leisure Centre, on 02 April 2013 ? 05 April 2013
Children can?either start swimming as a beginner or continue swimming as an improver on one of our 1 week intensive courses.?Courses include: Beginners; Stages 1, 2 & 3; Stages 4 & 6 and stroke development. This is for children aged?4 and above, each lesson lasts for 30 minutes. Full details and contact info here.?Prices start at ?16!

Little Book of Memories at Lyme Park, on 05 April 2013 ? 05 April 2013
Make an Edwardian scrap book, inspired by those at Lyme. 1-3pm All ages welcome. FREE activity, but garden admission applies, NT members free.


FREE Horrid Henry Creative Writing Work shop at Poynton Library, on 09 April 2013 ? 09 April 2013

FREE Horrid Henry story and activity afternoon at Poynton Library from 2-3pm. Join Explore Learning for a creative writing workshop (5-8 years). Book in advance 01625 374818

Easter Active Play at Poynton Library, on 11 April 2013 ? 11 April 2013

Easter Active Play?at Poynton Library from 10.30am (5-8 years). Book in advance 01625 374818, More details to follow.

Story teller Elizabeth Morris at Poynton Library, on 12 April 2013 ? 12 April 2013
Story teller Elizabeth Morris will weave wonderful stories of myths and legends from?10.30-11.15am. Tickets are ?3. Places for this Easter event will probably sell faster than hot cross buns, so book your place now. Contact the library on 01625 374818

Enjoy your Easter break.

Don?t forget we have a special Days Out Offer article, where you can get discounts off Knowsley Safari, Legoland, Stockley Farm and more. Click here


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Friday, March 29, 2013

Science Explains the Best Way to Get Songs Out of Your Head

Science Explains the Best Way to Get Songs Out of Your HeadSome songs just get stuck in your head, whether you like them or not. However, a recent study claims to have found the key to kicking that Taylor Swift tune out of your head: puzzles.

The sticky songs we call earworms engage what psychologists call the Zeigarnik Effect: our tendency to experience intrusive thoughts about things we start and don't finish. A song's catchy hook or chorus is particularly prone to intrude your thoughts if you don't know the next verse, leaving them unfinished in your mind. So, to excise that tune, finish something simple:

"The key is to find something that will give the right level of challenge," said Dr Ira Hyman, a music psychologist at Western Washington University who conducted the research. "If you are cognitively engaged, it limits the ability of intrusive songs to enter your head.

"Something we can do automatically like driving or walking means you are not using all of your cognitive resource, so there is plenty of space left for that internal jukebox to start playing.

Likewise, if you are trying something too hard, then your brain will not be engaged successfully, so that music can come back. You need to find that bit in the middle where there is not much space left in the brain. That will be different for each individual."

Don't have a quick crossword or anagram readily available? Check out our other tips for ditching that earworm, and read the full study over at Wiley Online. Or just give in and put that jam on repeat.

Get that tune out of your head - scientists find how to get rid of earworms | The Telegraph via The Atlantic

Photo by Joe Loong.


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Nuclear-capable stealth bombers sent to S. Korea

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) ? The U.S military says two nuclear-capable B-2 bombers have completed a training mission in South Korea amid threats from North Korea that include nuclear strikes on Washington and Seoul.

The statement Thursday by U.S. Forces Korea is an unusual confirmation. It follows an earlier U.S. announcement that nuclear-capable B-52 bombers participated in ongoing U.S.-South Korean military drills.

The U.S. says the B-2 stealth bombers flew from a U.S. air base and dropped munitions on a South Korean island range before returning home.

The announcement will likely draw a strong response from Pyongyang. North Korea sees the military drills as part of a U.S. plot to invade and becomes particularly upset about U.S. nuclear activities in the region.

Washington and Seoul say they the annual drills are routine and defensive.


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Thursday, March 28, 2013

eBay's Sell it Forward splits auction proceeds with Goodwill

eBay's Sell it Forward splits auction proceeds with Goodwill

eBay's latest initiative is a little different from its more recent efforts that have focused mostly on re-branding and expanding the reach of PayPal. Sell it Forward encourages users to sell their used clothes and donate half the proceeds to Goodwill. The pilot program is currently only available in San Francisco, San Mateo, and Marin, though the company is going out of its way to make the process as painless as possible for those in eligible areas. Instead of creating listings for each item, wannabe auctioneers need only fill the pre-paid mailing bag (provided by eBay) with the clothes and accessories they wish to sell. Everything else will be taken care of for them. Employees will decide if your wares are in decent enough condition to sell, create a listing and, if the item is sold within 14 days, split the proceeds between the "seller" and Goodwill. If the item remains unsold for 14 days it becomes a straight donation to the charity. If you're in one of the trial areas and want to give Sell it Forward a go yourself, hit up the source link.

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Via: The Verge, Business Insider

Source: eBay


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BlackBerry Prolongs Its Day of Reckoning

To bastardize Mark Twain, the revival of BlackBerry has been greatly exaggerated.

The troubled smartphone maker notched a small win with its latest quarterly earnings report, announcing a modest profit of $98 million. Analysts had been expecting a loss, which is why the earnings news boosted the stock price by about 3 percent.

BlackBerry clearly isn't dead yet. Its new BlackBerry 10 smartphone, which will come in several varieties, has earned good reviews, and the company said it sold a million units in the first month the device went on sale. Most of those sales were in a handful of overseas markets, where BlackBerry's devices have remained more popular than they are in the United States.

[RELATED: The One Thing BlackBerry Must Do to Reboot]

But the once-hot Canadian company still faces severe challenges, and even its CEO, Thorsten Heins, acknowledges BlackBerry may eventually need to find a buyer, unable to go it alone. The Z10 touch-screen phone that's just going on sale in the United States must win back at least some of the customers lost in recent years to Apple and Android phones. And the Q10, which features BlackBerry's popular physical keyboard and goes on sale later this spring, must turn out to be a complement to the Z10 rather than a competitor that cannibalizes BlackBerry's own sales.

[PHOTOS: BlackBerry Maker Unveils New Phones]

Even if BlackBerry were to build a killer phone, it still requires a helping hand from wireless carriers such as AT&T and Verizon.

"There's still room for BlackBerry in the smartphone market," says Carolina Milanesi of technology-research firm Gartner. "The first thing to watch will be the amount of advertising carriers put behind it, and how much support BlackBerry gets from the carriers. A lot of work still needs to be done."

BlackBerry also needs to persuade developers to write new apps for the BB10, which is possibly the biggest disadvantage BlackBerry faces compared with Apple and Android devices. Above all, the company needs to reestablish a cool factor, something that's extremely hard to do once a company has drifted down to also-ran status.

Despite the recent profit, there are discouraging signs. BlackBerry's subscriber base fell during the recent quarter form 79 million users to 76 million, a bigger drop than many analysts anticipated.

[READ: Google Glass? A Smartwatch? No Thanks]

"We expect the company to continue to lose subscribers lured away by the iPhone 5 and Galaxy SIII," Standard & Poor's said in its latest report on BlackBerry. "Also, we believe the high price of the BB10 devices will make them a difficult sell in emerging markets, where BlackBerry has had a big impact in recent years with its less expensive handsets."

Some stock analysts think a recent run-up in the company's shares--which have risen 26 percent since the start of the year, as the company has finally executed the launch of its much-awaited BB10 devices--could be a high-water mark. Analysts polled by S&P Capital IQ expect BlackBerry to lose money through 2016, which is as far into the future as such forecasts go. As Apple itself has proven, anything can happen in the hot market for smartphones, so BlackBerry could still bust a move that makes it a player once again. The question is whether anybody will notice.

Rick Newman's latest book is Rebounders: How Winners Pivot From Setback to Success. Follow him on Twitter: @rickjnewman.


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Teens' struggles with peers forecast long-term adult relationships

Mar. 28, 2013 ? Teenagers' struggles to connect with their peers in the early adolescent years while not getting swept along by negative peer influences predict their capacity to form strong friendships and avoid serious problems even ten years later. Those are the conclusions of a new longitudinal study by researchers at the University of Virginia that appears in the journal Child Development.

"Overall, we found that teens face a high-wire act with their peers," explains Joseph P. Allen, Hugh P. Kelly Distinguished Professor at the University of Virginia, who led the study. "They need to establish strong, positive connections with them while at the same time establishing independence in resisting deviant peer influences. Those who don't manage this have significant problems as much as a decade later."

Researchers followed about 150 teens over a 10-year period (starting at age 13 and continuing to 23) to learn about the long-term effects of their peer struggles early in adolescence. They gathered information from multiple sources -- the teens themselves, their parents and peers, and by observing teens' later interactions with romantic partners. The teens comprised a racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically diverse group.

Teens who had trouble connecting well with their peers in early adolescence had difficulty establishing close friendships in young adulthood. Teens who didn't connect well at 13 also had more difficulty managing disagreements in romantic relationships as adults.

Teens who had trouble establishing some autonomy and independence with peers (especially with respect to minor forms of deviance such as shoplifting and vandalism) were found to be at higher risk for problems with alcohol and substance use, and for illegal behavior, almost a decade later.

Conversely, teens who were seen as desirable companions -- those deemed empathetic, able to see things from different perspectives and control their impulses, and having a good sense of humor -- were more likely to have positive relationships in young adulthood.

Teens who were able to establish some autonomy vis a vis peers' influences were more likely to avoid problematic behavior in young adulthood, with teens who showed they were able to think for themselves in the face of negative peer influences using less alcohol as early adults and having fewer problems with alcohol and substance abuse as young adults. But teens who were seen as desirable companions were more likely to have higher levels of alcohol use in early adulthood and future problems associated with alcohol and substance use.

"The findings make it clear that establishing social competence in adolescence and early adulthood is not a straightforward process, but involves negotiating challenging and at times conflicting goals between peer acceptance and autonomy with regard to negative peer influences," Allen notes.

"Teaching teens how to stand up for themselves in ways that preserve and deepen relationships -- to become their own persons while still connecting to others -- is a core task of social development that parents, teachers, and others can all work to promote," adds Allen.

Teens who managed both of these goals simultaneously -- connecting with peers while retaining their autonomy -- were rated by their parents as being most competent overall by age 23. "There is a positive pathway through the peer jungle of early adolescence," says Allen, "but it is a tricky one for many teens to find and traverse."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Society for Research in Child Development, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Joseph P. Allen, Joanna Chango, David Szwedo. The Adolescent Relational Dialectic and the Peer Roots of Adult Social Functioning. Child Development, 2013; DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12106

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CyberTech Technology. [Don't post]

Technology in 2066 hasn't changed much, aside from the minor (and major)improvements in efficiency. There are still no flying cars, there are still no soldiers wearing power armor (even though the idea is being heavily researched into and has already progressed into multiple prototype stages). Hell, there still aren't any robots fighting our enemies in our place.

The future lied to all of us.

Oh, wait.

We're part of CyberTech Security (more specifically, the Special Activities Division). Being part of a privately owned Research and Development company, that holds contracts with DARPA and the CDC (or what's left of both organizations), designing military-grade weapons and equipment (such as power armor, perhaps?) While our tech can be considered on par with the United States military, being part of Delta Squad certainly has its perks: We get to wear whatever fuckin' armor we can wear (including our own modifications, provided that Corporate gives us the green light on what we can mod), whatever fuckin' weapons we can hold in our two hands, and certainly operate whatever fuckin' vehicles we can climb into.

Provided we stay and work together.

Here's a list of the list of "shit" CyberTech has to offer to us (special people).

AEGIS Advanced Armor Defense System
The AEGIS AADS is self-contained and capable of withstanding most elements and hazardous conditions, created by Cybertech Corporation as a modular means of defense against the infection, exclusively for the 102nd Special Activities Division. The suit's Tactical helmet sports limited air supply and air filters, and completely encases the operative's head and face. Sensors built into the helmet allow them to also see in infra-red and night-vision, crucial should the lights go out. A comm system is build into the face-mask, including a broadcast speaker.

It enhances the speed and power of the wearer, a sharp contrast to previous versions which required powered motors to allow the users mobility. Because of this advancement, the design more closely resembles an actual suit of armor, as opposed to a powered exoskeleton. On one level, the user moves the suit, and in return, the suit moves the user. This allowed for an incredibly compact design when compared to the previous incarnations.

The pyramid-shaped helmet has led to the nickname of "Diamondback" by both military and security personnel alike.

XLR8 Advanced Reconnaissance Combative Awareness Suit
The ARCAS is a Ghost-exclusive variation of the AEGIS AADS, in which instead of the increased protection that the defense system provides, it is outfitted with a lighter amount of armor to provide better mobility. The system is also equipped with a prototype optical cloaking system that helps remove the visual spectrum from any infected that rely on sight. However, since it's in a prototype stage, there are times where the system will fail to activate, often leaving the operative within sight.

Advanced Lifeform Interface for Combat Environments
ALICE is an operative's semi-intelligence system. Also known as their best friend. Programmed into each operative's suit, ALICE will provide basic information regarding its user, such as both mental and physical conditions, as well as information relating to other members of the operative's team via voice commands. It will also provide both basic and tactical information about the user's environment, such as temperature and infection levels, and is capable of providing the general location of other users (including Ghost operatives).

ALICE is also connected to Dispatch to provide a stronger connection with Corporate.

[Under Construction]


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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

SpaceX Dragon cargo ship leaves space station

This image provided by NASA-TV shows the SpaceX Dragon commercial cargo craft as it is backed away from the International Space Station early Tuesday March 26, 2013 by the International Space Station's Canadarm2 robotic arm. The Dragon is expected to splash down in the eastern Pacific ocean approximately 246 miles off the coast of Baja Calif., later this morning. (AP Photo/NASA)

This image provided by NASA-TV shows the SpaceX Dragon commercial cargo craft as it is backed away from the International Space Station early Tuesday March 26, 2013 by the International Space Station's Canadarm2 robotic arm. The Dragon is expected to splash down in the eastern Pacific ocean approximately 246 miles off the coast of Baja Calif., later this morning. (AP Photo/NASA)

This image provided by NASA-TV shows the SpaceX Dragon commercial cargo craft after it was detached from the International Space Station early Tuesday March 26, 2013 by the International Space Station's Canadarm2 robotic arm. The two spacecraft were traveling Canada at the time. The rising sun and the curvature of the earth can be seen behind the spacecraft. The Dragon is expected to splash down in the eastern Pacific ocean approximately 246 miles off the coast of Baja Calif., later this morning. (AP Photo/NASA)

This image provided by NASA-TV shows the SpaceX Dragon commercial cargo craft as it is backed away from the International Space Station's Canadarm2 robotic arm early Tuesday March 26, 2013 on it's return to earth. The Dragon is expected to splash down in the eastern Pacific ocean approximately 246 miles off the coast of Baja Calif., later this morning. (AP Photo/NASA)

This image provided by NASA-TV shows the SpaceX Dragon commercial cargo craft after it was detached from the International Space Station at 4:10 a.m. EDT Tuesday March 26, 2013 by the International Space Station's Canadarm2 robotic arm. The two spacecraft were traveling over the western edge of California at the time. The Dragon is expected to splash down in the eastern Pacific ocean approximatel 246 miles off the coast of Baja Calif. later this morning.

(AP) ? The Dragon cargo ship has left the International Space Station and is on its way back to Earth.

Astronauts released the unmanned cargo ship from the end of the space station's giant robot arm Tuesday morning.

The parting occurred about 250 miles over the South Pacific. The privately owned spacecraft will splash down in the Pacific early in the afternoon. It's returning science samples and old space station equipment.

The California-based SpaceX company launched the Dragon from Cape Canaveral, Fla., at the beginning of March. NASA is paying SpaceX to periodically supply the space station.

Mechanical trouble caused a one-day delay in Dragon's arrival to the space station.

Three people are aboard the space station right now. They'll be joined by three more following this week's Soyuz launch from Kazakhstan.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New Treatment for Soiled Carpets | Farm Ranch - educationalist ...

If you want nothing more than to keep your home spick and span all year round, professional carpet cleaning (see ?quality carpet cleaning in Essex?) may be something you aim to try out. A fact to remember is that professional carpet cleaning can vary from one cleaning company to another. If it?s residential cleaning you seek, make sure you approach a firm that specialises in household cleaning. Popular services that should be offered by a specialist carpet cleaning company, include; carpet cleaning and carpet stain removal, professional rug cleaning, professional upholstery cleaning, professional curtain cleaning, mattress cleaning ? combatting bacteria and easing allergies and pet urine odour removal.

Carpet Cleaning

Should you have a young family, keeping on top of all your cleaning can be difficult. Sometimes there are simply not enough hours in the day to stay on top of all the daily cleaning duties. For tricky stains and hygienic surfaces, professional carpet cleaners can provide you with a cleaner and healthier home in as little as a few hours. By opting for professional cleaning services (see Southend-on-Sea carpet cleaner), you can benefit from an impressive cleaning performance, a 100% convenient and hassle-free service, non-toxic treatments for safe cleaning as well as a new lease of life for your carpets. Additionally, by opting for professional carpet cleaning, you can gain a cost-effective alternative to carpet replacement.?

Cleaning Your Rug

Rugs often get the brunt of day-to-day wear and tear, they are often treated like a mat and play host to toddlers playing with their toys, school children doing their school work, teenagers sprawled out watching the TV, not to mention the dog settling down with his newest chew toy. All this activity can lead to stains, from crayon and pen marks to tea or coffee and dog hair to last night?s takeaway. When your sofa is nearing the end of its life, rather than throwing it away and replacing it with a brand new one, why not give it a new lease of life by having it professionally cleaned. Professional rug cleaning restores the rug?s richness in colour enabling bright colours to be restored. It also means stains are eliminated, whilst flattened pile can be lifted.?

Cleaning Your Upholstery

Whether you have a leather upholstered suite or a fabric upholstered sofa, a deep-down professional clean will ensure your seating has never looked so clean. No matter on the fabric of your sofa, the correct cleaning solutions will be incorporated to ensure the best possible outcome for your sofa. With pre-inspection and spot testing, stains will vanish. Vacuuming with a professional-grade vacuum will result in a brand new and bright appearance. Thorough cleaning and spot removal with use of a hot carbonating extraction system will result in a sparkling clean suite, whilst deodorisation will result in a fragrant, fresh smelling sofa too.?

For more information on further services provided by a professional carpet cleaning company, in terms of your domestic cleaning needs, see more info.


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Mayor Bloomberg, The Great Liberal Ally? Not So Fast

Mar 26 (Reuters) - Leading money winners on the 2013 PGATour on Monday (U.S. unless stated): 1. Tiger Woods $3,787,600 2. Brandt Snedeker $2,859,920 3. Matt Kuchar $2,154,500 4. Steve Stricker $1,820,000 5. Phil Mickelson $1,650,260 6. Hunter Mahan $1,553,965 7. John Merrick $1,343,514 8. Dustin Johnson $1,330,507 9. Russell Henley $1,313,280 10. Kevin Streelman $1,310,343 11. Keegan Bradley $1,274,593 12. Charles Howell III $1,256,373 13. Michael Thompson $1,254,669 14. Brian Gay $1,171,721 15. Justin Rose $1,155,550 16. Jason Day $1,115,565 17. Chris Kirk $1,097,053 18. ...


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Sauna Visits May Lower Sperm Count

Frequent visits to the sauna may lower men's sperm count, although the effect appears to be temporary, a new study finds.

In the study, healthy Finnish men in their 30s with normal sperm counts spent 15 minutes in a sauna two times a week for three months, after which they stopped visiting the sauna.

The sauna sessions lowered the men's sperm counts, and they remained below normal for three months after the men stopped visiting the sauna, compared with the levels at the study's start. After six months, however, sperm counts returned to normal.

The findings make sense, said Dr. Andrew Kramer, a urologist at the University of Maryland Medical Center, because higher temperatures are known to affect sperm production. "The testicles hang down from the body in men to cool them," Kramer, said. Men with undescended testicles can have impaired sperm product and fertility, according to the researchers.

During the sauna sessions, scrotal temperatures increased by 3 degrees Celsius (5.4 F)

However, the new study did not assess the men's fertility, so it's impossible to know whether their fertility was lower during the period they took saunas. A man's sperm count does not always correspond to his fertility, Kramer said.

Because of this, saunas can't be used as a method of birth control.

The study also found that sauna exposure affected the way DNA was packed into the sperm cells, and impaired the mitochondria, the cell's powerhouse. This might explain why sperm production is less efficient during sauna exposure, the researchers said.

"Avoidance of testicular heating and in particular of sauna exposure (in those countries where sauna is largely used) could be suggested in the counseling of males seeking fertility [treatment]," said study researcher Carlo Foresta, a professor of endocrinology at the University of Padova in Italy.

However, Kramer said the study doesn't provide enough evidence to say that healthy men shouldn't visit the sauna. The study was small, with just 10 people, so more research is needed to confirm the results.

Additional studies are also needed to look at the effects of sauna exposure on men whose fertility is already impaired, or on boys who haven't yet gone through puberty, Foresta said.

Previous studies have also suggested that frequent use of hot tubs, as well as sitting for long stretches with a laptop on the lap, can temporarily lower sperm count, according to the Mayo Clinic.

The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Padova in Italy, was published online Feb. 14 in the journal Human Reproduction.

Follow Rachael Rettner @RachaelRettner. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily @MyHealth_MHND, Facebook & Google+.

Copyright 2013 MyHealthNewsDaily, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Monday, March 25, 2013

7 Pieces of Space History That You Can Own This Week

Bonhams auction house is hosting a space history sale tomorrow. They've done similar things in the past, but this one is more fun because it's now and Buzz Aldrin is opposed to it. Controversy and memorabilia! More »


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HTC drops 'Quietly Brilliant' slogan, promises more aggressive marketing

HTC drops 'Quietly Brilliant' slogan, promises more aggressive marketing

With things getting just a little bit too quiet in HTC's finance department, the marketing folks across the corridor have come up with a solution: drop the old "Quietly Brilliant" tagline in favor of something bolder. Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, HTC's new chief marketing officer, Ben Ho, said the company "hasn't been loud enough" in presenting its innovations. He didn't go as far as detailing a new motto, but after his recent remarks about the Galaxy S 4 we're expecting something punchy.

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Source: Wall Street Journal


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Humane Society Genesis Awards Honor Movers And Shakers For ...

The Drew Barrymore all-star cast feature film ?Big Miracle,? Stephen Colbert's satirical ?The Colbert Report,? David E. Kelley?s ?Harry?s Law,? "Rock Center with Brian Williams," Discovery Channel?s ?Ivory Wars,? ABC?s ?Nightline,? and global pop icon Ke$ha took home the honors in major news and entertainment media categories presented at The Humane Society of the United States? Genesis Awards Benefit Gala on Saturday, March 23, at The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills, Calif.

?Dancing with the Stars? popular judge and passionate animal advocate Carrie Ann Inaba hosted the ceremony.

Universal Picture?s ?Big Miracle? received best Feature Film for its inspiring true story about international efforts to save a family of trapped whales, Comedy Central?s ?The Colbert Report? picked up the Sid Caesar Comedy Award for its biting satire of a Congressman?s defense of dogfighting, and NBC?s ?Harry?s Law? won the Dramatic Series Award for a thought-provoking storyline questioning the ethics of keeping primates in captivity. Best TV Documentary went to Discovery?s ?Ivory Wars? for a penetrating look at the alarming escalation in elephant ivory trade, and the best TV Newsmagazine Award was shared between NBC?s ?Rock Center with Brian Williams,? for in-depth reporting on endangered orangutans and rhinos and the issue of chimps in research, and ABC?s ?Nightline? for an investigation into the shocking abuse of Tennessee Walking Horses by one of the industry?s best-known trainers.

Following in the footsteps of Genesis Award alumni Sir Paul McCartney, Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi, Hayden Panettiere, Kristin Davis and Ian Somerhalder, platinum-selling recording artist Ke$ha received HSUS? coveted Wyler Award for her dedication to spreading the word about multiple animal protection issues to her massive international fan base. Bestowed on a celebrity or public figure for increasing awareness of animal issues via the media, the award was given to Ke$ha in recognition of her work to spread the word about street dogs, the trophy hunting of endangered lions, shark-finning, Canada?s commercial seal slaughter, dogfighting and cruelty-free cosmetics, among many other important animal welfare concerns.

In other categories, Nat Geo Channel?s ?Wild Justice? snagged best Reality Series, ABC?s "World News with Diane Sawyer" took the National News Award, ?CBS This Morning? picked up best Morning Show, and Los Angeles? ?KNBC 4 News? won the Local TV News prize.

?We are so grateful to the news and entertainment media for keeping animal protection issues firmly in their view in genres as diverse as comedy programming and documentaries. Concern for the welfare of animals has universal audience appeal, and since so much of what negatively impacts animals occurs out of sight, it?s important that these issues remain in the media spotlight,? said Beverly Kaskey, senior director of HSUS? Hollywood Outreach program and executive producer of The Genesis Awards.

Among those who attended were Carrie Ann Inaba, Ke$ha, Kaley Cuoco (Big Bang Theory), Wendie Malick (Hot in Cleveland), Constance Marie (Switched at Birth), Moby (Musician), Elaine Hendrix (Fetching), Jon Huertas (Castle), Seamus Dever (Castle), Bellamy Young (Scandal), Pauley Perrette (NCIS), Hal Sparks (Lab Rats), Michael Vartan (Hawthorne), Charlotte Ross (Glee), Vanessa Marano (Switched at Birth), Diane Warren (Songwriter), Katie Cleary (Deal or No Deal), Kimberly Elise (Bounce), Owain Yeoman (The Mentalist), Shannon Tweed (Reality Star), Laura Marano (Austin & Ally), Fiona Gubelmann (Wilfred), Lindsay Pulsipher (Justified), Sophie Tweed-Simmons (Gene Simmons: Family Jewels), Lisa Guerrero (Reporter), Tamar Geller (Dog Trainer), Leilani Munter (Nascar Driver), Nikki Boyer (Yahoo?s Daytime in No Time), Ted Lieu (CA State Senator), Jackson Galaxy (My Cat From Hell), JoAnne Worley (Comedian), Taylour Paige (Bounce), Officer Michele Budish (Wild Justice), Officer George Struble (Wild Justice), Ken Kwapis (Big Miracle), Tony Denison (Major Crimes), Dominic Scott Kay (Pirates of the Caribbean), Ana Garcia (KNBC 4), Lou Wegner (Trouble With The Curve), Sarah Whalen (Wild Justice) and many others!


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